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April 28th, 2010

[info]unfinishedtales in [info]oldschoolrp

Unfinished Tales a Tolkien RPG

Welcome to Unfinished Tales, the stories of the fourth age of Men. The shadow of Sauron has fallen, and the peoples of Middle-Earth pick up the pieces. An unknown darkness rises in the East and to combat this darkness the Halls of Mandos have opened letting out heroes with no memory of evil times. The elves who were to depart into the West postpone their journeys to help the Men who struggle with long-sleeping evils. This is the day to shine a light into the encroaching darkness - and age for strength and for glory. Will you not rise to determine the fate of Middle-Earth?

Unfinished Tales is a Tolkien-based game set after the War of the Ring. We aim to further the tales at the end of The Return of the King as well as in the Fourth Age through the use of journals and AOL instant messenger chat. The quest for excellent roleplaying and a friendly community in the Tolkien fandom is one that never ends.

Join us!

Arwen, Gandalf
Faramir, Elrond, Elladan, Celebrian, Celeborn, Finarfin, Fingolfin, Aegnor, Angrod, Gil-Galad, Thingol, Melian, Beor, Brodda, Eomund, Finduilas, Huor, Hurin, Theoden, Tuor, Gollum and many more!

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[info]mitochondrion in [info]oldschoolrp

Genome Project

Mutated | Scientists | Town Info | Powers
Rules | Application | Premise | F.A.Q.
The year is 2030. The scientists have successfully kept their project a secret, hiding away in the bowels of Maine. They've censored, monitored, and all but controlled the mutated, posing as doctors, teachers, and trusted family members. Powers are starting to emerge and it's their job to test the limits. Conflict is rising in the souls of the sympathetic as excitement rises in the apathetic. The experiments are far from over, but the danger is just beginning.

The Genome Project is a game focusing on original characters with super powers and the scientists that mutated them.

Applications for characters under 25 are closed until May 1, unless applying for a character on our premade list. We desperately need more scientists.

Open since early January.
RPG Comm | Mod Journal | OOC Comm

[info]maps_mods in [info]oldschoolrp

For the Greater Good RPG, HP Dark AU

Game Community | Premise | Rules | Other Gameplay Information | Application
Current Characters | Available Characters
Immediate Plot | Canon Family Information | Ministry of Magic Information and Job List | Information on Muggle Society | Information on the Class of the Chrysanthemum and the Factions

Life changed in 1930 for every wizard and witch in London. Gellert Grindelwald killed Albus Dumbledore on a muggle street and rose to power. Nothing is like it should be. It wasn't long before Grindelwald extended his power to the muggle world as well as the magical world. Halfbloods, muggleborns, and even muggles live in fear. Breaking boundaries and rewriting old laws, he controlled everything he could see. Unhappy with just that, he stretched his power, spanning countries.

The Class of the Chrysanthemum rose early against the dark dictator, only to be broken into factions when their leader, Cassiopeia Black, met her untimely death at the end of Grindelwald's wand. Still the Class of the Chrysanthemum fought on in factions, not knowing who to trust.

It's war, but no one seems to know it.

Set seventy years after his initial take over in 2000, the new millennium, some people still hold hope for the future, but some have given up entirely.

The game officially begins May 1st.

Most wanted:
Andromeda Tonks, Hermione Granger, Nymphadora Tonks, Rabastan Lestrange, Trio-era characters, Weasleys (but Molly and Ginny), ect.

[info]cypher_away in [info]oldschoolrp

Digimon Redux - An AU Digimon RPG

Currently looking for players for: Taichi, Yamato, Koushiro, Jyou, and Daisuke.



In 2001, on Earth, a group of children go on a school camping trip. Seven children vanish during the first day with no trace. Since then and the case has gone cold. Only the families of the missing children remember what happened.

In the Digital World, though, seven children have turned from saviors into tormentors and tyrants. The Digidestined, children chosen to rescue the DigiWorld, have instead enslaved the world to their wills.

Nine years later, Gennai is finally able to send out for help. So begins Digimon Redux.

!Premise | !Rules | !Application | !Characters | !FAQs