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Feb. 26th, 2008


[GW] (Off The Dollar) Menu

(Off The Dollar) Menu
by cozzybob

Pair: Duo, Heero.

Warning: disturbing images, depression, mental break down, starvation, language, the burial of burgers... gets a little intense. Please take the warnings seriously, I'm not joking this time.

Note: For gw500's "zone." Sort of a venting piece.

Summary: Duo doesn't eat meat.

El, You, En, A, Tee, Eye, See. )
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[GW] Good And Red

Good And Red
by cozzybob

Pair: 1+6+1

Warning: attempt at fluff? poor humor? get together fic, a pessimistic view on Christmas, kissie toward the end...

Note: For Ederyn's request in a drabble meme thingie: "I want a GW get-together fic for [Zechs and Heero], and I want the[m] to be the only ones in the fic."

Summary: Heero hates Zechs. Heero is a liar. Heero is frustrated. And Zechs is in his own little world.

These things needed to be kept simple. )
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[GW] She got a mortgage on my body

She got a mortgage on my body
by cozzybob

Rated: PG-13?

Pair: Dx5, Sx5, some D+6.

Warning: rampant het, swearing, cheating, drunkenness, angst, references to BDSM lifestyle and unplanned pregnancies. Prequel to Squeeze My Lemon

Note: Prequel to Squeeze My Lemon. Both titles are taken from the song Traveling Riverside Blues by Robert Johnson, and THIS was written specifically for the_dw, who is such a sweetie pie and likes my het! *squees hysterically* I also wanna nudge [info]woodlandelf again, simply because she still needs more love, and I love her so, yes I do.

Summary: Describing the relationship between Dorothy and Wufei prior to Zechs' arrival in Squeeze My Lemon.

...because he knew that Treize would hate to think of his favorite cousin living off whatever soup of chemicals currently found in her Lean Cuisines and Banquets. )

Feb. 25th, 2008


[GW] In The Line Of Duty

In The Line Of Duty
by cozzybob

Rated: R

Pair: Trowa, Duo, doomed OC

Warning: OC death, killing, tragedy, war-ness, angst. TWT?

Note: For gw500's "cross", #136.

Summary: Infiltration is just another word for betrayal.

You had me sing with you. I remember I smiled. )
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[GW] Squeeze My Lemon

Squeeze My Lemon
by cozzybob

Rated: NC-17

Pair: Dx6, mentions of Dx1, Dx2, Dx3, Dx4, and most especially Dx5. Not all at once, mind.

Warning: het, BDSM, bondage, toys, emotional lemon/orange, sappyness, some implied slash, femslash--but it's very slight.

Note: For Princess, who needs more het, more Dorothy, and more love in this crazy fandom. She knows why. ^^;

Summary: The woman they call Elphaba tames the impossible.

Being the best had that sort of charm. )


[Batman] Two Birds

Two Birds
by cozzybob

Pair: Dick Grayson, Harvey Dent, mentions of the Joker

Warning: first-time (and probably last-time) Batman fic, Arkam-ness, Dick-being-broody-ness, angst-ness, language.

Note: My first ever Batman fic. Or DC fic. Or comic fic at all. Have no idea where it came from, didn't even know Batman had a fic fandom, although I suppose that was inevitable. I just sorta booted up Jarte one day, and this was sitting there laughing at me. (That's what I get for marathon-reading Robin and Nightwing comics, I tell you. To me, Dick Grayson is almost more interesting than Bruce Wayne. Boy's got issues.) But anyway... enjoy.

This takes place a few years after Nightwing: Year One (other comics thereafter excluded because I haven't got there yet), where Batman fired Robin for (I hope) the last time, and our favorite sidekick dissed the yellow and red Boy Wonder to become... well, Nightwing! There are mentions of the Teen Titans and Batgirl, but nothing specific. That's all you really need to know to understand this crazy thing.

Summary: Nightwing pays Two Face a little visit at Arkam, but it's for all the wrong reasons.

The Bat had trained him better than this. )
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[GW] Death Takes One

Death Takes One
by cozzybob

Pair: Heero, Sandman's Death, Relena, some extremely subtle 1+2ish-ness

Warning: death by stroke, angst, sapness--hell, it almost made me cry and I freaking wrote it. *is terrible*

Note: The prequel to Death Speaks To Death About Death. Written mostly because everyone liked the other one, and you can't have too much of a good thing. Well, sort of. (Sorta crossover with Sandman's Death. You know, from the comic?)

