Jun. 28th, 2020


WHO: Draco, Dorcas, npc Botty, possibly Sirius
WHAT: Draco wakes up a prisoner
WHERE: Sirius and Dorcas' house
WHEN: 30th May, the morning after this and this
WHY: figuring things out
WARNINGS: Draco is a bit upset

It wasn't just a dream, it was the same dream as yesterday. )

Nov. 23rd, 2014


WHO: anyone and everyone - group thread
WHAT: Flourish and Blotts reopening
WHERE: Flourish and Blotts, Diagon Alley
WHEN: Saturday (22nd)
WARNINGS: mostly fluff, I think

It had been a long time coming, but Flourish and Blotts was finally re-opening. )

Jun. 15th, 2013


((Pretend like this was sent earlier in the week, because when I made it the first time flash crashed just as I'd finished and was about to save it, and I couldn't carry on right away because nyaghhh. Pretend all the details - date, time, location etc. - are on the reverse of the invite.))

Invitations sent to Antonin, Aziza, Bellatrix, Dorcas, Fabian, James, Katharina, Avery, Lucius, Narcissa, Parnel, Rodolphus, Severus, Sirius, Walden )

Feb. 10th, 2013


WHO: Amycus, Alecto, Dorcas, Sirius (and Fabian if Nichol so wishes)
WHAT: Reunion!
WHERE: Sphinx Suite of The Leaky Cauldron
WHEN: Saturday 9th February
STATUS: in progress

If only he and Alecto turned up, they were going to get very drunk and very full. )

Feb. 6th, 2013


Owls to Amycus, Alecto, Dorcas, and Fabian )


WHO: Dorcas Meadowes
WHAT: Birthday surprise
WHERE: Sirius and Dorcas' house
WHEN: Sirius' birthday
RATING: surprise!
STATUS: complete one-shot

Muggle-borns and those who had been raised amongst muggle borns often said things like, 'I love magic' )

Jul. 5th, 2012


Who: Dorcas Meadows and Fabian Prewett
What: Lunch date between besties
When: The day after the boys are released from the hospital around one thirty.
Where: That Chicken place off Diagon Alley
Why: Fabian doesn't like all this open relationship baloney that Dorcas is spouting and wants some clarity that she's okay. Because he cares about her okay!
Rating: L for language and G for grumpy because that's what Fabian is. Also brought to you by the number 3.

There was something about the situation that just doesn't sit right )


Owl to Dorcas )

May. 9th, 2012


WHO: Dorcas and Remus
WHERE: cafe on Diagon Alley
WHEN: backdated to Sunday 29th April
WHAT: a conversation about 'sharing' Sirius
RATING: a for awwwwwkward

There was no way that this conversation was ever going to be anything other than seriously awkward. )
Tags: , ,

Apr. 19th, 2012


Who: Sirius and Dorcas
What: A favour.
When: Not soon enough.
Where: Sirius and Dorcas' house.
Why: Because enough is too much.

The Big Remus Issue )

Feb. 26th, 2012


WHO: Dorcas and Sirius
WHAT: Dorcas is not talking to Sirius
WHEN: Saturday 25th February
WHERE: their house
RATING: PG for Dorcas' potty mouth

When the day was done and she was going home, she found she was just as annoyed as before )

Feb. 18th, 2012


WHO: Dorcas and Brianna
WHAT: Dorcas goes to see how the heavily pregnant lady is doing
WHERE: Brianna and Ed's home
WHEN: er, let's do Friday 17th. Dorcas works Saturday pretty much invariably.

Dorcas could not believe how pregnant Brianna had looked )

Oct. 11th, 2011


Who: Sirius and Dorcas
What: A confession of sorts.
When: After this ugly exchange.
Where: Sirius and Dorcas' home.
Why: Because it is possible to love two people.
Rating: Scary.

There was a hole inside Sirius where Remus use to be that no amount of platonic friendship could fill. )

Jul. 19th, 2011


WHO: Dorcas and Sirius
WHAT: Sirius wants to be the one to tell Dorcas about Harry
WHERE: their house
WHEN: 5th July 1980 (backdated) - after this
WHY: everyone who is told needs to thread. It is too cool not to.
RATING: PG for now
STATUS: in progress

How'd it go? )

Apr. 23rd, 2011


WHO: Dorcas and Sirius
WHAT: Sirius gets a surprise
WHERE: downstairs in his their house
WHEN: after this
WHY: because it has been long enough coming, and Dorcas thinks the journals are not really the place
STATUS: complete!

We’re having an important moment. Now be quiet )