June 10th, 2010

[info]riddleman in [info]beyondthepages

Characters: Tom Riddle, poking LilyLu but open
Time/Date: 9 November 2023
Location: The battlements of Hogwarts
Warnings/Rating: TBD
Summary: Tom ponders many things.
Status: Incomplete

Tom had been keeping a low profile since the attack on Hogsmeade. )

[info]untamed_magic in [info]beyondthepages

RP: Fluttering Leaves

Characters: Ariana D, open
Time/Date: late afternoon, November 10
Location: Edge of the forest, Hogwarts grounds
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Ari is playing with her wand
Status: Open, ongoing

Some of it was the wind, but some of it was her )

[info]of_the_fen in [info]beyondthepages

RP: Lunch!

Characters: Benjy, Ron
Time/Date: Lunch, November 10
Location: Ministry lunch room
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Benjy is sleepy but reading
Status: Complete

A book and a sandwich - here was hoping he didn't confuse them )