August 2021



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May. 31st, 2021


10:25am - Filtered to Kiley, Lennon and Tobias

want to go catch stuff together? probably wouldn't need to go that far away from the house though we'll probably catch more away from everyone else.

Feb. 4th, 2021


PMs - 9:03am

[Filtered to Lennon and Tobias]

is there any art stuff you guys really want? movies you want to see?

[PM to Kiley]

thinking about getting a cheap tv and a really old console for the room, if that's okay. it's one that plays dvds too so if there are any movies you want.

kind of want to get something for the house too, but I don't know what.

definitely getting something for the cats.

[PM to Pam]

hi. is there any good stuff to get for the cats that they don't already have? gonna get some toys and treats, but I only ever had Minion. don't know if there are things that are better for multiple cats.

Jan. 25th, 2021


PM to Chase and Lennon

hey. where r you guys? got cuffed to a tree and can't reach the key. [...] scotty is parayluzed near me but thinking he'll be ok soon and I really need that key.

Jan. 1st, 2021


Tobias - 10:01am [Private]

answers )

Dec. 21st, 2020


DragonHeart - 11:58AM

private to Chase, Kiley, Tobias, Felix and Marco )

Dec. 18th, 2020


Chase - 9:19am

vote for me for everything. if it's good stuff, I'll share with everybody. if it's bad and it could be a thing where people get trapped in random places or something. better for it to be the house looking for one person than half the house looking for the other half.

Oct. 14th, 2020


Tobias - 10:08am [PRIVATE]

survey )

Sep. 28th, 2020


Tobias - 8:26am

I don't know

an easier way to get to places like the 7-11? some kind of transportation, I guess. I know there's that truck

Jun. 12th, 2020


i<3Fletcher: 7:18am

So Harper already brought this up, but just so we don't bombard and scare the new girl on her post, I think we should talk about how we want to go about this lantern retrieving thing! It would be a really smart idea to go get these things, and earn a path! GUYS! Won't it be nice to have a path? And have some space that we can, like, set up a fire pit and sit by that at night now that the weather's getting warmer?

So! Who wants to go where? I'm going to put who's volunteering for where below!

H18 (7): Owen and Scotty!
U20 (6): Felix, Lennon, and Marco!
U32 (4): Ivy, Harper, and me!
T12 (11): Chase and Tobias!

General nondescript ravine area: Oliver & Edwin

May. 28th, 2020


PM to Tobias - 9:24am

talked to Lennon yesterday. kind of awkward but he didn't get mad or anything. I guess what happened with us was kind of what jumpstarted the thing with Felix but not the reason, if that makes sense? they apparently were hanging out before or something I think he was hopi there was some other stuff but I don't think I think you guys should probably t

seems like he actually likes Felix though. not super serious but fun stuff? I don't know, that's how I took it. he seems good though


did you know apparently owls don't have butts?

May. 4th, 2020


Tobias - 8:49am

When I was working as an intern at a marketing firm one summer during college, one of the junior executives used to bring her pet iguana to the office every day. she'd walk around with it on her shoulder like it was a parrot and it barely moved except for when it was blinking. she told people it was her emotional support pet. everyone was too scared of her to say anything.

that was pretty weird.

Apr. 17th, 2020


Tobias 11:05pm

We found Oliver. He's okay.

Apr. 9th, 2020


Chase - 8:27am

Kiley isn't in our room and her phone is here and there are markers all over themap that aren't movingg like what happened wiht Vanessa amd Jerome what do we do

Apr. 8th, 2020


PM to Tobias - 4:08PM

Guess what's in our room?????????????

Apr. 3rd, 2020


i<3Fletcher: 1:14pm [Private to Tobias]

Hi sweetie! I just wanted to apologize to you that we didn't get to tell you in person about this whole weird Simms thing. Like Oliver said, we don't really know what's real about it, but after the fact I kind of realized that maybe someone should have told you before the whole group message went out. I hope you're okay! If there's anything you need, you just let me know, okay sweetie? <3

Apr. 2nd, 2020


Filtered Chase, Kiley, Marco, Pam, Lennon, Tobias, Edwin, Felix, Jack, Levi, Audrey, Kate - 12:15pm

Lila's back in the house now. She's unhurt and getting settled.

