Feb. 17th, 2009


MIT, Evening

Somehow, and please god, don't ask them how, Gwen and Owen had managed to get the Rift to trigger a power surge and the electricity in the school buildings came back on. The power kept flickering, but so far, it had stayed on -- much to their relief.

Unfortunately, this burst of electricity had done nothing to help phone lines or anything like that.

As darkness descended agin for another night in Boston, the lights at MIT remained on -- attracting the attention of any one in the area.

Inside the basement lab, Gwen was leaning against the wall, watching as the energy from the Rift fluctuated. Owen was sitting on the leather couch, and she thought he might have fallen asleep. This didn't surprise her as they had been trying to take shifts around the clock to keep an eye on the damn thing and see if they could harness the energy of it somehow.

It had been a very long couple of weeks and Gwen wasn't sure how long it would be before she and Owen collapsed from exhaustion. They didn't dare sleep for more than a couple of hours at a time because who knew what would happen. Leaving the Rift unattended was dangerous, they both knew this.


1) Yay power! Yes, the power is currently on at MIT. However, this is, alas, a temporary thing. The power will remain on for three days and then the power will go off again.

2) This post also doubles as a meet-up as requested for Jack to meet up with his team.

3) This post can also be for Stargate people and/or the Doctor to make contact with Torchwood

4) Did I forget anything?]]