January 21st, 2010

[info]demon_bait in [info]aftertomorrow

Boston, Thursday All Day

The earthquakes had been getting worse and worse as the week progressed.

In New House, Gwen, Owen and Jack were doing their best to try and keep things with the Rift as stable as possible. They couldn't even imagine what kind of damage it could cause if the tremors caused it to become even more unstable. It was dangerous enough as it was.

Elsewhere throughout Boston, signs of the damages the earthquakes were causing were to be seen everywhere. Some of the school buildings had already collapsed and other buildings looked like they were on the brink of it.

In Eastgate Apartments, Phoebe was moving around the apartment she shared with Cole and Piper, lighting candles since the power was out again. She was reaching for a fresh match when she felt the building shake again. Bracing her hand on the wall to hold herself steady, the vision hit her.

...rubble... screams... fires...concrete collapsing all around...

As she came out of her vision, she felt the building shake and then she was falling. She felt herself hit something somewhere and managed to let out one cry before she hit something else and the breath was knocked out of her.

[[OOC: Main post. Please make sure to put in the subject of your tag the time of day and what your character is doing or where they are. Let the chaos and pain and terror run rampant.]]