December 2013



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WHO: Dumbledore's Army
WHAT: Plotting out Operation Sword of Gryffindor
WHERE: The Room of Requirement
WHEN: October 22, midnight

At about ten past midnight when it looked like everyone who was going to show up had shown up, Neville repeated what he said to Michael about how his motivation for getting the sword back wasn't just because of Harry, but also because the Sword of Gryffindor, the sword of one of Hogwart's founders, was in the hands of a Death Eater and it's bad enough Death Eaters've got the school, why should they have something that belongs to the school? Then he listed off all the ideas for a diversion that came up in Ginny's post. Which as of writing this are: flooding Slytherin/other places, spiking the punch, charming the decorations at Fangtastic to attack, and getting Peeves to help somehow. And then he opened the floor.



Upon your arrival into the common room... )


ic/ooc: outside Ravenclaw tower

In repayment for his dinnertime serenade and because she said she would, Susan will use a magnifying charm on her voice and sing Celine Dion's Because You Loved Me until she starts laughing. And then ask him to the Halloween party.


WHO: Any interested (or not) Gryffindors!
WHEN: Wednesday night
WHERE: Gryffindor common room
SUMMARY: Geoffrey does a public performance.
RATING: Let's keep it PG-13, y'all.
STATUS: In-progress. IDK what the interest would be, but thought I'd throw it up just in case!

So directly after this entry and Opal's unsuccessful attempts to be his friend, Geoffrey flung his journal on his bed and stomped downstairs with his guitar. He played and sang a few tunes, got himself in a somewhat better mood, and tolerated sing-alongs and took requests (his singing sounds like this). He knows a variety of magical and Muggle songs. He started out with this version of "Ziggy Stardust" (take that, Draco Malfoy).

Comment if your character wanted anything! Or joined in. Or... tried to take away his guitar. Etc.



Review time! Amycus had each student perform the spells they had been learning in class. Points were given for how well they were able to do the spell on their buddy. If you could not perform a spell, well… He'll deal with you later. The spells were:

- Dingy Lobbing
- Shady Stun
- Bad Body Bind
- Amotio Digito (finger removing)
- Noxious Brain

Let us know how your students did! ("Amycus" will not be responding to everyone today)




Amycus had everyone take their seats and put their books under their desks. He then proceeded to quiz everyone on the material that they had been given. Every student was given approximately 3 questions to answer. The subject matter was Dark Arts history from pre-historic times to the 19th century. Points were given for how well the student managed to answer the questions. At every wrong answer, Amycus asked someone else to answer it and picked hands at random to do this.

Comment with how well your student was able to manage answering Amycus's questions!


IC/OOC: Charms Club

I wasn't sure if this was needed or wanted, but just in case: here's a charms club post to hash out details of what happened in the club (poor Demelza is accidentally getting locked in a coffin during haunted house prep!) or post-club patronus lessons (in private, in Flitwick's office).


IC/OOC: Guest Speaker!

WHO: Theseus Travers and Muggle Studies for 6th and 7th years.
WHEN: 11th of October, during class!
WHERE: Muggle Studies Classroom
SUMMARY: Theseus Travers is a guest speaker.

Today in Muggle Studies, we have a guest speaker! Alecto stepped aside to allow Theseus Travers, the Squib who wrote about his experiences in Wizard's Heritage, to speak further to the class.

Travers is about fifty, a small man with wispy greying hair and a big pair of glasses. He has a twitchy, mousy look about him and rubs his hands together a lot when he's talking.

The first thing that he did was give a recounting of how his magic was stolen from him by a Muggle child. In each class, he called up a volunteer to play him as a ten year old child in a dramatic reenactment, while he played the Muggle. The volunteer had to stand innocently, while Travers snuck up behind them and grabbed them. Then the volunteer was to scream and writhe in faux agony, while Travers ran away to the back of the classroom.

Travers then explained that this was exactly what had happened to him. A Muggle had gone to Hogwarts in his place. He told of the hardships that he had faced in his life -- his rejection from Hogwarts, his inability to find a wife or a job. He quoted statistics about higher rates of suicide, divorce, unemployment, and homelessness for Squibs.

Towards the end of this speech, he burst into rather noisy, undignified tears, and then acted as though he expected someone to come up and comfort him. He ended his talk by tearfully exclaiming, "This is the price of accepting mudbloods into our world!"

Questions were not allowed. Please feel free to post IC/OOC reactions!

[OOC NOTE: The following was written by our darling Meg!]


IC/OOC: Dumbledore's Army Meeting!

WHO: DA Members who would like to come and succeeded in getting past the Student Authority without getting caught.
WHAT: The first spell practice meeting since the days of Umbridge...
WHERE: The Room of Requirement.
WHEN: Midnight, after-hours.

Hannah was right. The practice dummy needed a new hat. Ginny had asked for a sombrero and the room (amazingly) provided. How Hogwarts had a sombrero...she didn't want to ask.

