Jun. 12th, 2010


RP: The First Task

Characters: Anya, Isabeau, Jacob // Open to observation/interaction in the stands.
Time/Date: Starting around 10 AM and progressing; finishing around noon
Location: Hogwarts grounds
Warnings/Rating: teal deer, fire, champions
Summary: Avery gets a note to Tom? I mean, um. The chimeras breath fire or something
Status: Open, please jump in. And track.
Visitors from out of school welcome. So jump the eff in. EVERYONE. Use it to further plot or something. Like, Gellert or Avery could show up. Idk, have fun.

Fire, fire, the roof is on fire )

Jun. 5th, 2010


RP: Post-Victory Parties

Characters: Jaime, Tristan, open
Time/Date: Evening, November 5
Location: Common-commons
Warnings/Rating: Jaime's mouth, maybe
Summary: Playful post-match rivalry
Status: Open, ongoing

She'd kept all right )

May. 29th, 2010


RP: Safe Indoors

Characters: Landon, Tristan, open
Time/Date: 8ish, Saturday October 29
Location: Common-commons
Warnings/Rating: None?
Summary: Tris frets and Lan tries to balance him out
Status: Open, ongoing

Lan could see the edges of darkness ... )

May. 27th, 2010


RP: New Friends, New Games

Characters: Tris, Remus, James, Sirius, Hans, Leif
Time/Date: After dark, October 27
Location: Forbidden Forest
Warnings/Rating: Wolfish, staggish, doggish fun?
Summary: The moon is full and Tris wants to have fun with his new friends
Status: Dropped due to RL eating our souls.

We're gonna drown your ego // You're the legend no one knows )

May. 13th, 2010


RP: The Goblet

Characters: Lan, Tris, Remus
Time/Date: Evening, October 13, 2023
Location: Great Hall
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Lan puts his name in the cup
Status: Complete

So, there was this cup, right? )

May. 7th, 2010


Characters: Remus Lupin & open
Time/Date: 6 October, late afternoon
Location: Common commons, Hogwarts
Warnings/Rating: TBD
Summary: Remus is studying. What a surprise!
Status: Incomplete

Remus sat on one of the comfortable couches in the common commons with his nose buried in his Defence Against the Dark Arts text and his feet toasting nicely in front of the fire. )

Apr. 29th, 2010


RP: Studying

Characters: Lan, Tris, Rose
Time/Date: Just before curfew, September 29
Location: Ravenclaw commons
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Lan studies. Really.
Status: Complete

Sure, she wasn't a book. Or a flower. She was still nice to look at )

Apr. 28th, 2010


RP: To the Moon

Characters: Tris, open to the Marauders if anyone's around
Time/Date: Night, September 28
Location: Forbidden Forest
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Tris (and the others) run the forest
Status: Complete?

Arf arf aroooooo! )

Mar. 29th, 2010


RP: New Friends

Characters: Tristan, Moony, Padfoot, Prongs
Time/Date: Mid-eveningish through tomorrow
Location: Hogwarts, Forbidden Forest
Warnings/Rating: Tris' innuendos?
Summary: Tris shows up to take Moony through the motions
Status: Dropped

No one had warned him the Marauders were hot ... )

Mar. 27th, 2010


RP: School Shopping

Characters: Hugo, Lan, Tris, Meghan, Aries, Libra
Time/Date: Saturday, late morning
Location: Diagon Alley, various shops
Warnings/Rating: Kids being kids?
Summary: Tris and the others school-shop
Status: Complete

A-shopping we will go )

June 2010



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