May 12th, 2008

[info]cozzybob in [info]cozzybabbles

[BTVS/ATS] Do These Wings Make My Arse Look Big?

Title: Do These Wings Make My Arse Look Big?
Author: cozzybob
Rated: NC-17
Pair: Spike/Angel
Warning: um. wings. maybe fluff. oh and sex. sorta crack. weird.

Note: For FMK's 48 hour open challenge. My very first FMK post, I also used the open challenge at slashthedrabble to steal their old “wings” prompt for inspiration. But this isn't really a drabble, so. xD Yeah, my kink is winged!Spike. Who doesn't love winged!Spike? (This was written in the middle of the night. I haven't looked it over once. I'm going to regret this in the morning. xD)

Summary: Spike spontaneously grows wings in the middle of the night. He calls Angel for help... and Angel... err... helps. Sort of.

He woke screaming in the middle of the night, black-feathered monstrosities piercing up from his shoulder blades with a sick crunch of bone and the wet, bloody beating of wings. )