The general consensus was that they were there to practice defense spells! Ginny rattled off the ones they were talking about in the journals (the Patronus Charm, Disillusionment Charms), but they were there to practice anything and everything the group wanted.

Since it is very difficult to sneak out past hours without getting caught, please specify if your character had a hard time getting there/what methods they used or if they couldn't. PLEASE NOTE: With disillusionment charms, the charm doesn't act like an invisibility cloak, but makes the caster into a bit of a chameleon. They blend in with their surroundings, but they can still be very vaguely seen. Like all magic, the strength of the charm depends on the caster and how adept they are at charms. The spell can last 1 minute minimum, 3 minutes maximum. If they bump into/touch anything while the spell is active, it fades off! Also, Mrs. Norris can see through the charm. ;)


october 9th dark arts: noxious brain!

WHO: All students!
WHERE: Dark Arts classroom
WHAT: Dark Arts practical
WHEN: During their respective hours

Today's spell was 'Noxious Brain.'

Amycus explained that this is where Obliviation was taken from. The difference between Obliviation and "Noxious Brain" is that instead of simply making one (and this spell is meant to be used ONLY on Muggles) forget something, that the thought that they have removed will be replaced by a nightmare that occurs whenever they try to remember through the fog. Amycus does not teach them how to remove specific memories. If cast, it would remove a random memory.

There was a scalpel at every desk. Amycus instructed the students to cut open the top of their bear. A small, pinkish beanbag was in the cranium of each bear. Amycus had everyone look at the pinkish brain and then he taught them the spell for 'noxious brain.' The better the a student gets, the more jell-o like the brains became and the slower their bears were at the end of the spell.

When students performed the spell PERFECTLY on their bear, the brain turned into a jelly-like substance (like this -- and yes, it's green) for 5 seconds and instead of performing their action, the bears slowed and fell over. Their "brains" smelled like sulfur (not actual sulfur). As soon as they had fallen, the bears stood as though nothing had happened.

Amycus helped sew up the heads at the end :)



Today in Charms Club Susan talked more about the Haunted House and asked everyone to come up with ideas for how to make it great.

She would've approached a few charms members sometime today to see if they'd be interested in learning a patronus shield in secret. She would've stressed that it would be somewhat dangerous to learn and needed to be kept secret. (I think I contacted everyone but I might've missed someone, so if your character would keep it a secret and is in charms club, contact me!)


OOC/IC log.

WHO: Brian Finkley and his friends!
WHAT: Brian's "birthday party" aka lunch aka let's eat food and cake.
WHEN: October 5, 1997 around 11am to 2pm? Idk, whenever.
WHERE: Outside, in the quad.
RATING: Let's not go over PG-13?

Tilly invited a bunch of people here but if your character is also a friend of Brian's, please pretend like she invited them, as well. :>

Anyway, she brought out some food with a few people (any takers?) and sort of set up a ~picnic area~ so that they can have just chilled there. And she totally stole some butterbeer from Thursday for this event, so there were plenty of bottles of that, as well. Brian was supposed to come in later with Ursula Flint, so she was hoping that he wasn't going to be a grouch about it on his BIRTHDAY. Tilly would have attempted to keep the mood light and avoided talking about politics, because UGH BORING. She would have encouraged people to play any games or whatever they wanted, and would have sang with some people if they wanted to!!

So whatever, have fun hurr~


Muggle Studies Class

Today was a relatively low-key day, which involved a lot of reading. But! Fun reading!

The class was asked to read excerpts out of the book, Why I'm Glad I'm Not A Muggle by famed purist author Nicholas Rosier. The book has accounts of when Nicholas had run-ins with some pretty nasty Muggles, and how he was glad to have survived those tragedies, which took a toll on him and the those he loved.

Nicholas's viewpoints, though purist in many ways, are intended to be more humourous than anything and mocks Muggles' way of living. It is clear that he does not like Muggles, in the very least.

Alecto would have asked for volunteers (though she would have avoided calling on known troublemakers, cough cough) to read the excerpts out loud, and points were awarded to those students that read the excerpts with a particular oomph and enthusiasm.

Feel free to make up excerpts from the book, and post reactions to how your character would have reacted here.



WHO: All students!
WHERE: Dark Arts classroom
WHAT: Dark Arts practical
WHEN: During their respective hours.

Amycus looked especially gleeful as everyone came into class. He had everyone take out their buddies and he cast a spell over the room. Immediately, the bears started sprouting human-like fingers. That wiggled. "Today we are going to learn the finger-removing curse," he said. He demonstrated it, and the incantation, Amotio digito, on the giant buddy. He told everyone that they needed to get all ten digits off of their bear before class ended or they would have to come back at 4-6pm for tutoring. If they can't finish by the time class is over? Well, enjoy having a bear with fingers. (And no, no one else can hex them off for you.).


