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Jan. 19th, 2010


Launching Is A Go!

As of this post, the game is a go again. :) Feel free to have your characters react to the fact that there are earthquakes happening. At the end of all of this, Eastgate apartments will be destroyed, forcing those living there to take up housing in MacGregor House. :D

This post had people volunteering for what role they wold be doing during all of this mass chaos. Please let us know if you have changed your mind about where you have signed your character up for.

This post had the original information it from when we were going to run this last summer. The basic information is mostly the same and a Timeline of events due to the quakes will be posted up in the community.

Each day there will be a post put up in the main community for things happening that day.

Questions? Comments? Please let us know.

Yay apocalypse!

Oct. 24th, 2009



So, life and health got the best of many of us the last few months and [info]after_tomorrow became deader than dead.

However, a few people have expressed interest in playing here again and your mods really want to get the game going again.

After talking it over, we decided that rebooting the game again would be a very bad idea. What we've decided to do instead is pick up where we left off by having this plot finally happen.

We'll be putting up a new sign up list for it within the next couple of days. What we do need right now is for you guys to please check the taken list and tell us if there is any one missing who should be on there or who is on there that should be removed as they are not going to be coming back.

Since the game doesn't run too much on real time -- as it's almost impossible for most people to tell what time it is nowadays in the game -- time will pick up with only a couple of weeks passing in game instead of the few months that have.

We do want to get the game running and keep it running as we still feel it was an awesome concept that the original mods came up with. Therefore any ideas for the community are appreciated.

~Jen and Mylia

Jun. 4th, 2009



Ok. After looking at calendars and looking at what other games are running big plots when, we've decided that the beginning of the Earthquake!Boston plot will start on Friday, June 26 Monday, January 18th/Tuesday January 19th. As always, slow play is quite fine. I'm working on a timeline of events that will happen during the earthquake -- which buildings are affected when, what happens to the power, etc.

There will be a post put up in the main community when the plot starts and if you have volunteered your character to get trapped, that will be the place to post who and where they are.

There will also be a post put up for volunteers to start arriving to break into search and rescue teams or form a medical triage.

Victims: Please let the mods know if you plan to have a serious injury. Keep in mind that while there are magic users that can heal (and one that has been known to bring people back from near death and do other things) we don't want to overwhelm those characters -- or use them as a failsafe. The people that will be doing medical work during the disaster have access only to the supplies that have been gathered in looting trips or what they brought with them. Please keep these limitations in mind. *grins* That being said, it is the apocalypse so there will be things that happen that challenge our medical supplies.

Volunteer Villains: There will be a villain journal created for use and it will have a password that all of you can have. What we'll need from you will be what villain you are playing and where they come from. When we give you the password, you'll need to upload a couple of images of your villain so we can keep track of what face goes to which villain.

I *think* that's all for now.

Questions? Comments? Cookies?

May. 15th, 2009


Not going on hiatus, but just giving everyone a heads up that I will be in New York all weekend so I will be a lot slower than normal with tags.

x-posted lots of places

May. 5th, 2009



So, the mods are planning an event that -- if things go well -- will happen within the next couple of weeks.

We also want to make sure that people here want to continue to play and are interested in events.

Therefore, we're having OCD threads for purposes of signing up where you want your character to take part during the event, and if you are still interested in playing. Obviously, if you sign your character up in one of the other threads for the event, we're not expecting you to tell us you're staying or leaving in the comments.

Also, we're not upset with anyone and we know that real life can be a big bitch sometimes. This is mostly for our knowledge to break things into teams.

The Planned Event )

I think that's all, please wait for the OCD or a dinosaur will eat you. OCD is up!

Mar. 26th, 2009


New Game info

With Mylia's wonderful permission, I am posting this ad for a newish game I am re-launching starting April 5. It's a Black Jewels pan-fandom game. I'm currently working on the wiki for those that don't know much about the world. OCs are welcome as well.

Game Information Beneath the Cut )

Feb. 25th, 2009


Common Areas // Locations

Okay, it was suggested in the comments to last post (and it was a good idea) that we put together a list of common areas and locations in MIT//Boston so people have a point of reference.

So, please, in comments, list places that you think should be known (either due to RP or the wonderful magic of handwaving) and we'll make a nice reference list. (Mylia will because she is loving the coding of the tables).

If you can, also list where your characters are currently living/residing?

Places and Stuff )


Okay... so [info]morethanademon helped me do research this afternoon.

I've decided that the Rift is located at New House which is connected by a tunnel to MacGregor House.

Torchwood has set up headquarters and their living arrangements at New House to be close to the Rift. The main living quarters for survivors making their way to MIT will either be setting up housing in MacGregor House or the nearby (let's say it's across the way from the dorms) Eastgate Apartments.

At some point, we may have some basic floorplans put up, but right now we are fudging things a bit.

So, I'll put up a list of room numbers and apartment numbers and people can sign up for housing.

Uhmm.. yay?

Feb. 23rd, 2009


Mod Post

Okay, so we want to get your feedback on the following question:

Do you, as players, think that it is too soon for us to start having random events and "attacks" take place in game?

