Feb. 26th, 2012


Who: Harry and Peter
What: A conversation.
When: Monday February 26 1981
Where: Peter's parents pub, The Weasel and Hare.
Why: Harry wants to make sure there haven't been any changes that will mess with his plans.

Harry had been lulled into a false sense of security. )
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Jun. 16th, 2011


Backdated to forever ago: The day after Alecto's (and Amycus') birthday

WHO: Carrow siblings, Peter
WHERE: Awkward doorway conversation, perhaps?
WHAT: Peter picks up Alecto at her house, and will meet Amycus for the first time.
WHEN: Saturday evening
WHY: Peter just wanted to get this over with, really.
RATING: Adult language, no doubt. What's that, PG-13? Yeah, we'll see.

Every tooth and every nail was scrubbed exactly ten times on each side )