Jun. 28th, 2020


WHO: Draco, Dorcas, npc Botty, possibly Sirius
WHAT: Draco wakes up a prisoner
WHERE: Sirius and Dorcas' house
WHEN: 30th May, the morning after this and this
WHY: figuring things out
WARNINGS: Draco is a bit upset

It wasn't just a dream, it was the same dream as yesterday. )

May. 30th, 2020


Owl to Draco )
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May. 2nd, 2020


Who: Harry, Draco, James, Sirius
What: Drugging Draco
When: May 1989
Where: Sirius' house.
Why: They need a memory Draco has but is reluctant to give up.

If he was going to get out, now was the time to do it. )