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Opus Two RPG

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[Feb. 22nd, 2011|06:27 pm]

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[Mood | chipper]

*may be having the best week ever, which is something of a monumental achievement, considering!*

*has been packing up his house bit by bit since Doc's last visit, boxing things he doesn't use every day and keeping half an eye on houses for sale* *hasn't really told anyone but Carol about the plans, yet, since they don't have a concrete date and Doc's just beginning the process of unhooking himself from his life up north*

*does have one other person in mind to tell right away, though* *texts Glorfindel and arranges to meet him for coffee after work* (*yes, goes without his one cup of coffee all day to save it for the afternoon*)
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[Jan. 8th, 2011|03:23 pm]

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*arrives into Gondolin very quietly and spends a few days getting himself and his cat settled* *emails and calls the university, as well, and breathes a sigh of relief when it's clear that he'll be able to re-do his last semester without any hangups (aside from cost, of course)*

*as soon as he has himself and his schooling sorted, immediately starts catching up on the city's recent goings-on, paying particular attention to anything related to "his" people (aside from Ecthelion's charity CD collaboration, there's nothing much in the news)* *is just glad he hasn't missed out on anything huge, at least*

*for lack of any clever plan (how do you fix a tree after it's been run through a woodchipper?), decides it's time to step out on one of the strongest limbs* *calls round to the Flower in the late morning and, surprisingly (to him), is directed to wait in Glorfindel's office (he's just stepped out for a bit with Marigold, but he should be back soonish)*

*perches on the edge of the couch and fidgets, waiting* *five minutes pass, and the perch relaxes to a slouch* *ten minutes pass, and he leans his cheek on his knuckles, nerves giving way to drowsiness (it's the sunshine streaming in through the windows, the lulling scent of books and carpet and familiarity)*

*closes his eyes, thinking to keep an ear out (I'll hear them coming a mile off)* *fifteen minutes past, and he's slumped against the arm of the couch in a warm, cozy doze*
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[Sep. 1st, 2010|07:14 pm]
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[Mood | melancholy]

*loiters on a bench at the train station with Carol and Jackie Lee, waiting to see the latter off to Delving*

*can't think of a single cheering thing to say, when the reality is that he probably won't see his lover again for some time* *keeps silent but vigilant contact instead, stroking the nape of Jackie 's neck and occasionally trading comments with Carol*
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[Aug. 24th, 2010|07:53 pm]

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[Mood | groggy]

*remains oblivious to all of the activity around him, from tubes and needles to visitors and mainstays, and even the presence of two Valar isn't enough to shake him from his chemically-induced sleep*

*drags his eyes open a few times in the middle of the (second) night and mumbles a few nonsensical words on the morning of the third day* *tumbles into dark dreams after each glimmer of consciousness, but is ushered clear in short order (shh, sleep easy)*

*blinks and inhales deeply sometime in the late afternoon, not quite aware he's awake until he hears movement somewhere to his left* *tries to turn his head, instinctively seeking the source (hello?)*
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[Jun. 12th, 2010|08:35 pm]

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*on Saturday afternoon, following a very pleasant morning spent with his husband, including a nice breakfast in a little place off the beaten track, with outside seating where it seemed perfectly acceptable to bring their dog, decides to visit Erestor*

*hopes enough time has passed that Erestor has absorbed what has happened (and how it is support) and figures that, really, he cannot stay away any longer than this*

*makes his way to Erestor's house and knocks on the door, rocking on the balls of his feet and brimming with cheer, because the weather is fine, his cast is off and he is happy*
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[Jun. 7th, 2010|09:35 pm]

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[Mood | chipper]

*arrives back in Gondolin with his husband on the afternoon following the Virtuoso Awards with the express intention to let the senior staff of the Flower and the Fountain know about their lords' new marital status before their respective agents issue the press release*

*in order to maintain some privacy, he and Ecthelion travel separately to the Palace* *while Ecthelion goes to face the music speak with Turgon, goes to find their dog and to break the news to Idril* *only manages to extricate himself with promises that he and his husband will have lunch with Idril and Tuor the following day*

*en route, texts Aerandir to ask that he and Sophie meet him at the conference room at the House of the Fountain in half an hour* *arrives back (home) at the Fountain and goes to the conference room himself, genuinely entertained by how excited Marigold is to be back here again* *tips a salute to Pete as he walks past the front desk*
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[Feb. 11th, 2010|06:33 pm]

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*after that embarrassing wake-up call from Esther, decides he's going to have to do something fairly drastic to catch up and keep up* *taking careful stock of everything, concludes that sleep is the only part of the equation he's really missing (the only part over which he's utterly lost control, with work overflow and caffeine keeping him up too late and nightmares waking him too early)*

