February 20th, 2008

[info]cozzybob in [info]cozzybabbles

[GW] Scary Chicks

Scary Chicks
by cozzybob

Rated: R

Pair: Sx9

Warning: SCARY Sally and Noin, yuri, mega gory-ness, Quatre in a coma, err...

Note: For GW500's "duct tape."

She pulled the tape away with a sickening rip of the skin. )
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[info]cozzybob in [info]cozzybabbles

[GW] Learning To Fly

Learning to Fly
by cozzybob

Rated: PG-13

Pairs: Trowa and Heero

Warning: some spoilers, attempt at canon, angst, suicidal thoughts, gen

Note: For the gw_jeopardy community on livejournal: table 2, row Trowa Barton, category "friends and lovers" for 1000 words.

'08 Note: Still love this one. One of the few old fic I *do* like, really.

I haven't grown any wings. )
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[info]cozzybob in [info]cozzybabbles

[GW] A Warning Ignored

A Warning Ignored
by cozzybob

Pair: Zechs, Relena, Darlian

Warnings: gen, takes place just before the series--ie, attempt at canon, angst, tension

Note: Written for the Beat_of_Destiny community, theme "brief encounter" for the character Zechs Marquise.

Summary: Zechs warns Darlian about OZ shortly before the start of Operation Meteor.

Zechs Marquise is only Milliardo with a mask. )

[info]cozzybob in [info]cozzybabbles

[GW] Blow The Hellfire

Blow the Hellfire
by cozzybob

Rated: NC-17 for hot man-sex! Adults only.

Pair: ZechsxMilliardo (literally)

Warning: yaoi in a weird way, lemon, angst, madness, adult language, takes place after the series but before Endless Waltz.

Note: Written for the first theme in [info]30_tortures, the naked truth, as well as being inspired from a beautiful fanart admiral_chowder posted into gw_ozzies on LJ, that you can find here: http://www.deviantart.com/view/25706125/ (warning: pic has man-nudity!). This is ALSO written for Yanagi_wa, who asked for a fic after winning NaNoWriMo, because the poor gal's brain is fried. I hope the smut will help you, I know it helps me. And for that matter, this is also for my beloved D-sama, who's brain has washed away because of my brainwashing, and the Fanboy, who is currently dead in front of his computer from having suffered enough Nano to last his entire lifetime. *grins* Yes, I killed like fifteen birds with one stone, don't mind me.

Summary: This is the story of how Wind was born.

I'm about to f*** myself raw. )

[info]cozzybob in [info]cozzybabbles

[GW] 50 Sentences of 13x6 Goodness

50 Sentences of 13x6 Goodness
by cozzybob

Pair: Zechs and Treize in various positions

Warning: angst, fluff, some gore, some limes, an actual one-sentence lemon, language, death... expect anything.

Note: For the 1sentence challenge on LJ, the idea is to write 50 sentences to a set of themes for a specific pairing. This is dedicated to A, who is a big 13x6 fan, an even bigger Zechs fan, and writes an incredibly beautiful version of Zechs if you can ever catch him in the act. Written for Xmas '05.

'08: This one that stands up to the tests of time. Some of these sentences are real gems, which is rare for me to admit. I've even thought of going back and making fics of some of them, because they're delicious. ^^

I am the lightning and you are my bang. )
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[info]cozzybob in [info]cozzybabbles

[GW] Oh Glorious Father

Oh Glorious Father
by cozzybob

Rated: PG-13

Pair: 13x6

Warning: pre-series, angst, yaoi, homosexual bigotry, rough family relations, language, death.

Note: For admiral_chowder's challenge--she drew a sketch here: http://www.deviantart.com/view/25998913/, and I wrote a story for it. It's also for the gw_ozzies christmas challenge, ie: this is me killing two birds with one beam cannon. ^^; It kind of differentiates from my usual style a bit, so if this is odd, you can blame lack of sleep and weird muses.

I'm still a faggot, Father. And I'm still not in love with you. )
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[info]cozzybob in [info]cozzybabbles

[GW] A Perfect Fit

A Perfect Fit
by cozzybob

Pair: Wufei, Mariemaia

Warnings: pre-Endless Waltz, ie: minor spoiler for EW. Wufei angst?

Note: For gw500's second anniversary, theme "uniform."

'08: Not my favorite fic, but I do wish there was more Wufei/Mariemaia fic out there. Doh!

with the skin of his arms running off his fingertips, in drips, like blood )

[info]cozzybob in [info]cozzybabbles

[GW] The Loneliest Number

The Loneliest Number
by cozzybob

Pair: Zechs and Noin... not necessarily 6+9.

Warning: angst? sap? fluff? mostly gen with a light one-way het reference. post-EW, slight songfic.

Summary: On his 21st birthday, Zechs bluntly asks Noin why she came with him to Mars. The answer surprises him.

Note: For Princess, who inspired this out of the blue in a convo about how Zechs is actually a lot younger than we give him credit for.

for all the years that Noin had known him, she had never heard him laugh before )
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[info]cozzybob in [info]cozzybabbles

[GW] Bloody Little Children

Bloody Little Children
by cozzybob

Pairs: Marquise Weridge, Relena and Une. That's gen you hentais.

