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January 15th, 2008

Time for a fall

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Hop, hop, hop.

The Bunny eyes the empty lobby again, just to make sure it is still empty. If anyone sees him doing this, he's in big trouble. But sometimes, well, all the time really, he just has to follow his programming.

Which is telling him, someone has to pay.

So it is that he's carrying a small object, just about the size of an easter egg. Actually, it's painted to look like one too. But with some advanced knowledge, and future technology, the Bunny has created something quite powerful.

"Happy Birthday, buddy." With a quick two hops, he slams the egg into the delivery shoot and hits the button with both feet. After a smooth landing, his beady red eyes stare upwards, waiting for a rush of fire down the tube to tell him he's the new Manager of this place.


As pieces of the residence begin to fall down around his head, he can say but one thing.


((OOC:This is it boys and girls, the big badda boom! Enjoy yourselves.))

January 13th, 2008

The boho and the ex. - Romana/Mark/Doctor (Locked)

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Romana handed Mark the cup of coffee still amused at the look on his face at all the various bits of technology she and the Doctor had assembled. She had shown him the culture she had cultivated from a little bit of mud she'd found on the boots she'd been wearing on her arrival but soon discovered such things bored him.

She kissed him affectionately on the cheek.

"You could meet Roger for an hour or so while we're being 'boring and sciencey' she offered "You don't have to pretend to find it interesting"
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