*bites the bullet and, after some careful research, finally breaks the seal on the second bottle residing in his nightstand (apparently they function as sleep aids, too—and he hates himself a little but he can't see any other way up)* *and it's not as though he'll need the stupid things forever, just until he can get back into the usual rhythm*

*four days and two pills later (day-on day-off makes him feel less like Glorfindel an addict), is feeling a bit more like himself (read: productive)* *is also a bit more equipped to handle the latest news* *heads over to the Flower as soon as he can determine that Glorfindel is back in residence*
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[Jan. 23rd, 2010|02:58 pm]
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*hears through the grapevine that the Lord of the Flower is back in the hospital, this time for surgery* *good grief, what is it about Turgon's poor people? every other week someone's having a minor crisis*

*decides to go check in on Glorfindel the day of his operation, because to listen to the media talk, he could probably use a friendly word right about now* *upon her arrival, though, she learns that Glorfindel is already out of surgery and has been installed in a regular room to recover*

*heads that way, her small offering of yellow roses in hand* *peeks in the door and knocks very softly, so as not to wake the occupant if he's drifted off*
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[Jan. 10th, 2010|07:16 pm]

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*has been doing a lot of thinking since he returned from Dorthonion* *has come to the conclusion that, though he's probably the party with the most right to be offended here, he's also the one with the most sense—which means it's up to him to try to set things right. again.* *yes, despite his earlier assertion that he wouldn't*

*to that end, waffles for an entire day before finally picking up his phone and texting a short, simple message to a (speed-dial) number he hasn't dialed in weeks* This is ridiculous, you know. Thai at mine tonight?
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[Dec. 15th, 2009|07:20 pm]

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*heads straight to the Flower at the end of the shift*

*has been completely closeted in his office all day, with only a short visit from Ecthelion to break up his quiet oasis of paper-churning and mouse-clicking* *was the very image of a polite and considerate subordinate, but thinks that if he ever has to hear the words "professional help" again—from anyone—he'll throw something large and heavy through a window*

*has subsided to his now-usual reserve by the time he reaches the Flower's front desk* *asks whether Glorfindel is in his office, and upon learning that the lord of the House has retired for the night, heads straight up to the apartment without waiting for the receptionist to call ahead* *reaches the door and hesitates only a heartbeat before knocking*
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[Dec. 7th, 2009|06:55 pm]
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*is always surprised to find the gym deserted on a Friday night, but then, other people probably have social lives and shit (hi, still swingin' single here, ladies)*

*is just glad she can contribute to a certain lackey's lack of an in-town social life, anyway!*

*helpfully, as she brings another towel over* Think that'll bruise up pretty, soldier?
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[Nov. 8th, 2009|09:23 pm]

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[Mood | chipper]

*pops into the coffee shop a good fifteen minutes early with Doc in tow, the both of them laughing and pink-cheeked with the cold* ...no, but seriously. You think I sound like the astronomer? I'm eight pages in and he's already inviting his guest to a hanging, for Eru's sake.

*takes a seat at a table for four, shrugging out of his coat and draping it over the back of the chair* *continues* I mean, I'm all about gallows humor—pun completely intended—but I don't think he was kidding.
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[Oct. 31st, 2009|10:48 am]

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[Mood | cheerful]

*has settled into a fairly comfortable routine of working (on a normal schedule) and then going home to the Flower alone (i.e. without bringing work with him)* *is not blind to the way everyone at the Fountain relaxes and perks up when he is himself in good form*

*(did notice Erestor leaving early the other day, and failing to return, but just assumed he missed something—it's not like he hovers over his Second's desk to see what minutiae he's working on at all times)*

*on Halloween morning, wakes early and leaves a note on his pillow for Glorfindel* Had to run an errand. Back soon. xx E

*finishes getting dressed and leaves to run said errand, taking no time at all (it's just a formality at this point)*

*turns back toward home, though this leg of the walk takes considerably longer because his companion is mostly dictating the pace and she is quite distractible*
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[Oct. 17th, 2009|01:54 pm]

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*returns from Menegroth with vacation days to spare, but has been forbidden to show his face around the House (for work purposes, anyway) until such-and-such date*

*is glad for the extra time, though, because it's a prime opportunity to have Carol down for a visit before the weather gets terribly cold* *picks her up from the train station and, after a minor squabble over who's sleeping where (which mostly consists of him threatening to put her out on the lawn if she tries to take the couch), sets her up in his bedroom and introduces her to his modest little kitchen (which she promptly commandeers, of course)*

