Jun. 12th, 2010


RP: The First Task

Characters: Anya, Isabeau, Jacob // Open to observation/interaction in the stands.
Time/Date: Starting around 10 AM and progressing; finishing around noon
Location: Hogwarts grounds
Warnings/Rating: teal deer, fire, champions
Summary: Avery gets a note to Tom? I mean, um. The chimeras breath fire or something
Status: Open, please jump in. And track.
Visitors from out of school welcome. So jump the eff in. EVERYONE. Use it to further plot or something. Like, Gellert or Avery could show up. Idk, have fun.

Fire, fire, the roof is on fire )

Jun. 10th, 2010


RP: Lunch!

Characters: Benjy, Ron
Time/Date: Lunch, November 10
Location: Ministry lunch room
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Benjy is sleepy but reading
Status: Complete

A book and a sandwich - here was hoping he didn't confuse them )


RP: Fluttering Leaves

Characters: Ariana D, open
Time/Date: late afternoon, November 10
Location: Edge of the forest, Hogwarts grounds
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Ari is playing with her wand
Status: Open, ongoing

Some of it was the wind, but some of it was her )


Characters: Tom Riddle, poking LilyLu but open
Time/Date: 9 November 2023
Location: The battlements of Hogwarts
Warnings/Rating: TBD
Summary: Tom ponders many things.
Status: Incomplete

Tom had been keeping a low profile since the attack on Hogsmeade. )

Jun. 5th, 2010


RP: Another Meeting

Characters: Ice, James II
Time/Date: after dark, November 5
Location: Hogsmeade
Warnings/Rating: vampire activity leading to faded out Rsmut
Summary: Ice is hungry and wants to meet with her favorite meal
Status: Complete

She could only tolerate her clanmates for so long ... )


RP: Post-Victory Parties

Characters: Jaime, Tristan, open
Time/Date: Evening, November 5
Location: Common-commons
Warnings/Rating: Jaime's mouth, maybe
Summary: Playful post-match rivalry
Status: Open, ongoing

She'd kept all right )

Jun. 3rd, 2010


RP: Good Luck?

Characters: Meghan, Bran
Time/Date: Late evening, November 3
Location: 'puff commons
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Meghan wants to wish the team luck, if she can find them
Status: Complete

Fluffle McFluffle post )

Jun. 2nd, 2010


RP: The Mouse Spies

Characters: Sasha
Time/Date: Late night, November 2
Location: Forbidden Forest
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Sasha does what she came to do
Status: Complete

On tiny mouse feet )


RP: Couch ... mmmm....

Characters: Benjy, Cas
Time/Date: Evening, November 2
Location: their flat
Warnings/Rating: None?
Summary: Benjy is tired from training
Status: Complete

Flop! )

June 2010



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