April 1st, 2008

[info]cozzybob in [info]cozzybabbles

[GW] Origins 2: Naming The Baby

Origins 2: Naming The Baby

Warning: references to child prostitution (only references), pedophilia within a church (sorry, it had to be done, but it's only implied), some minor swearing.

Dedication: Still dedicated to shini02, in the spirit of the prompt she gave me, as well as gw500's Duo prompt. ^^

Note: All you need to know to understand this is the baby Solo is carrying around is Duo, and they're fresh into the streets... but that's pretty much all implied anyway. Still, it couldn't hurt to read the first part. *points to link* Also, I apologize that Solo doesn't sound very four-year-old like, but hey, he's from L2. *pretends that's a good excuse and moves on*

Origins 1

So you mean, like, I'm alone? )