Feb. 4th, 2009


Streets of Boston {Tag: Tadashi}

Tadashi knew something was wrong even before Liric second guessed anything. That's when they left. She wasn't sure where they were going but Tadashi told her it was for the best. She trusted him more then the others, so when he said they needed to go? She went. She didn't question it. She just followed him wherever he took her.She was too strung out to really notice anything.

She rubbed her arms as she walked down a street, she didn't feel good, but that was obviously from the lack of drugs going into her system. Tadashi had gone out to do something and she didn't want to be by herself. He argued she had to eat and she argued that she wasn't hungry. Obviously he always won yes? Maybe, just maybe she could find a dealer somewhere around here? It was possible. Though it was looking pretty useless at the moment. She just needed that fix, anything was better then the sick feeling to her stomach and the shaking she was having. She wasn't thinking straight.

After almost two hours of just walking she finally gave in and leaned against a wall slinking against it with her eyes half closed. This was too much, the whole thing taking it's toll on her. This was supposed to be safe for her. He wanted to bring her there because it was safer. Idly, she ran her fingers over the track marks in her arms before letting her head fall back to rest against the wall. Eventually, Tadpole would either find her or she's manage to get home. She was guessing he found her first. Always sneaking up and appearing out of no where on her. He was good at that.