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July 16th, 2010

[info]arkadyvonwulf in [info]oldschoolrp


| T H E R i N G L E A D E R |
[ W E B S i T E ]
[[ S T O R Y | O O C ]]

The scent of popcorn and animal shit and sawdust permeate the evening air and the shouts of comraderie could turn to screams of terror at the drop of a ringmaster's hat. A few days ago this was an empty field on the edge of town, choked with weeds, littered with the trash of years' worth of careless vagrants. When the trucks rolled in, breathing exhaust and making the air shiver with heat, curious hands gripped the tilting chainlink fence around the lot to peer as workers hopped out to unload endless pieces of shapeless metal, wheels, hoses. Now, however... now it's as if everything's been there for years. The Carnivale Virelay is in town; there was no advertising beforehand, no flyers or showbills passed out around town, no advertisement in the local paper.

There's something here for audiences of all ages. Like thrills and adrenaline? Check out the death-defying feats of the acrobats, trapeze artists and lion tamers in the Grand Tent's Big Show! Cower in fear as the fire-breathers and sword-swallowers show off their talents--- it doesn't seem possible! Or if the Big Show isn't to your liking, sit for a spell while a real Romanian gypsy tells what the future holds in the cards for you... her tarot deck is over a century old and it's rarely wrong. There's a Ten-in-One tent where oddities both human and non wait for your perusal, and a Hoochie-Coo show where beautiful girls perform burlesque numbers for the more mature audiences. There are rides to entertain and midway games to best, and adventure around every corner and behind each tent flap you pass.

Virelay is more than a mere traveling carnival.

But don't take our word for it, buy a ticket and come on in.

You won't believe your eyes.

We promise.

[info]bp_mods in [info]oldschoolrp

Breaking Point - looking for new characters

Breaking Point




Plot & Premise
Cast &

Game Canon

The Premise

In the Summer of 2024, a pack of werewolves started terrorising the country, turning young children and brutally killing their parents. A month later the dead started returning to life. Voldemort was among the first to arrive. By spring 2025, Voldemort and the werewolves had joined forces; Hogwarts, Azkaban and Diagon Alley had been attacked, but Ministry and Order were still standing strong, forcing Voldemort to live in hiding.

On June 18, 2025, everything changed! Voldemort launched an attack on the wizarding world, hitting King's Cross, the Hogwarts Express and the Ministry. While the forces of good spread out to protect the population, Voldemort took over the Ministry – and with it the Wizarding society. The Order and their allies fled to Hogwarts, where Headmaster Severus Snape shielded the school, making it impossible for Voldemort to gain entrance. From there, the Order launched its resistance.

For the rest of the population, it’s comply or be killed, but under the surface, people are trying to find a way to manoeuvre outside the new laws and restrictions. In the meantime an unknown, yet undetected, spell is spreading amongst the Wizarding population, Death Eaters, Order and neutral alike. A spell which has the potential to turn the world upside down once more.


*Plot Focused
*OC friendly
*Tons of characters to interact with

Game Began July 1, 2009.

[info]xtreme_mod in [info]oldschoolrp

XTreme End

Mod Journal // Cast List // Application // Rules

In 2003, William Stryker survived at Alkali Lake. In the following years, superheroes and superhero teams began making themselves known throughout the United States. Starting with Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four, the X-Men were quickly joined by Daredevil, Iron Man and the Hulk.

It seemed to be that superheroism made you a superstar.

But, quietly, Stryker had been hard at work with a secret strike team and also with Bolivar Trask. And in 2009, not long after the Brotherhood had been pushed back and the Morlocks and Acolytes had been introduced to society and appeased, the Sentinel Project was introduced to the public.

The X-Men took swift action, splitting off into teams around the world: Generation X in Boston, X-Factor in San Diego, Excalibur in London and the New Mutants in Denver. The X-Men proper remained in Salem Center, New York. However, the government had its own answer to these mutant teams and introduced the Avengers as a branch of S.H.I.E.L.D. and as a team meant to stop any mutant crime and to work alongside the Sentinels. Shortly after, the Fantastic Four agreed to work cohesively with the Avengers.

And then the Brotherhood regrouped, gaining the forces of the Morlocks, the Acolytes and the Hellions.

Superhuman teams were split into three categories: the teams that worked for the government (the Avengers, SHIELD, Weapon X, and the Fantastic Four), the teams that worked against the government (the Brotherhood, the Morlocks, the Hellions, and the Acolytes) and the teams that bridged the gap (the X-Men and its sister teams).

Most recently, Harry Osborn, now a Senator in New York, has been pushing for the Superhuman Registration Act (SRA) again, determined to publicly expose Spider-Man, and has been throwing money at the Sentinel Project.

On July 15, 2010, a mutant activist named Serenity was gunned down and various safe houses around the world were raided and destroyed. Kevin Sydney, known as Morph, has taken Serenity's place as the world waits to see what direction the current events take.

The world is in flux and changes are coming. Where will you stand?


[info]heritagelakemod in [info]oldschoolrp

Heritage Lake

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