IC/OOC: Slug Club

WHO: The Slug Club
WHERE: Slughorn's Office
WHAT: The Slug Club's first get-together
WHEN: Directly after dinner

Welcome to the Slug Club! )



SO! At dinner tonight (because he took Susan's comment as a Challenge) Terry transfigured the teapot sitting on his end of the Ravenclaw table into a trombone (the spout was the mouthpiece and the handle became the slide), and then moved over to the Hufflepuff table, yelling HEY SUSAN BONES!

He then proceeded to climb onto the table (avoiding stepping on any food, because sacrilege) and basically enacted this scene (just the singing part of course), except instead he sang as much of the extended version of It's All Coming Back To Me Now by Celine Dion as he could get away with. He only ended up playing a few notes with the tuba, though, because 1. He doesn't know how to play the tuba 2. It was more for show than anything.

If you'd like your character to react, feel free!


Choir Results

[Posted outside Professor Flitwick's office] )


IC/OOC: Muggle Studies Dioramas AND Journal Prompt!

Today was diorama show and tell day! Each group was asked to show their diorama off and explain why they had made it the way that they had. There were no obvious consequences for not doing a great job unless there was evident sabotage and/or cheek.

At the end of the class, Professor Alecto Carrow announced the second journal homework assignment. Students are expected to write a short paragraph regarding: “What Life Would Be Like if Muggles Didn't Exist” in their school journals. Students are encouraged over the next week to discuss/write comments on other students' essays to inspire discussion.

OOC NOTE: If you as a player don't have the time to write something like this, we're not going to have Alecto Carrow hold it against your character in game. This goes for all "journal entry homework assignments"! They are intended to be just for fun and plot purposes!


IC/OOC: Dorm Raids!

WHO: Carrows, Student Authority, and then the Student Body!
WHERE: Hogwarts
WHAT: Let the Dorm Raids begin...
WHEN: Directly after dinner

At dinner, the Carrows were strangely absent. Headmaster Snape, however, made his first announcement since the Welcoming Speech to tell all Student Authority to immediately report to Alecto Carrow's office promptly after dinner.

Once the Student Authority arrived, Amycus and Alecto stood next to the piles of Phoenix Press the students had gathered and looked ...testy. It was very obvious that someone or something had ticked them off and their patience was wearing thin.

"Tonight will be a dorm raid," said Amycus scruffily, staring long and hard at some students, namely Ernie Macmillan. "This is what Alecto and I want to happen. You are to take these--" he gathered a stack of probity probes, "...and you will look for hidden copies of The Quibbler and Phoenix Press. Any student you catch with them must be given detention with Argus Filch."

He ran his hand against his scruffy neck, looking particularly stiff as he continued: "ALSO! Alecto and I want you to specifically look for clues pertaining to 'Dumbledore's Army'. It's apparently a group that has been causing quite a scene at Hogwarts lately. They're the ones responsible for this filth," he pointed at the Press. "And we have been told they are responsible for the graffiti as well."

Alecto took out her clipboard that was becoming quite the staple of hers. She perused a list in front of her before looking back up the students and giving a pleasant smile. "We have been informed that such a group existed and may still. Look for anything you can," she said sweetly. "They may have a list of names. Scour rooms. Look under beds, under blankets, in trunks, in closets. Any clues that are beneficial will certainly not go unrewarded."

"Speaking of rewards," continued Amycus with a smarmy grin, "The prefect and/or Head who comes back with the most illegal newspapers as well as good Dumbledore's Army clues will receive some nice perks." He chuckled. "But here's the kicker. Heads and prefects will be raiding Houses other than their own, except for the Head Boy, as he must assist Ms. Avery. We are doing it this way because sometimes people often turn a blind their friends." He jokingly elbowed (but more like jabbed) a student in the side.

Almost instantly, the smile melted off of Alecto's face and changed into a hard pressed line. "Now what are you all still standing here for? You have two hours to complete this task. Take a probe and go."

Raiding List )

IC/OOC reactions below! Students, did you get caught with anything? Try to hide anything? Prefects and Heads, did you take anything? Confiscate anything? Destroy anything? Not bother?



WHO: All students!
WHERE: Dark Arts classroom
WHAT: Dark Arts practical
WHEN: During their respective hours.

Amycus brought in a new friend. A giant bear that sat in the corner. It was so big that it's head hit the ceiling giving it an odd, hunched appearance.

Today they learned: Shady Stun [acerbus offendo]. With their wands directed at a target, the caster should wave their wand from the left to the right ending in a stabbing motion. The spell causes large burns on the body of the person it is cast at. It is more difficult to master than the dingy lobbing, and takes some concentration to establish proper aim.
Students are instructed to use the spell on their little buddies. Students are encouraged to burn the feet, hands, and face of the little buddies. Those who are able to adequately burn all five sections (it's okay if they had some mistakes!) get to take a turn on the 'big buddy' at the front of the room.

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