Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game - May 20th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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May 20th, 2009

[May. 20th, 2009|12:28 am]
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Wolfpack )
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[May. 20th, 2009|01:06 am]


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Yeah, I have a picture of my son jacking it IN THE WOMB.

Best kid ever.

Bela, can we frame this and put it in the nursery?
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*way backdated to 2 weeks ago* [May. 20th, 2009|01:47 am]


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[May. 20th, 2009|01:55 am]


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Out of the house.

Don't call, phone's off.
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[May. 20th, 2009|06:11 am]



Ugh six am, why am I awake?
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[May. 20th, 2009|06:23 am]

Robins, et al. )
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[May. 20th, 2009|06:25 am]

Can I go to summer school?
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[May. 20th, 2009|09:33 am]
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Would someone like to inform me as to the state of the big kids? You guys have been posting amongst yourselves and I know when that sort of thing happens, I know something bad is up.

What's going on, kids? Do I need to come dispense Fatherly Wisdom or something? I'm new at this.
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[May. 20th, 2009|12:47 pm]

This chipmunk is really getting on my nerves. Why did the universe have to give him his voice back? Urgh.

At least I can ignore him when I'm at work. It's hard enough to design fashions without a chipmunk rambling down your ear.
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[May. 20th, 2009|01:13 pm]


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Henry gave me a promise ring!
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[May. 20th, 2009|02:00 pm]


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Okay, I know how sometimes, when I do yoga? I get really lightheaded and the room spins a little.

This. Was. Not. Like. That.

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[May. 20th, 2009|02:33 pm]


Mmm, that's two days in a row I've needed a nap after work.

The kids keep bursting in on me, too, so it's not even a worthwhile nap. Must be something going around. I feel fine and then all I can think about is how nice and warm my blankets are, and how easy it is to sleep on a pile of squirming toddlers who are trying to show you their latest drawings.
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[May. 20th, 2009|02:57 pm]


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[Current Mood |cheerful]

Would anyone here would be interested in a mud and/or jello wrestling match between me and another very hot chick yet to be determined?

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[May. 20th, 2009|03:28 pm]

Yeah, so uh. I'm going back on tour again. Xi'an has been gone a long time now. Doug's been gone awhile. Bobby left so long ago I can barely remember what he freaking looked like.

And as much as I hate this Japanese pop star crap? It's something to do. I'm so damn bored I could carve my eyeballs out and it'd be fun.

Yo Logan? Wanna come see me do my thing?
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[May. 20th, 2009|03:39 pm]
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Judah... I need you to watch the shop for a few days. Maybe longer. Call Pete and tell him... well, he'll know. Listen to what he tells you.
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[May. 20th, 2009|03:52 pm]


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[Current Mood |curious]

Doctor? Rose? You out there? It's been so quiet lately....
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[May. 20th, 2009|04:47 pm]


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Okay, it is far too quiet around here with as many Harkness' as we have..where is everyone?
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[May. 20th, 2009|06:53 pm]
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I taught the paint-piglet and the chickens to do yoga.

That is all.
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[May. 20th, 2009|07:02 pm]

So, turns out patrolling is a lot easier when the folk you're chasing suddenly decide that it's a good time to take a nap.

Sort of takes the fun out of the job though.
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[May. 20th, 2009|07:31 pm]



Not to look a gift horse in the mouth or anything..

When you're trying to free a bunch of hostages from a group of killers, and suddenly said killers fall dead asleep...the whole process becomes a lot faster and less painful.
now if I wasn't so tired
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[May. 20th, 2009|08:04 pm]


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Right. Where in the name of Merlin am I? This is not Hogwarts. Whoever is responsible for this will pay dearly for it. Trust me on that.
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[May. 20th, 2009|08:27 pm]
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Blimey. Okay... well... damn.
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