May. 1st, 2008


M.I.T. - Jiggery Pokery

Sarah Jane and "Mr. Smith" have taken over one of the rooms off the student lounge that's become one of the official/unofficial meeting places for the... compound? HQ? Group? Whatever you'd like to call it.

She's currently fiddling with a circuit board and a soldering iron. Periodically the soft sizzle can be heard of the hot metal burning off the flux accompanied by a faint acrid smell and a thin curl of smoke rising up past Sarah's intent face.

[ooc: Open

Mar. 31st, 2008


MIT - Brigg's Field (Late Morningish)

Alistair was smiling a bit to himself as he began to till some ground with hand tools. They'd need to erect some barriers to protect anything they grew, but for now it was good just to get his hands dirty, to be useful.

The fact he was digging up a field for that rubbish sport 'baseball' just made it all that better to him.

[ooc: Open. The name, it called out to me.]

Mar. 22nd, 2008


M.I.T. - Saturday Evening

One of the student lounges had been cleaned up and a table was set up with snacks. A couple of buckets filled with ice, sodas and beer were strategically placed around the room. After people had gathered, Captain Jack Harkness stood up. He held up his beer bottle. "Congratulations, everyone. I know it doesn't feel like we've accomplished much," he glanced out the window at the empty streets, "but we're still standing and this city's still standing and that's a hell of a lot in my book.

"Tonight, I want you to relax. We've been so busy we haven't had time to get to know each other. But we're going to be here for a while and we're going to be working closely together. Tomorrow, we start the long-term projects. We'll set up a medical center and turn this place into a livable habitat along with figuring out how to close the rift. Tonight, we have some fun and remember why we want to keep this world going." He tilted his beer bottle in a toast. "To us," he said. "And to the future."

[Open to the M.I.T. folks!]