Warning: Canon with slight AU. Takes place during episode 11: The Destiny of Happiness, ie: word-for-word spoilers like mad. Murder, death, angst. Bit dark. Relena with a gun. ;)

Note: For [info]meritjubet in the name of Christmas. Inspired after a conversation on LJ, Merit declared she always wanted a fic where things happened just a little bit differently during this specific episode... I had to agree, and the bunny attacked. This was her idea, not mine, and the creativity belongs to her. I love you, Merit! Thanks for the endless inspiration and everything you do for me, you totally rock my socks. I have never met a more open-minded individual, and I hope you continue to do what you do, because the world needs more of you. *loves* I can't thank you enough. Honestly.

Summary: Instead of shooting the rose, Relena shot its thorn.

'08: I love this fic. Love, love, love. Now if only I could ever get around to that damned sequel...

Even the children of Peacecrafts are killing in cold blood. )
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[info]cozzybob in [info]cozzybabbles

[GW] When A Star Falls

When A Star Falls
by cozzybob

Rated: G
Pairing: just Heero
Warning: None. Supposedly canon.

Read more... )
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[info]cozzybob in [info]cozzybabbles

[GW] Bird Man

Bird Man
by cozzybob

Pair: Heero, Duo. (friendship)

Warning: post-war, winged!Heero cliche', and... err... angst. little bit. almost. because it's Cozz.

Note: This is for all my friends on LJ, especially those of the g-boy variety. Your patience with my severely OZ-obsessed soul is greatly appreciated. Also written for the gw500 challenge, "whitewash," because life sucks and I missed their birthday.

'08: This story is still one of my favorites. It begs a sequel, really.

Summary: Everyone knows that Heero's got wings. He just hid them under his tank top every time the camera panned his way.

I always knew you were an angel, Heero. )
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[info]cozzybob in [info]cozzybabbles

[GW] Put Up A Parking Lot

Put Up A Parking Lot
by cozzybob

Rated: PG

Pair: Duo, Hilde

Warning: post-war, angst, oddity, the desecration of graves, some religious themes, hints of mental breakdown, Duo-and-the-past-ness. Maybe a little bit twisted... err...

Note: I was tired of reading about Duo and his grief over the The Church, so I wrote my own version. Inspired by the song if you know where the title (and the quote in the fic) came from. Written for gw500's "fake."

Summary: Duo prays over a spot in a parking garage once a year, and Hilde asks him why.

He belongs somewhere in the Sahara without a canteen, turban on his head and a spitting camel under his ass, waiting for the storm rip him six ways from Sunday. )
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[info]cozzybob in [info]cozzybabbles

[GW] To Die

To Die
by cozzybob

Disclaimer: The two extremely hot men with the very long hair do not belong to me. The fact that they are currently chained to my bed means nothing.

Pairs: Zechs. Duo. Very subtle reference to 13+6.

Warning: Post-EW. Mentions of mental breakdown, discrimination, dirty cops, Christian blasphemy, vulgarity, some bad words, other stuff, and a topless Zechs drinking Wild Turkey. Surprisingly, there's not a whole lot of angst.

Note: This is dedicated to Cinderzol, who is in love with Duo and Zechs in the same room together. She's got the right idea. xD Also, I give a special thanks to Neil Gaimen and "Anasi Boys," who both randomly gave me the inspiration I needed, and helped me to write this whole entire thing in one day. That's a miracle for me. Thank you, Writer God.

Summary: Although not a Preventer, Duo finds his way into the Preventer fight room in Brussels, which is inhabited only by a half-drunken topless Zechs drinking Wild Turkey in all his lovely glory. They talk, as men will do, and they form an unusual kinship.

They called it a break down, but I called it enlightenment. )
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[info]cozzybob in [info]cozzybabbles

[GW] To Live

To Live
by cozzybob

Pair: Duo, Zechs, mention of 1xR, 2+1, 13x6, 13+11, 13xLeia

Warning: The sequel of To Die. Angst, some mental breakdown, past-demons-ness, drunkenness, minor drug abuse, dealing with death, harsh language, some vivid images... and of course more Zechs with Wild Turkey (but he's got his shirt on this time, damnit).

Dedication: For Tresses and the 6x2ML on yahoo... the girls wanted a sequel, and their wish is my command. Also a special thanks to Anna and Michele for the idea about Une, and of course a special glomps to Kagi and Karina, of whom I've both missed terribly because I'm so bad about posting in the MLs (not to mention GWA). Oh, and this is also-also-also for Cinderzol again, because the first one was for her, and I love her so muchly. *squeeeeeze*

Note: This is the sequel of To Die, but I suppose you can read it just fine as a stand alone. It doesn't follow the exact same style as it's predecessor (To Die was in past tense, this is in present), but if you don't mind, I certainly don't.

Summary: Zechs is drunk again, and this time, Duo gets personal. The sequel of To Die.

You're showing your crazy, Mr. Lightning, Sir. )
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[info]cozzybob in [info]cozzybabbles

[GW] Saltwater Stay

Saltwater Stay
by cozzybob

Pair: Mariemaia, Dekim Barton

Warning: angst, death, implied murder (within the family), drabble

Note: This is what happens when I get depressed.

Summary: My mother is dead, and Grandfather Barton is delighted.

My mother is dead, and Grandfather Barton is delighted. )