*some time thereafter, is instructed to invite friends over for supper, and so dutifully calls Ecthelion ("take your antihistamine, sir") and Glorfindel* *hangs up with the latter and turns to Carol with a chipper smile* They'll be here in a little while. *steps back in to stir the beans* These are about done, I think. When do you want the roast out?
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[Sep. 23rd, 2009|09:17 pm]
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*has kept abreast of current affairs, ever since the 'blazing row' and Glorfindel's incongruous return to Gondolin* *was pretty frantic when she heard of Ecthelion's collapse but, almost before she knew it, got word that he and Glorfindel were returning to Gondolin again*

*decides to leave it until early the following afternoon before landing in on the Flower, a folder tucked under her arm and a defiant expression on her face*

*marches right past Becky (making the universal 'Call me later' sign) and down the corridor to Glorfindel's (south-facing) office* *knocks on the door*
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[Aug. 15th, 2009|04:08 pm]

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[Mood | working]

*moseys into work at nine AM the morning after the ball, yawning and a little sluggish but relatively chipper*

*is both surprised and unsurprised to learn that Ecthelion hasn't made an appearance yet, but waves off Pete's offer to call their lord and check in* *figures Ecthelion might be catching up on the past thirty years or so of lost sleep, or (more likely) getting ready for his show*

*heads upstairs and stops off in the break room for cooooooffeeeeeee coffee, snorting his amusement at the sign someone's tacked up on the board:*

ATTN: Staff
Yes, attendance is mandatory.
Bring your lighters.

*ahahaha, nice*

*finally gets into his office and settles at his computer, diving right into the morning's email traffic*
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[Jul. 18th, 2009|09:02 pm]
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*it's a bright and sunny Saturday afternoon, and the place to be is the House of the Fountain's annual barbecue!*

*per her roommates' specific instructions (girlfriend, you are not working today, today we party), has dolled up a bit for the occasion* *figures if nothing else, she and Danielle and Georgia will make damned good armcandy for their unsuspecting date*

*as such, finds herself carefully stepping across the House's beautiful green lawns in strappy four-inchers, one arm curled around Erestor's and a fruity drink balanced in the other hand* *pleasantly, to their little party at large* I don't know about the rest of you, but there's a coney dog with my name on it. Bets on whether I can keep the sauce off my skirt this time?
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[May. 25th, 2009|03:16 pm]

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*stops into a corner flower shop after work with two specific purchases in mind*

*the first is a spicy red-themed bouquet, which he arranges to send to Nico's house with a note (You were right about the Fruitcake. Here's to not-looking!)* *makes a mental note to get over there and give her the details in person, and soon—before she hunts him down and shakes him out herself*

*the second is a vase of the brightest, most cheerful yellow blooms he can find, with a few white bits thrown in just to cut the glare* *declines an offer to have those delivered, as well* No, thanks, I'll deliver these myself.

*that done, makes his way over to the rehab clinic with the vase and a large-ish envelope in hand, halfway wondering if Glorfindel will even remember he was here two days ago (he's hardly himself, for all of the drugs)*
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[Apr. 28th, 2009|06:24 pm]

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*finally hauls himself out to the Flower, feeling a little contrite (because he hasn't done so before now) and a little more concerned (because Glorfindel seems to have dropped off of everyone's radar)* *figures a good lookaround and a quick look-in on the man himself will take care of both birds, though*

*thinks the architecture's even more impressive up-close than it is from the road, as are the grounds, which are already greening up promisingly* *can't wait to see what it looks like in a month or two, when all of the House's namesakes start blooming*

*lets himself in and meanders toward the center of the foyer, looking up and all around, taking in the design* *and though it does look like the Flower, for the most part, he wonders where the difference is?* *it's just that opulence doesn't quite seem to fit with the Glorfindel-of-now, any more than the Virtuosos trip did*

*heads to the reception desk, only belatedly remembering that Tanya is filling in for Sophie* *smiles chipperly at the new girl and inquires about Glorfindel (any chance you'll believe I'm here on dire House business, ma'am?)*
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[Mar. 29th, 2009|06:28 pm]

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*after some consideration, invites Glorfindel over under the pretense of Good Thai/Bad Movie night, something they haven't done in ages and ages*

*does have ulterior motives, though—has some heavy-duty grilling to do*

*also, hasn't introduced Glorfindel to the lady of the house yet* *just hopes he isn't allergic, too*

*putters around in the kitchen, tossing the last of the stir-fry together* *recalls Doc mentioning a few times how much he likes to cook, and idly wonders whether he does Thai?*
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