June 7th, 2008

[info]cozzybob in [info]cozzybabbles

[BTVS/ATS] Janitor Talk

Janitor Talk
by cozzybob

Pair: Spike/Dru, joking mention of Spike/Xander.

Warning: none, really. some humor, maybe some language. mostly Spike babbles.

Note: Found on my hard drive, figured I'd post it after the awesome welcome in NS.

Summary: Ghost!Spike has a talk with a Wolfram and Hart janitor about Drusilla.

She meant well,‭ ‬Dru did,‭ ‬but there's a certain place paved with good intentions,‭ ‬and Spike had no good intention of following Angel there,‭ ‬love's bitch be damned.‭ )

[info]cozzybob in [info]cozzybabbles

[BTVS/ATS] Escape


Pairing: Spike/Angel, mention of Connor

Warning: Five years post NFA. Implied Armageddon. Everybody's dead. Sort of experimental. (Also, some blood, lots of angst, crazy!Angel.) Un-beta'd.

Note: For [info]caelieth's gorgeous OTP munip “escape” found here at Darker Spike. The beginning probably isn't what you're expecting, sweetums, but the scene in the munip is found at the end. ^^

Summary: Post-NFA. Angel counts his demons. He forgets to count Spike, until it's too late.

Five years, four months, three days, two hours, one minute, sixteen--no, seventeen--no, no, eighteen seconds since the world died. )

[info]cozzybob in [info]cozzybabbles

[GW] How High

How High

Rated: PG-13ish

Pairing: Auda pov, mentions of Rashid and Quatre.

Warning: Second-person POV. Some negative thoughts on Quatre (no bashing, but Auda is oddly jaded), general tense darkness, some violence, some language. Un-beta'd.

Note: I've always wondered about the fact that 80 terrorists (hey, they sorta are) could follow Quatre so blindly without a second thought. This is my reasoning with that... thus, please take the warnings seriously? It's dark, in a round-about way. For gw500's two character challenge, “Rashid and Auda.” (And, yeah, this is what happens when I go insane from sleep deprivation. Doh! Sorry.)

Summary: Auda contemplates Quatre, samurais, and test tube babies.

When you crawled from your test tube on June 7th, 10,041 BC, Rashid likes to say you were laughing like a lunatic. )

[info]cozzybob in [info]cozzybabbles

[BTVS/ATS] The Fist

I'm currently writing a fic-in-progress called The Fist, on livejournal. I won't be posting this fic here until it's completed and edited, but the link is here, if you're interested.

It's BTVS/ATS, centered on Oz, Illyria, and Spike who have captured by the Initiative post NFA. Pairings include thus far: Spike/Illyria, Spike/Oz (possibly), Spike/Angel (very probably).

Summary: 3 years post NFA. Oz is captured by the Initiative again, which is headed by a new Doctor Evil that makes Maggie Walsh look like Mary Poppins. He wakes to discover an insane, feral Spike in the cell across from him, who has been assumed dead for the last five years. And then there's Illyria. Would you believe they chipped a God-King? Yeah. Oz doesn't either...