Mar. 3rd, 2009


Boston, On The Grounds of MIT

Dani was pretty sure that she had never had a worse experience travelling via their good friend Gateway. She had never felt like she was being shaken to death any of the other times she had used one of his portals to travel.

Sitting up, she took in the surrounding area. "Damn it. Left one Apocalypse and got dumped right into another."

She slowly got to her feet, checking herself for injuries. After she deduced she was unharmed, she frowned in concern at the bodies in varies stages around her.

"All right people," she barked. "Talk to me and let me know you're okay." She paused. "Sorokin, you ask me for mouth to mouth and I will kick your ass."

[OOC: Open for any of the transplanted X-brood or anyone that may happen to seem them get dumped here.]