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Aug. 23rd, 2008


The Prophecy: Severus Snape & Aberfoth Dumbledore

Who: Severus Snape, Aberforth Dumbledore, npc!Dumbledore, and npc!Sybill Trelawney
When: 23 August 1979; Early afternoon
Where: Upper floors of the Hogs Head, Hosmeade
What: Severus sticks his noble nose somewhere not so noble. Decisions are made.
Rating: PG-13

The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches ... Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... )

Aug. 22nd, 2008


RP Narrative: Kate Proudfoot and Bernard Braithwaite

Who: Kate Proudfoot & NPC!Bernard Braithwaite
When: 22 August 1979; Evening.
Where: Hogsmeade, outside the Hog's Head.
Rating: LOW

Kate didn't actually mind the evening shift when it came up. )

Aug. 23rd, 2008


Who: Kingsley Shacklebolt and Sinead Bell
Where: Hogsmeade
When: 22 August 1979, midnightish
What: "DE" attack!
Rating: TBA
Status: Placeholder

Placeholder! )

Aug. 22nd, 2008


RP Placeholder

Who: Elle Abercrombie & Regine Guffy (*claims*!!) (brief mention of Neil Abercrombie)
Where: Hogsmeade
When: 22 August 1979, midnightish
What: "DE" attack!
Rating: tba
Status: Placeholder

To be completed when my keyboard isn't being a douche.

Aug. 23rd, 2008


Who: Aberforth Dumbledore, Severus Snape, Marcus Rutherford (NPC), Aknot (NPC)
Where: The Hog's Head
When: 22 August 1979
What: The worst day of Aberforth's year - Part 2
Rating: PG for now

I want to punch him in the nose again – Part 2 )


Who: Aberforth Dumbledore, Severus Snape, Marcus Rutherford (NPC), Aknot (NPC)
Where: The Hog's Head
When: 22 August 1979
What: The worst day of Aberforth's year - Part 1
Rating: PG for now

I want to punch him in the nose again – Part 1 )

Aug. 21st, 2008


RP Narrative: Severus Snape & NPC! Bernard Braithwaite

Who: Severus Snape & Bernard Braithwaite
When: 21 August 1979, Early Morning (before this log)
Where: Diagon Alley, behind Bernard's shop
What: Imperius timez.
Rating: PG

Severus Snape stood in the narrow access behind Bernard Braithwaite's shoppe in Diagon Alley. )

Aug. 22nd, 2008


Who: Antonin Dolohov and Neil Abercrombie
Where: be determined! Probably Neil's place.
When: August 21
What: Imperiusing!


Aug. 21st, 2008


Who: Betty and Bernard Braithwaite.
Where: Betty's house, Asphodel Avenue.
When: August 21, morning.
What: Bernard is acting strangely and Betty can't quite figure out why.



Who: Barty and NPC!Sinead Bell.
Where: St Mungo's, London.
When: Wednesday afternoon.
What: Grady's sister's gonna get Imperius'd.
Rating: Probably no more than PG.

Aug. 20th, 2008


RP Narrative: Regulus & Regine

who → Regulus Black & NPC!Regine Guffy.
what → It's Imperiusing time! Elladora Guffy's sister is Imperiused to carry out anti-Muggleborn activity.
when → Wednesday, 20 August 1979; TBD.
where → TBD.
warnings → TBD.
status → Placeholder.

Aug. 17th, 2008


RP Narrative: Severus Snape & Lord Voldemort

Who: Severus Snape & the Dark Lord
When: Evening of 17 August 1979.
Where: Spinner's End & Wherever the Dark Lord is!
What: Lord Voldemort wants a report, and he wants it now.
Rating: PG

There were certain things one did whether it was something one wanted to do or not. )

Aug. 16th, 2008


RP Narrative; NPC.

Who: Paul Abernathy (NPC), resident of Tinworth.
What: Rioting in the street. Lynching.
When: 15 August, dusk.
Where: Tinworth, Cornwall.
Warning: Death.

Rating: R.
Status: Completed; narrative.

He could barely see the dark orange sky from the thicket of legs and arms and heads above him. )

Aug. 15th, 2008


Who: Clara and an NPC
Where: Tinworth, Cornwall
When: Thursday night
What: Chaos! Violence! Good place for a vampire to play.
Rating: PG-13 - R for killings
Status: Complete

As night hit, the mass panic that suffused the crowds was starting to dull slightly )

Aug. 14th, 2008


Who: Hestia Jones and some Healer NPCs
When: 13 August 1979 - 14 August 1979
Where: St. Mungo's and Hestia's room at the Leaky
What: People get sick, people die, Hestia is emo.
Rating: G

No one could figure out what it was, and that was probably the worst part. )

Aug. 12th, 2008


Who: Fenrir Greyback, two unfortunate NPCs
What: Part 1 and 2 of Fenrir's retribution for his dead werewolves.
Where: London then Hogsmeade
When: Aug 11, late evening.
Rating: R for descriptions of killing
Status: Complete

Revenge is a dish... I enjoy. )

Aug. 11th, 2008


Narrative: Severus Snape & Eileen Snape

Who: Severus Snape & NPC!Eileen Snape
When: Evening of 11 August 1979.
Where: Spinner's End, Snape Residence
What: Eileen is awake; Severus is curious.
Rating: G-ish

