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Opus Two RPG

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[Sep. 1st, 2010|07:14 pm]
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[Mood | melancholy]

*loiters on a bench at the train station with Carol and Jackie Lee, waiting to see the latter off to Delving*

*can't think of a single cheering thing to say, when the reality is that he probably won't see his lover again for some time* *keeps silent but vigilant contact instead, stroking the nape of Jackie 's neck and occasionally trading comments with Carol*
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[May. 4th, 2009|11:46 pm]

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[Mood | scared]

*early in the morning, manages to work up the courage to leave his apartment (aided by a shot of whiskey and a stern talking-to from his mother)* *clutches his bag against his chest as she shepherds him through the Flower and does not make eye-contact with a single one of his employees (and so he cannot see their shocked or not-shocked expressions)*

*sits quietly in the back of the taxi, trembling very minutely, and worrying at his thumbnail (ignoring his mother's sharp reprimand that there will be nothing left) and is surprised when the taxi pulls up at the station* *climbs out of the car, legs wobbling slightly, and is utterly disoriented as he looks up at the station*
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[Mar. 18th, 2009|09:35 pm]
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[Mood | determined]

*and because it would not do to arrive in Gondolin with her matching, monogrammed luggage or her best fur coat, roots through her clothes from a winter or two ago and packs light (deceptively light)*

*travels first class, by airplane and by train, courtesy of her son's unforeseen generosity, and makes the very most of it* *is certainly entirely relaxed when she arrives in the city* *emerges from the train, with her slightly tired, old leather bag on her shoulder and a compact roll-along suitcase*

*with a wide-eyed and somewhat confused expression, makes her way down the platform*
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[Mar. 15th, 2009|09:57 pm]

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*is up ridiculously early on the morning of his departure from Ossiriand (wha-at? he's excited to be going home) and texts Ecthelion (morning! just leaving for airport now. yes! i'm early! g xx)*

*gets to the airport a whole half-hour before check-in opens* *kills time with a cup of coffee in the VIP lounge (like. really early. g xxx)*

*checks in, first-class, and is whisked through security to the next VIP lounge (checked in. luggage has gained 6kg in souvenirs. g xxx)*

*has a short wander through the duty-free and picks up gifts for his staff, figuring it's only wise since the last time he came home to Elemmakil without presents (how much coffee is too much coffee? i'm onto my third cup. g xxx)*

*drinks most of a fourth cup of coffee and is almost vibrating on the spot when his flight is called to board (looks like we're on time to depart. g xxx), followed ten minutes later by (whoever passenger moriarty is deserves some sort of punishment for not showing up. have to wait for his/her luggage to be taken off before we can go. g xxx)*

*endures a long flight with quite some turbulence and tries to distract himself by watching the inflight movie (we've landed. eru, i'm glad i don't get air-sick. g xxx)*

*waits for his luggage and is then whisked to the train station for transfer to Gondolin (seriously, my bags were the last to come off the plane. on the midday train. see you at home this evening. g xxx)*

*fidgets for most of the train journey back to Gondolin and is texting as the train pulls into the station in the middle of the afternoon (back! at bloody last right? see you soon g xxx)*
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[Feb. 16th, 2009|11:24 pm]

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*after a great weekend (minus one minor brush with the law, and isn't that a new and strange exception for him), drives Doc to the train station for his trip back home*

*pops the trunk and gets out of the car at the drop-off, going round back to help Doc unload* *conversationally* Anyway, make sure you read them in order, or they won't make much sense. *eyeroll* I blew threw half the second one before I even realized it was a sequel, the first time round. It totally ruined the big plot twist in book one.
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[Nov. 15th, 2008|10:02 pm]

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[Mood | loved]

*spends a rather astounding twelve hours with Ecthelion and would be half-convinced that it is all a dream, if not for the hour of sleep (because then he woke up and Ecthelion was still in his bed)*

*copes well enough with the pre-dawn taxi journey to the airport in Losgar (and copes better with the flight, now that he has something other than armrests to cling on to)*

*boards the train to Gondolin (a long enough journey that should have them back in the City around nightfall) (more darkness) and half-sleeps during the journey*
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[Jul. 5th, 2008|12:33 pm]
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[Mood | weird]

*despite his earlier words, goes down to the train station himself to meet Finrod when she arrives*

*needs to clear his head after finding out about Írissë's pregnancy*

*waits on the platform, pacing, and feeling more and more worried about everything*
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