RAC IC for The Warrant

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Posts Tagged: 'star'

Dec. 20th, 2015



kcopeland 7.


I'm coming back to the ship tonight.

[/end filter]

I need someone who can take care of themselves (and me as well) if necessary to accompany downtown sometime since the kidnappers weren't nice enough to wait until I'd finished my Christmas shopping first. I can compensate you for your time by either cooking or baking you a dish of your choice, or by giving you some pointers at the shooting range if applicable.



tdawes 003


How are you holding up?


Plans for the Christmas period?


How are you What's your captain's preferred poison? Also, welcome back.

[/end filters]

Weirdest Christmas themed thing you've ever seen?

Dec. 15th, 2015



004 ♡ ngarland

love you guys, but cheer up, you sad pandas ♥
Thank you.

Dec. 11th, 2015



sent over about 45 minutes. sorry for this dumb baby

TO: noa
FROM: me

(1/7) yo
(2/7) yooo
(3/7) where are youuu
(4/7) please tell me because people are saying youre unaccounted for ha ha
(5/7) i was like she's probably just sleeping or got a dead battery or maybe she's eating a 3 foot long sub sandwich, that takes both hands!!!
(6/7) where are you
(7/7) [...] noa?

FROM: me

hey where's noa

TO: 68 food crew
FROM: me

(1/3) yo check in where are you guys
(2/3) kirby i know youre off ship, you good???
(3/3) noa's not with you guys right

Dec. 10th, 2015



Don't worry guys she is getting kidnapped soon lol

[TO] "68" (group)
[FROM] "Kirby"

    [1/2] I'll be staying with my friends for the next while if anyone needs me.
    [2/2] My other, actor friends that is. You guys know I love you.

[TO] ksingh@rac.net
[FROM] kcopeland@rac.net

    Hi Kajal, I know that I'm not on either of your crews or anything, but I was wondering if I could get some professional advice sometime at your convenience.

Dec. 8th, 2015



004 ★ STAR

hey so i was wondering if ya'll wanted to meet up for dinner before going to the christmas party. who's down?



kcopeland 6.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ SECRET SANTA '71 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Who wants in?

  1. Please comment, either in a filter to me or not, what kind of thing you would like. Ie. my name's Kirby Copeland, my favourite colours are blues and greens, I like nail polish, nice teas, fluffy socks (the B52 is coooolllld), stuff for baking, fingerless mittens and hot cocoa. And bath bombs!

  2. If you are shy, there is also a box left with the receptionist downstairs!

  3. Price limit of 25 woolongs per gift!

  4. No lumps of coal or similar, please. This is not the thing for that! If you absolutely think that you can't be an adult and give the person you're paired with a decent gift, get back to me and I will sort something else out.

  5. All gifts need to be delivered to me by the 21st! I will then distribute them with possibly a merry army of '68 helpers. It is up to the gift giver to decide whether the gift will stay anonymous or not, although I of course will know your identity.

  6. Have fun!

Nov. 22nd, 2015



002 ✦ GAHN

How are you all, and how are your crews? I hope everyone is recovering from their injuries after that last bounty. It was an exciting one, wasn't it?

I don't have anything terribly important to say, but I wanted to check up on everyone and also pass along a very interesting article, if anyone wants to read it. New Strides In Artificial Cell Regeneration from this month's Mars Medical Sciences Research Journal. It's a bit dense, but I found it really fascinating. It's wonderful to see the strides that science is taking these days. It feels like we're starting to finally enter an era when society is more interested in advancements to better lives than simply surviving and making do. Now, let's hope their next strides are to make these advancements more affordable and accessible to the ordinary people, hmm?

Alright, another check-in: pain levels, headaches, any lingering issues? Don't make me come hunt you down. I have reading to do.

Nov. 19th, 2015



003 ♡ ngarland

POLL TIME: has anyone had the drink that their ship is named after???? this is an important question of SUPER importance. and congrats to the B52!!!

so we didn't bag this bounty but, GHOST SHIP TOUR?
So Pen's birthday. two weeks. let's hear those ideas flow.
December approaches, we need to knock some shit off the bucket list before the new year!!!!

Nov. 12th, 2015



05 ✘ cvance. the invasion continues, i'm sorry

Got your paychecks for Io, when you want them. I'll be on the bridge.
Whatever you thought you heard on C-Day, you didn't.
[.....] Favor to ask.
Scale of one to ten: effectiveness of sleeping pills.
ZANE, ultimately deleted.