Summary: Heero dies. Death takes him home.

He had never known a mother like Death. )
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[GW] Death Speaks To Death About Death

Death Speaks To Death About Death
by cozzybob

Pair: Duo, Sandman's Death, refs to unrequited 2+1. Slight 2+3 at the very end...

Warning: Sorta crossover with the Sandman comic. Heero is dead from the start, so obviously there's a bit of death, a cold and bitter Duo, angst, language, and the 5-stages-of-grief-ness. Lack of any real sobbing, if you catch my drift.

Note: Very late. This hit me while at work in the same exact position as Duo here, whacking away at a cast iron tub. Those who follow me will know the wallpaper bit screams truth. It will die. This is my first real death fic, and my first successful crossover, so all crit is warmly welcome.

Summary: Death pays Duo a visit shortly after Heero's sudden departure from the mortal coil, and the two have a face-off.

Oh, but I know who she is. I know it like I know how to breathe. )
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[Farscape] 1812 Says: Lakka Is For Losers

1812 Says: Lakka Is For Losers
by cozzybob

Pair: John, 1812, lil Pilot, Moya, refs to angsty J/A.

Warning: sap? almost-fluffiness? rampant DRDs being adorable. aww-factor. some minor angst, but that's just a given.

Note: Takes place somewhere during s4, Goddess only knows when.

Summary: 1812 is on a mission to make John happy.

1812 rammed into John's head where he lay stoned out on the terrace... )


[Farscape] My Side

My Side
by cozzybob

Rated: R?

Pair: John, Stark

Warning: psychobabbling, spoilers for s2, s3, and s4 in the portions that involve Stark, or the lack of him. language--ie: our bad words, not theirs.

Note: Takes place between the ending scenes of BT, many refs to the events of JQ and TC with some others here and there. Probably not for the biggest Stark/Zhaan fans. (I love Zhaan because she's a hypocrite, not because she's Protector of Moya...)

Summary: Shortly after the events of Katrazi, a shattered Stark confronts John about a certain game blob and its contents.

you stayed on your side, but you should have gone to my side )


[GW] In A Nutshell

In A Nutshell
by cozzybob

Pair: 1x2x1

Warning: post-war, dark, mutilation, gore, lots of blood, Shinigami!Duo, psychosis-ness. refs to prostitution, pedophilia, child abuse.

Note: This has been on my mind for quite a while so much thanks to gw500 and their "game" challenge for the inspiration. Originally, this was inspired from the infamous Duo-ese "boys don't cry" quote in Gundam Wing... I still don't know if it was misquoted or not, but I've heard a version where he says, "But momma said boys don't cry." It's also been said that he references his mother again in another part (I don't know if it's true, I haven't seen the series in a very long time), but either way, it got me wondering if Duo actually does know who his mother was. It's a thought, right? Forgive me if this is too far-fetched.

Summary: During an interrogation of an ex-ozzie with Heero, Duo unexpectedly reveals the truth of his origins, and the fact that he knows perfectly well where he came from.

I suppose you've already heard that motto about running and hiding and never lying. )
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[GW] Turtle Blues

Turtle Blues
by cozzybob

Rated: NC-17

Pair: Dx6, past 13x6

Warning: Het lemon, bondage, kink, gunplay, mind games, adult language & vulgarity, thoughts of abortion, family issues, angst, sap, emotional-ness. And pure unadulterated love of the blues. This is a sequel to Paceatur, but it can be read as a stand-alone. If you're curious, it's also set between the end of the series and Endless Waltz.

Note: This is my first full het lemon. Isn't that awesome? Written purely for Arabian Princess and Ederyn, who both squeeze the best pairings out of me. The title and the song sung within were taken from "Turtle Blues" by Janis Joplin. Which is the best. Song. Ever.

Summary: Dorothy has something she needs to tell Zechs, but her methods are a little unorthodox.

