June 22nd, 2008

[info]cozzybob in [info]cozzybabbles

[BTVS/ATS] The Sky's Gonna Open

The Sky's Gonna Open

Rated: R for language and death

Pair: Spike, Lindsey, Lorne. (slight Spike/Lindsey)

Warning: (canon) character death, angst, adult language, the usual. Oh, and, uh, angst.

Notes: Inspired by the LA Song sung by Christian Kane, which the lovely [info]trepkos mailed to me with her soundtrack CD's. Don't worry hun, I still owe you Spike/Riley, but CK has such a gorgeous voice, I HAD to write a Lindsey story. I swear, I listened to that song once, and suddenly, I'm a die hard Lindsey fan. Like, overnight. xD

Lyrics included at the end.

Summary: Spike plays the Illyria to Lindsey's Wesley. Even an evil lawyer shouldn't have to die alone.

He didn't feel a thing. )