Also, what kind of events would you like to see happen? We have a few ideas, but we would like to know what you guys are interested in having happen.

Comments are screened for surprises. :D

Feb. 17th, 2009



Okay, so it was pointed out that RP games should have a policy where the character journals should have a disclaimer of some sorts on their info page in case of trouble a la the deleting fiasco on LJ in 2007(?).

Your admins (yes, I'm speaking for Random and am a dirty little modder) think that we should make sure all of us have some form of disclaimer on our character pages just so we can all do the lovely CYA thing.

Mylia came up with a template, which is under the cut. Now, you don't have to have this exact disclaimer, but some kind of one would be very much appreciated as we don't want any of our players to get into trouble.

I'm going to update the rules with the requirement that there be a disclaimer on character journals.

Thanks guys!
Mylia and Random Jen

Disclaimer Template )

I do not know how to do the nifty little copy and paste box with all the coding or else I would. :) Jen teached me it. :)

Jan. 26th, 2009


Heads Up!

We'll be kicking off the game this Friday, January 30.

We'll put up a post to let you know that the game has officially started and the apocalypse in full swing. :)

Jan. 17th, 2009



Application )

Comment to this post with your application.

Comments will be screened


Returning Characters

Random and I have decided that returning players with characters that were here before will be allowed to bypass the application process.

So, if you will comment to this post with your character and the journal for that character, we would greatly appreciate it.

This doesn't count for new characters you're bringing in, just the ones you played before. :)



New Rules For Game Play

Rules )

Rules are subject to change at the mods' discretion, but only with fair warning and after discussion with the player base.

Jan. 15th, 2009


Unused Character Journals

Soooooooooooooo I have a bit of a journal making habit. And I have a TON of journals that are currently going unused.

I'm going to list them here and if anyone wants them, I will turn them over to you.

Long List is Long )

Obviously if you can recycle the username for a different character, I have no problem with that. I just hate to see these sit unused if someone has a use for them.

Jan. 13th, 2009



Okay, as you know, [info]skyflowers (Random Jen) and I are taking over the game and re-launching it with the blessing of the previous mods of the game.

However, as much as we would like to say: "Yay, we're ready, let's start play right now!", it's not feasible.


Because Jen, Emily and Nic worked very hard to come up with everything for the game. Random and I feel that it would be unfair to use the rules and apps and everything they created as is because THEY CREATED THEM.

We don't want to just start the game and use all of the work they put into it without us making any effort. It's not right and it's not fair to them.

So, we're looking at several things to tweak, including rules and the apping process.

One thing we are keeping -- if it's okay with them -- is the fact that the main location of the game is Boston and the surrounding areas. There was a lot of work and information gathering done for the previous version of the game and it seems illogical to waste all of that. If they'd rather we not use Boston, then there are a few other ideas:

Washington D.C.
Phoenix, Arizona
Chicago, Illinois.

Personally? I think Boston makes more sense -- and not just because of MIT for Torchwood or Dr. Who peoples.

I guess this is the long way of saying "Please be patient with us as we work things out."

The game will be starting again, we just want to make sure we do it right and not just ride along and steal everything the previous mods worked so hard on.

Also, we do welcome suggestions and ideas of what you would like to see happen or not happen in game.

Mylia and Jen

Jan. 11th, 2009


After Tomorrow - REBOOT!

Soooooooooooooooooo, I know a lot of you have been hoping for this :D

After Tomorrow will be getting a reboot and starting up again. With new mods, however. Mylia & Random!Jen will be taking over, with an assist from Nic and myself. The premise of the game is remaining the same and anyone who was previously playing will have first dibs on their character(s) when the game resets.

I'll be handing over the mod journal/comms to them and they'll be keeping you up to date with further information!

May. 12th, 2008



We're thinking about rebooting the game.

Most everything would stay the same, but the big difference would be that we'd get rid of the groups. Folks could arrive wherever in Boston they wanted and then they would end up finding the MIT group.

Hopefully having more people in a centralized location would make interactions easier. Plus we have some ideas for random events to keep the characters from getting to settled in.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Concerns?

Apr. 22nd, 2008


Feedback Please!

Since most of you were interested in something happening, but not going to be around this past weekend, we decided to wait on the event we had planned.

It seems like we're struggling to find our groove though, and we'd like some feedback from all of you about how we can improve/change/etc things so that the game is more fun and active.

Please comment and let us know what you like, what you don't like, why you haven't been playing, what would get you to play, etc etc etc.

Apr. 17th, 2008


Game Status

Okay, so...

Things have been kind of dead around here. We need to get some action happening.

The mods do have a plan for something to come out of the Rift that your characters will have to deal with. How do you all feel about that happening this weekend?

Additionally, we'll be opening applications in another week or so. If you have characters on hold and haven't completed their apps yet, please do so ASAP!

Mar. 26th, 2008


Application -- Sam Witwicky


Player Name/Pseudonym: Jen
Character Name: Sam Witwicky
Fandom: Transformers
Journal Name: [info]shesmybunny
Link to OOC Contact Post: Here
Other characters played at After Tomorrow: Owen Harper

Application )

And now the application is open to any characters who would like to ask questions of the new person or interact in some way.

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