March 5th, 2008

[info]cozzybob in [info]cozzybabbles

[GW] Desire And Dorothy Meet The Zero System

Desire And Dorothy Meet The Zero System
by cozzybob

Pairs: Desire, Dorothy, hints of 6xD.

Warning: Erm, if the title didn't give it way, a bit psychotic. Zero-ness, Desire, one swear word, graphic depictions of war, violence, hidden angsting.

Note: For Jinsai upon request: “Sandman and Gundam Wing crossovers: Dorothy and Desire.” You can find the rest of the crossovers here, but this is a stand-alone.

Second Note: Takes place during the last episode when Dorothy is using the Zero System to control the dolls... my memory's fuzzy since I haven't seen the show in over 6-7 years now, but I tried to keep most facts as vague possible. If there's some inaccuracy, please tell me. This version of Dorothy is... well... she *is* hooked to Zero, yes? I'm sure you all know what that means?

Summary: Desire pays Dorothy a visit while she's hooked to the Zero System.

How did a woman grasp such a physical lust for war? )