Mar. 27th, 2009


Boston Public Library, Evening [Open]

Tori was used to traveling through portals. She had to in order to gain access to Ninja Ops. She'd traveled through others in her time as a ranger.

The funny thing was, the portal that appeared in front of her was nowhere near the waterfall. And it didn't look like any of the ones she'd traveled through in the past. Before Tori could move, let alone even think about it, the thing had her in its grasp. Just as soon as it pulled her in, it let her go, dropping her on a lawn in the middle of a raging storm.

"Okay, that was not cool," Tori groaned, taking a moment to catch her breath before she stood. She touched her wrist, comforted by the fact that her morpher was still there.

Tori looked around, in search of shelter. Funny how there happened to be a library nearby. That might work, for the time being. She'd figure out how to get back to Blue Bay Harbor once the storm settled down. If that was possible.