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Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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[Mar. 14th, 2012|09:28 am]
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I was wondering, does anyone care to go and help me find pixies?

I want to try and get an interview with one.

If they exist in this world that is.
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[Jan. 15th, 2012|03:33 pm]
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Does anyone here know how to make peace of gnomes villages?

I have 2 on my front lawn and they've been fighting left and right. I'm losing shoes and my hair clips manage to be stolen and used as swords.

I don't mind the gnomes, they're fun and nice to watch, but I keep seeing them fly against my door and wake me up at night.
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[Dec. 18th, 2011|08:49 pm]

I wonder if I should invite the gnomes in for Christmas, if I haven't been asked to go somewhere of course.

Would anyone have a copy of 'Secrets to gnome Festivals'?

But, if anyone wants to invite me somewhere, I'd be ever so grateful. I hope there's pudding if I go somewhere.
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[Nov. 18th, 2011|07:05 pm]
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This is quite fascinating. Are we certain it's not the work of rogue house elves?

They deserve rights themselves, it could be them reaching out.
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[Nov. 13th, 2011|01:34 am]

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So, you all mean to tell me that this past Halloween was normal for you.
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[Nov. 12th, 2011|11:12 am]
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Oh my, I seem to have found an infestation of pixies. Does anyone care to help me?

I have plenty of cages and sweeties to lure them, there are just so many.
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[Nov. 9th, 2011|01:14 am]

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So. Reassembling the Key to Time apparently causes localised distortions in the space-time continuum, even inside the sealed atmosphere of a TARDIS, thus causing all caught in the span of the distortion to be displaced. Lovely.

I knew the Doctor was an idiot, but this is just ridiculous.
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[Nov. 2nd, 2011|11:58 am]
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That was fun, but I seem to have lost my shoes.
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[Aug. 6th, 2009|11:24 am]

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Well, summer is here, but have I seen any of it? Not really but that's okay I suppose. Dad has given me a writing postition for the Quibbler since one of his main writers is out for a few moths after getting sick a few weeks ago. Not sure how serious it is, but at least I have a job so I can pay for the classes I am taking in London. After this week I a have a short break then return for the fall session of classes. I am not sure what I want to take, but I'll figure it out.

My birthday is coming up too. On the 29th of this month. I think I should plan a party. Or something.

Private to close friends and Colin )
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[Aug. 3rd, 2009|09:41 pm]
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I am still so utterly amazed with computers and everything you can find on them. I still prefer writing things out by hand, but the world at your fingertips is difficult not to adore.

My birthday is coming up in a little over a month. I have to admit, I'm looking forward to it.
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A new beginning? [May. 25th, 2009|07:59 pm]

[Current Location |London, England]
[Current Mood |cheerful]

I swear I am alive. I know I have not been around lately, and I hope no one has forgotton me yet. But then again I dont think anyone could. I mean, I am unforgettable... Maybe.

I have not been doing much. Just helped my dad re-start the Quibbler again since he has not printed an issue in a long while. Maybe it will mark the new beginning of readers if they are interested in the... interesting things we like to say. But first re-issue will be out in a few days. I guess that is a good thing.

What's everyone else up to? Colin? Are you still here, love? I miss you.
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[Mar. 28th, 2009|07:36 pm]

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Well, I am a firm believer in the fact there are stranger things in this world, but that rally jumped ship when I woke up this morning. Here I was, making breakfast when completely out of nowhere the bowl I was pouring oatmeal into changed from it's orginial white to silver. At first I thought I was imagining it, but then I realized the more I touched it as I examined it that it was comming from me. With closer examination I realized when I touched other things that it was turning silver and it was not comming from anywhere else but from me. So apparently everything I touch turns into silver. And while I never been interested in the superhero powers per sae, but I have to admit that this is pretty nifty. I am going to see what else I can do with this ability. And use it while I still can because who knows how long this will last.
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Wow... [Dec. 21st, 2008|02:38 am]


To close friends )

Colin Creevey )
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[Dec. 21st, 2008|12:32 am]
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Everybody being good these last four nights before the flight?

There have been revisions to our policy regarding bad little boys and girls. We've been hassled into "going green" by our local activist elves, so instead of giving coal, we will be giving out soy sprouts.  Something about leaving a minimal carbon footprint, whatever that means.

We're working overtime these next few days, to make sure each and every one of you gets exactly what you want this Christmas, or Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa, or even Ramadan and Festivus! We're branching out, up here at the North Pole! Enterprising! Getting everybody in on the holiday spirit! Whatever holiday suits you!

Anyone who hasn't sent out their letters to me can contact me personally, right here!
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[Dec. 16th, 2008|01:58 am]
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Luna Lovegood )

I hope she says yes...
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[Dec. 16th, 2008|12:27 am]

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Mommy! and anyone else who wants to know...
Cut for images )
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[Nov. 29th, 2008|04:56 pm]


Happy Thanksgiving to those who clebrated it.

I am beginning to wonder what I am going to do with myself for the time being. A job could do me a well of good, but then again there are not a lot of options here in London but I might as well make the most of it, right? I might as well do something to occupy my mind at the present moment. Part of me wishes I was back home with my family and friends, though I did find my father the other day and we are now currently residing in a little apartment outside London. Not sure how long we are going to be there for, but at least I have a roof over my head. All I am gonna say is that an apartment is better than hiding in the basement of a pub anyday.

I have the urge to get out and do something. Anyone up for it? Colin, I miss you.
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This is interesting... [Nov. 2nd, 2008|04:35 pm]

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London.. A place I grew up near, but somehow not the one I reacall. The question of the day is: Why are there dead creatures floating around?

Private to close friends )
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[Aug. 7th, 2008|11:22 am]
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Luna )
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[Jun. 24th, 2008|08:54 pm]

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Link. )


Um, yees, I'm engaged now and gonna be the first and last ever Mrs. Alec McDowell and if you're my friend you should probably come to my wedding.


... sorry. Just excited! ♥
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[May. 11th, 2008|08:44 pm]

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Ooh I'm such a dunce!

I had a boy! And his name is Alexander and he's perfect. We're home now, so yeah. We'll take visitors and presents. Y'know, if you want.
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[May. 11th, 2008|07:19 pm]
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Luna, open to Older Severus )
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[Apr. 23rd, 2008|08:41 pm]

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Oh oh. That's wet and gross. Oh man did I pe - I mean.

Oh goodness I think I wet myself. Oh no wait! The baby. I think my water broke. Yeah. That's totally not pee.
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[Mar. 12th, 2008|05:37 pm]

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Um. Hey? Link? Saria? Someone?

I don't know where I am and I always know where I am and that's really really really really really really scary. And I'm BIG and keep hitting my head on stuff when I fly and help?
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[Mar. 3rd, 2008|02:39 pm]
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Oh dammit.
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[Feb. 24th, 2008|07:40 pm]
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So, um.

Is it just me or does the Universe love playing huge, stupid tricks on people? One minute I'm working on a back piece and the next I'm signing autographs.

I mean, I know I look like one, but what the christ is going on?
Hello, My name is Artan Stillman and I'm apparently a rock star.

A little help would be... helpful.
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[Feb. 16th, 2008|03:13 pm]
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Luna )
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