Feb. 10th, 2009


Checking things out [OTA]

Jason had been in Boston for a few days now. Something in the city was making his skin crawl, and the feeling got worse the closer he got to the MIT campus. He figured that was where the problem was, so he settled in a apartment building close enough to see if anything big happened, but far enough away that he driven out of his mind by whatever it was.

He'd spent the time he was there securing the first two floors of the building, to keep out looters and strays. Then he'd wandered through the other apartments and stocked up on dry goods and dumped out anything that was spoiling or would spoil. He had at least managed to save some of the meat, setting it up to dry out for storing and later use.

Currently though, he was camped out on one of the second floor balconies facing MIT and what used to be a main street and a cooler full of Corona. No ice, but beer was beer.

Jan. 30th, 2009


It's a long way to Boston. [OTA along the way]

Jason had never been one to put stock in fortune tellers. Seers, psychics, he'd met a few and they had been legit. But fortune tellers, like the ones that Jean-Claude hired to work at the Circus of the Damned, they were just glitz, glamour, maybe some intuitive skill, but fakes. He liked to play along with Giselle, even though he was pretty sure her license said 'Mary', because she had been fun in bed. So when she had pulled out the tarot cards the other day, he'd just smiled and waved at her, and let her comments go in one ear and out the other.

Right now though, he was wishing he had payed more attention to her. 'When it happens, you will go to Boston.'

'It' had been the bright flash of light that had knocked him on his ass while in the Apple store picking up a new iPhone. 'It' had done something, because he was in a nearly deserted city, where none of the clubs or the Circus seemed to exist. 'It' left him with a very bad feeling, because if he was the only shifter around, things were going to end up very bad.

It never hurts to be prepared. )

It was nearly dawn by the time he had his pack together and was ready to head out. He was on his way out the door when he saw the bikes. He could get there a lot faster on a mountain bike than he would on foot. Besides, it wasn't like anyone was actually going to see him on the damn thing.