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Dec. 28th, 2011


WHO: Remus and Sirius
WHAT: this has gone on long enough
WHERE: Sirius' house
WHEN: Wednesday late afternoon
RATING: probably their first ever PG

It didn't matter whose responsibility it was to make the first move, somehow or other )
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Delivered to Severus Snape on Christmas during the afternoon hours )
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Nov. 7th, 2011


WHO: James and Harry
WHAT: Harry has difficult news for James
WHERE: James' parents' house
WHEN: Friday 4th November, 1980
RATING: PG for sad

If Harry had felt the need to come back here and risk everything, then something needed to change, and he was damn well going to help Harry change it. )
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Oct. 11th, 2011


Who: Sirius and Dorcas
What: A confession of sorts.
When: After this ugly exchange.
Where: Sirius and Dorcas' home.
Why: Because it is possible to love two people.
Rating: Scary.

There was a hole inside Sirius where Remus use to be that no amount of platonic friendship could fill. )

Oct. 8th, 2011


WHO: Bellatrix and Rodolphus
WHAT: Bellatrix said nine days, nine days ago
WHERE: The Lestrange Mansion
WHEN: Sunday
STATUS: In progress

She wouldn't let herself get bored )

Sep. 24th, 2011


Owl Sent to Remus Lupin )
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Sep. 18th, 2011


Who: Ted and Remus with appearances from Andromeda and Nymphadora (if they like)
What: Ted offering Remus a job at Muggle Memorabilia
When: 14 September
Where: Tonks home
Why: Ted needs the help at work and Remus needed a job.
Rating: PG because Ted is to innocent.

Doesn't it feel good to have a job )
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Sep. 16th, 2011


16 September 1980

Owl to Severus Snape )
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Aug. 20th, 2011


WHO: Bellatrix Lestrange, Evan Rosier and Bellatrix's apprentice Ifran Boulstridge
WHAT: Oops she did it again....
WHERE: Madame Tussaud’s in London
WHEN: 17 August 1980
WHY: Bellatrix wants to play with her cousin!
RATING: PG-13 for violence and language
STATUS: in progress

No Knuts up Front! That's the B-Guarantee )

Aug. 6th, 2011


WHO: James, Sirius and baby Harry
WHAT: Sirius comes to see the baby
WHERE: Potter house
WHEN: Wednesday 3rd, after this
WHY: Harry's feet are too delicious
STATUS: in progress

Read more... )


WHO: James and Harry
WHAT: James is going to take care of his son
WHERE: James' parents' place
WHEN: Saturday 6th, after this
WHY: Harry is poorly
STATUS: in progress

Being a father really was the most brilliant thing ever )
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Aug. 1st, 2011


Happy Birthday Lucius

For his birthday, Narcissa gifted Lucius with a cat o' nine tails, once rumoured to belong to Salazar Slytherin's parents, and traceable to the house of Fen. It is woven from the chin-hairs of a Peruvian Vipertooth Dragon.

Jul. 31st, 2011


WHO: James and Lily
WHAT: wedding anniversary celebrations
WHERE: their house
WHEN: backdated like crazy to 16th July
WHY: because we forgot
STATUS: in progress

For most people, the smell of cooking breakfast would be a pleasant awakening )
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Jul. 29th, 2011


Who: Lily Potter and Severus Snape
When: 27 July 1980
Where: James and Lily's humble abode on Chestnut road
Rating: PGish
Summary: Severus comes by for a visit with Fish and Chips and something sweet.

Severus was due at any moment. )
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Jul. 23rd, 2011


Backdated to 23 July 1980

Owl Post to Severus Snape )
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Jul. 24th, 2011


WHO: Potter boys
WHAT: James wants to watch Harry seek
WHERE: by James and Lily's place
WHEN: Sunday 24th July, morning
WHY: James needs to fanboy Harry a bit for a change
STATUS: in progress

All the awkwardness, all the attempts to be James' friend, and yet boasting and showing off had apparently never occurred to him )
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Jul. 19th, 2011


WHO: Dorcas and Sirius
WHAT: Sirius wants to be the one to tell Dorcas about Harry
WHERE: their house
WHEN: 5th July 1980 (backdated) - after this
WHY: everyone who is told needs to thread. It is too cool not to.
RATING: PG for now
STATUS: in progress

How'd it go? )

Jul. 5th, 2011


WHO: James and Sirius
WHERE: Potter house
WHAT: James tells Sirius their mutual friend Harry is actually his son
WHEN: 5th July
WHY: Sirius will be well upset if they name the baby Harry
RATING: C for confusing
STATUS: in progress

This was going to be the weirdest conversation since Harry had told James and Lily he was his son from the future. )
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Jul. 1st, 2011


Who: Lily, James, and Harry Potter
When: The morning after this thread
Where: Lily and James's house in Godric's Hollow
Rating: No idea
Status: Incomplete
Summary: The following morning

What are you doing out here? )
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Jun. 21st, 2011


Backdated to the 18th

For Andromeda, found on the table morning of her birthday )

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