[Oct. 7th, 2009|04:37 pm] |
I know I posted about this a while back, but it was still theoretical then, it's actually coming to fruition now. Got myself a little storefront animal hospital in London, round about [address] at the end of the market street. I call it an animal hospital and not a vet's office because I don't have any sort of real credentials, but back home I'm what's called a Stitch, I heal things, detail work is my specialty, things like internal injuries, toxins, that sort of thing, but I can heal just about anything.
I'm good with mammals, reptiles, birds, even fish I bet, haven't healed a fish before, but I probably could. |
[Sep. 2nd, 2009|12:22 pm] |
I have recently learned that back home I did some things that unfortunately I am unable to make up to the people they were done to. Mostly becuse those people are long dead, and most of them didn't have families. Besides that, none of them are here, they're back there.
Figured the best way I could balance things out is with charity work, and I got an idea from the most recent issue of the Smithsonian, the article about the donkeys and the free clinic.
I'm Josie, I'm what's called a Stitch back home, basically means I'm a healer, and detail work, things like individual bullet holes, nerve and tendon work, that's what I'm best at. I've got some funds saved up, was going to use them to move back out to Kansas, I'm going to use them to get myself an animal clinic somewhere, London, New York, maybe back in Kansas after all, pets, work animals, strays, mammals, reptiles, hell, I'll even heal your fish, maybe even Stitch people once in a while. |
[Aug. 4th, 2009|04:37 pm] |
Right, I need to stop moping around the house on my off-days. Who wants to go see what kind of trouble we can get into in Atlantic City? |
[Jul. 22nd, 2009|04:58 pm] |
Roommate's missing, has been for a while. Hope she got dropped back somewhere better than she got yanked in from.
Anybody looking for a place to stay in New York? Doing fine on cash for a while, but won't be able to keep up the rent on this place myself. |
[Jul. 2nd, 2009|07:24 pm] |
I've started falling back into old habits, habits I should have shaken a long time ago now that I'm not on the run anymore, not more or less in exile.
Basically I just need something to shake up the status quo, something to snap me out of my rut.
Figure the best way to do this is with a little booze and a little shin-kicking. Who's with me? |
[Jul. 1st, 2009|10:04 pm] |
How is it the first of July, already? |
[Jun. 23rd, 2009|01:34 pm] |
Uh... a tornado? What the hell is that about? And why am I now in New York with girls screaming my name? |
[Jun. 11th, 2009|02:53 pm] |
This is probably the weirdest thing I've ever asked, but does anyone know of anyone selling or renting farmhouse properties in Kansas or the surrounding states? Or anyone with one who needs an extra pair of hands?
I've been missing home for a while, and as much as I like the city I'd rather get back on a ranch. Problem is it'd have to be a working ranch, which means if I'm getting one for myself I'd need a crew to go with it. I've got some saved up, but not that much. |
[Jun. 10th, 2009|09:55 am] |
I am DIGGIN' this whole Summer Break thing. No professors up my ass about papers and "failing for the second year", and all the partying one guy can handle! I mean, and I know you'll all agree with me when I say it, but sororitutes are sororotutes for LIFE!
Frylock, can you handle it? Can you handle that I am getting more play than you? Because I'm sayin' now. I can handle it. I'm handling it with one hand, while holding the phone in the other.
Oh hey baby, you ever wondered what flavor a shake is? Come here, Brandy, I know you want some of this. |
[Jun. 9th, 2009|11:46 pm] |
I think I'm going to teach myself how to play drums. I want to start a band, and I have enough free time to learn. So if anyone comes to visit and hears banging, that's what it is. Nobody's being shot! No explosi - okay, so maybe a few, but I try to do those outside.
( Wolfpack. ) |
[May. 20th, 2009|02:57 pm] |
Would anyone here would be interested in a mud and/or jello wrestling match between me and another very hot chick yet to be determined?
Anyone? |
[May. 5th, 2009|04:12 pm] |
Um, Esk? I can't make it to practice today.
Or school. Or out of my flat, period. I'm going to knock myself out again. |
[Apr. 3rd, 2009|11:36 am] |
I'm bored and my camera and studio setup is lonely.
Who would like to come be a model for me today? You will be paid, and lunch will be served. |
[Apr. 2nd, 2009|01:08 pm] |
So this is getting a little redeculous. I healed two broken toes, a chronic back problem, a kid's skinned knee, AND a dog that got hit by a car all just by walking past today.
I think I'm going to go home and stop being around people until this goes away, though I guess I should be thankful it's the Stitching that got a steroid boost and not the de-Stitching, because that would really suck. |
Voice Post |
[Mar. 24th, 2009|08:42 pm] |
Josie, I'm at the hospital - [address], room 309. I think I have a couple more weeks before I can come home. Are you okay? |
[Mar. 20th, 2009|03:59 pm] |
Bein' mugged. Humorous.
Bein' hit over de head hard enough to pass out et leave an egg? Not so fun.
Dis here damp cement cell? Just as pleasant.
When I can get up dey'll eat some teeth. |
[Mar. 14th, 2009|09:42 pm] |
I'm still looking for a place to stay more permanently than the halfway house I'm at right now. If anybody's in the market for a roommate, I clean up after myself, don't smoke, don't mind smokers, don't have pets, don't mind pets either, I swear like a sailor, sometimes like two sailors, and I've got a job, so paying my rent won't end up in constant arguments either. |
[Mar. 9th, 2009|02:08 pm] |
Is anybody looking for a roommate? Or at least know somewhere I can stay for a few days until I find a place of my own? Address I fell into here isn't working out as well as it was last week.
( Artan ) |
[Mar. 7th, 2009|05:20 pm] |
I'm going out dancing. Any girls want to come with? (Boys just ruin this sort of thing anyway.) |
[Mar. 6th, 2009|07:25 pm] |
This isn't funny. And no one's laughing. |
[Mar. 5th, 2009|02:12 pm] |
So playing at the benefit concert really sort of kicked my ass. I used to have a phobia about playing guitar in front of people, but I had a really awesome time. Hence this entry.
Who wants to start a band? Or who needs a guitarist/cellist/harp(ist)/pianist? (My dad's a musician and I had a lot of free time as a kid.) |
[Mar. 5th, 2009|12:35 pm] |
Well that was surprising... |
[Mar. 2nd, 2009|01:36 pm] |
So, for somebody who just arrived yesterday I think I'm actually doing pretty well for myself, fell into a job I already know how to do.
Speaking of: if anybody needs anything peirced (or branded apparently, even though that's kind of weird so far as I'm concerned) give me a call [cell#] to make an appointment, schedule's pretty clear, but I'm in and out, wouldn't want you to drop by and have to wait for me y'know?
If a guy answers, ask for Sophie, if a chick answers, ask for Josie.
Or, y'know, you can just drop me a line here, I'm picking up messages. |
[Mar. 1st, 2009|08:56 pm] |
That was...unexpected. I highly doubt that was a normal tornado. Could someone perhaps shed a little light on this situation? |
[Mar. 1st, 2009|12:48 pm] |
What. The. HELL?
If somebody's Pushing me you'd better be DAMN sure I'm going to push back hard enough your spleen's gonna rupture.
You'd better ask yourself if that's really the way you want to go. |