...maybe he was so used to seeing Dorothy nude and holding deadly objects that he hadn't thought to pay attention. )


[GW] Something In Your Eyes

Something In Your Eyes
by cozzybob

Pair: Zechs and Relena

Warning: pre-series, angst. maybe a little stalker-ness. (Now there's a thought--stalker!Zechs!! I. Would. Pay. To see that.)

Note: For the beat_of_destiny challenge, #64, "something in your eyes."

Summary: Zechs discovers that Relena has long forgotten her brother's existence. was then that he began to hate, even in his love for her. )


[GW] Death Goes Zero

Death Goes Zero
by cozzybob

Pair: Duo, mentions of Trant and Hilde

Warning: canon, violence, character deaths, massacre, what-if AU

Note: For GW500, "what if" scenario. Takes place during the episode, "The Battle Between Shinigami and Zero."

Summary: What if Duo's hallucinations in the Zero system came true?

The only good human being is a dead one. )
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[GW] Paceatur

by cozzybob

Rated: Rish

Pair: 6xD, refs to onesided 9+6, past 13x6

Warning: some bad words, het sexual situations, sex over a grave (lime), angst, sap, minor Noin bashing... takes place between the end of the series and EW.

Note: For Ederyn, because she had a very bad month. Paceatur is a legal term in Latin meaning: let him be freed or discharged.

Summary: The last time she had seen him, he had told her that he was going to die, and she said she knew it. And yet here they were a half-year later, both alive, and both wishing they weren't.

The grass was like a sea of emerald... )


[Farscape] Out Here

Out Here
by cozzybob

Pair: mentions of J/A and S/Z

Warning: death, dying-ness, depression, angst, some adult language. Err. lame?

Note: Sorta jumped on me. Spoilers for everything up to the Infinate Possibilities eps in s3.

Summary: After the disaster at Dam Ba Da, John faces his demons with the help of Stark.

Jack was not his father. )


[GW] It Has A Soul

It Has A Soul
by cozzybob

Pair: 13x6, refs to 9+6

Rated: NC-17

Warning: slash lemon (explicit man sex), dark, angst, Zechs-ish psychobabbling, stream of consciousness... a bit odd. Like, as in, odd.

Note: For the beat_of_destiny community, #34, troubled thoughts, claim of Zechs. This is the kind of thing that happens when I get inspiration in the middle of the night, and I'm not entirely awake enough to restrain the psycho!Cozzy tendencies. So if you have to read it twice to understand what the hell Zechs is babbling about, I apologize.

Summary: There is a soul in Zechs' mask. He puts it on, and it becomes him.

You love that mask more than you love me. )


[Farscape] For All The Times I've Said Yes

For All The Times I've Said Yes
by cozzybob

Rated: R

Pair: Grazya/Braca, Braca/Scorpius

Warning: some slash, some het, rampant sexuality, rape in various forms (Grayza to Braca), bit dark, strong language, mentions of death. Farscape-ness with a dose of Cozz-ness for good measure.

Spoilers: Takes place shortly after the What Was Lost episodes at the beginning of season 4, with spoilers up until then.

Note: Inspired, at the time, by my current desktop, and how weirdly hot it is even though Scorpius is the ugliest villain since Jabba the Hutt. Maybe it's the leather? But then, Braca holding anyone by the leash is hot, no matter what's on the other end of it. For all the Braca fans out there! I know they exist, damnit. Somewhere.

Summary: Grayza wants to know if Braca regrets his actions on Arnessk.

Miklo Braca never regretted anything in his life, except this. )


[GW] Sting

by cozzybob

Pair: 6x3

Warning: yaoi/slash, repeated use of the f-word, some uncomfortable thoughts. angst, maybe? sappy angst. sagnst!

Note: This is for Ederyn. Because I felt like it. And because for some reason, she's really into 6x3. Which is good.

Summary: Zechs and Trowa aren't friends.

Life goes on. )
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[Farscape] Clonicide

by cozzybob

Pair: John, John and a little John/Aeryn

Warning: Complete lack of Talyn. And Crais. And things.

Note: flamesword on LJ made me do this, so I blame her. xD This falls shortly after Eat Me. It's my first Farscape fic--after reading this stuff for the last year and a half, I just couldn't take it anymore.

Summary: Crichton attempts to murder his double.

Is it homicide if I kill you? )

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