Feb. 2nd, 2009


Streets of Boston (open)

As a Starfleet officer Janeway had to be prepared for anything.

Of course in her line of work there would be challenges thrown at her that she simply could not have foreseen, being stranded several hundred thousand lightyears away from home in the Delta Quadrant was just one of these challenges.

Winding up on Earth in what appeared to be the past, while it wasn't as if she hadn't experienced that before, when some sort of apocalyptic catastrophe had occured was another.

The day had started out so normally, Janeway had been commanding the bridge and for once there wasn't some alien attack going on. It was just a quiet normal shift, as normal as it could be given the circumstances.

That probably should have been her first clue that something was going to happen, however normally there was an aforementioned alien attack that usually occurred.

Then out of nowhere a portal appeared on the bridge, Janeway had called a red alert as she yelled at Ops to find out what was going on while she struggled to keep herself from being sucked in. She vaguely heard Harry's answer being that he couldn't tell what it was and it was within a matter of minutes following that that she lost her grip and was pulled in.

After she picked herself up from the ground where the portal had thrown her out, Janeway looked around her surroundings as she tried to piece together what had happened.

"Janeway to transporter room," she said as she tapped her comm badge, maybe she could still be teleported back, when there was no response she tried another way, "Janeway to bridge," still nothing, "Janeway to sickbay," nothing again, "Janeway to Chakotay," she was starting to get the feeling that she wasn't going to be able to reach Voyager but she was determined to keep trying, "Janeway to Tuvok," after she went through trying to contact the entire Senior staff before trying a ship wide call to see if anyone could hear her she gave up.

Janeway sighed as she pulled out her tricorder, hoping that it would shed some light as to what the hell happened, she started walking in a direction but the readings were all over the place. She obviously wasn't going to get an answer that way.

Mar. 22nd, 2008


M.I.T. - Saturday Evening

One of the student lounges had been cleaned up and a table was set up with snacks. A couple of buckets filled with ice, sodas and beer were strategically placed around the room. After people had gathered, Captain Jack Harkness stood up. He held up his beer bottle. "Congratulations, everyone. I know it doesn't feel like we've accomplished much," he glanced out the window at the empty streets, "but we're still standing and this city's still standing and that's a hell of a lot in my book.

"Tonight, I want you to relax. We've been so busy we haven't had time to get to know each other. But we're going to be here for a while and we're going to be working closely together. Tomorrow, we start the long-term projects. We'll set up a medical center and turn this place into a livable habitat along with figuring out how to close the rift. Tonight, we have some fun and remember why we want to keep this world going." He tilted his beer bottle in a toast. "To us," he said. "And to the future."

[Open to the M.I.T. folks!]