I knew my family had more truth to tell and so I traveled down a whispering well to know myself through them. )

Aug. 10th, 2008


Who: Lucius Malfoy and Ministry NPC!Marvin Charleston
When: 10 August, lunchtime
Where: A private room at the Three Broomsticks
What: Lucius feeds the Ministry false information about the Averys

'Exotic birds come through my windows, sir. No owl could make that distance.' )

Aug. 9th, 2008


Narrative: Severus Snape & NPC family

Who: Severus Snape & NPC!Dissanayake family.
When: Afternoon of 9 July 1979.
Where: Tinsworth, Dissanayake Residence
What: Hero Sev Saves cowardly Compliant Peoples.
Rating: G-ish

The door swung open only a few inches, but he was stared at with extremely green eyes )

Aug. 8th, 2008


RP Narrative: Regulus & Hill Family

who → Regulus Black & NPC!Hill Family.
what → Regulus administers the antidote to the shop owners who decided to comply with the Dark Lord's demands to shun Muggleborns.
when → Friday, 8 August 1979; 10:30pm.
where → Tinworth; home of the Hill family.
warnings → None.
status → Complete.

The mission was a unique one – quite unlike the others Regulus had ever been on...especially the mission that was directly responsible for the one he was preparing to embark on... )

Aug. 6th, 2008


Who: Andromeda and Sirius (NPC'ed Dora)
Where: Godric's hallow
When: Wednesday afternoon, August 6th
What: Andromeda has not seen her cousin in awhile and decides to pay him a visit and see how he is doing.
Rating: Should not be too high, but you never know

Aug. 3rd, 2008


Who: Elle Abercrombie, Alastor Gumboil and pretty much his (NPCed) whole family.
When: 3 August, 1979; 1:00 pm
Where: Safehouse.
What: Elle's meeting the family!
Rating: PG-13ish
Status: Complete!

'This is Elle, mum.' )

Jul. 23rd, 2008


Who: Gaius Travers and Daniel Meadowes.
Where: Daniel's flat in Birmingham.
When: 23 July 1979, night.
What: Gaius's first kill.
Rating: PG-13 for death.
Status: In progress.

a break from the more grisly logs )


Who: Rodolphus Lestrange, & NPC'd Douglas, Leonie, Harlan, and Felicity McKinnon
What: Murder.
When: Wednesday 23 July
Where: McKinnon family home
Status: Complete.
Rating: R for violence, nothing especially squicky.

Watching you drown, I'll follow you down. )


Who: Barty Crouch Jr., & NPC'd Seamus, Aidan, and Mary-Elizabeth Quinn.
What: Barty follows through with his orders to be "brutal, ruthless, and unmerciful."
When: Nighttime, 23rd July 1979.
Where: The Quinn home in Birmingham.
Rating: So far, definitely R-ish for torture, murder, violence, some language, and general creepy/scary factor.

I believe in the Dark Lord, Mister Quinn. What do you believe in? )

Jul. 19th, 2008


RP Log: Regulus & Walburga

who → Regulus Black & Walburga Black (NPC'd by Chel).
what → They have a chat about Orion's death and the affects it has.
when → Saturday, 19 July 1979; 8:15pm.
where → 12 Grimmauld Place, London, England.
warnings → None.
status → Complete.

We think that we're the ones, we're the bright unconquered suns; wait a while, we'll watch the light grow stale... )


Part II

Who: Fabian & Gideon Prewett; Alcander, Rodolphus, Thubana, & Corbina Lestrange, Orion Black, Graley Rosier, Walden Macnair
What: Prewetts attack card night at the Lestranges
Where: The Elder Lestrange Manor, Breckland, Norfolk, England
When: 19 July 1979

Rating: R at least (violence, death)

I don't believe in you, you've come undone. I don't believe in what you do, this can't go on. I don't believe in you as I walk this broken land. )


Part I

Who: Fabian & Gideon Prewett; Alcander, Rodolphus, Thubana, & Corbina Lestrange, Orion Black, Graley Rosier, Walden Macnair
What: Prewetts attack card night at the Lestranges
Where: The Elder Lestrange Manor, Breckland, Norfolk, England
When: 19 July 1979

Rating: R at least (violence, death)

Does it hurt to remember, does it help to forget? Do you know what you started when you lit the fuse of regret? )


Who: Barty Crouch Jr., NPC'd Caspar Crouch, NPC'd Hit Wizards, & NPC'd Throng of Anti-Werewolf Protesters.
What: Turns out Barty's insanity is probably genetic. Grandpa Crouch is uppity and protests werewolf rights, thus getting himself arrested and thoroughly embarrassing his grandson.
When: Morning, Saturday, 19th July, 1979.
Where: Diagon Alley, outside of Grindylow Gardens.
Status: Narrative; INCOMPLETE.
Rating: Probably PG-13ish.

Read more... )

Jul. 7th, 2008


Who: Remus Lupin, NPC!widowed woman.
What: The Order training classes begin.
When: 7 July 1979, late afternoon.
Where: In the Adult Learning Centre in Hogsmeade.

Status: Complete
Rating: PG

Remus was starting to wonder if this was what it felt like to have a migraine. )

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