She came with some tough news, and I'm not sure how it's going to affect things around here. The only thing I ask is that we keep clear heads, and if there are any concerns, you come to me.

Simms may be alive. Lila says that for a few weeks while she was away from us, she was ordered to play nurse while he was recovering from his wounds. We have no way of confirming this, particularly considering we know some of the things they're capable of doing and making us believe. It could very well be that this was some kind of setup by Them to make sure she brought the news back to see how we'd react. We don't know.

I know a lot of you have questions, and it's going to be frustrating for everyone that there aren't a lot of answers right now. Try to give Lila some space so she can get settled. There's a lot going on in the immediate that she needs to get caught up on and prepared for.

An important reminder: We have Scotty here. Whatever our experiences with Simms were, his weren't the same, and be mindful that we're talking about his father. This is good news for him, even if we don't know anything for sure. Be mindful of that, and the fact that this is a kid that's just happy his dad might be alive.

Mar. 26th, 2020


PM to Tobias - 10:59AM

The windowsill closest to the door is wet, FYI. You got any designs you want me to paint on them? Marco suggested starfish. XD

Going to the mill for a while. I'll be back by dinnertime.

Mar. 22nd, 2020


PM to Chase, Lennon and Kiley - morning

Lennon already knows because it’s in our room now but I got a kick ass color printer that can print from my tablet and phone. Obviously you guys can use it whenever you want.

Also, if the weather stays nice, I have my laser tag set still. I know we can’t play at night outside but... idk maybe we can figure something out.

Mar. 20th, 2020


Lucy<3: 10:21 am

I’ve been doing a lot of looking into the codes on the subject numbers. This is… this is what we’re looking at so far.

1st Digit -- 4 / 5 / 6
This seems to have something to do with an age bracket, But I’m not sure how exactly this is decided. The numbers seem to be going up instead of down which is a little strange.

  • 4- Known Ages 36-40
  • 5- Known Ages 24-31
  • 6- Known Ages 18-20

  • 2nd & 3rd Digit
    This seems to be an identification number for when we were kidnapped. The people who were here the earliest have the lowest numbers, while people here later-- like myself-- have higher numbers. It’s unforseen what would happen if they reach triple digits.

    4th Digit
    As we all seem to know, this is the number of family members that could replace you. I have three, surely representing my three brothers. It doesn’t seem to include parents? And… well, I guess in some cases it must include children because Scotty is here.

    5th Digit
    I have yet to figure out what exactly this means yet, but I do know that we are split up into three sections here. I’m going to relay those here in hopes that maybe the groups can think amongst themselves about what could possibly bind them.

  • A - Audrey, Edwin, Kate, Oliver, Pam, Scotty
  • R - Chase, Jack, Kiley, Lennon, Tobias
  • U - Dylan, Felix, Lucy, Marco

  • 6th & 7th Digit
    So, as I think I mentioned before, it seems like we are split up between two categories ‘CO’ and ‘UN’. Ivy, Pam and I used 50 of our fish so that we could ask TPTB a question about these. We decided to ask about what this set of numbers meant, and they replied “These two letters are denoting whether or not the subject is aware (on any level) of their own affinity”. My thought is that ‘CO’ stands for cognative as in people are vaguely aware, and ‘UN’ as in unaware, but honestly that’s just my guess. I have no idea what my latent ability could be, but that could be why I am ‘UN’.

    8th Digit
    This is a number between 1 and 5. To me, it looks like it could be some sort of rating system, but who knows what it could be.
  • 1 - Scotty & Tobias
  • 2 - Lucy & Edwin
  • 3 - no one… but formally a girl named Juliet.
  • 4 - Dylan, Jack, Kiley & Lennon
  • 5 - Audrey, Chase, Felix, Kate, Marco, Oliver & Pam.

  • That’s… um… all I know. I was hoping to get some thoughts?

    [PM to Jack]

    So, I’m not going to lie. Most of my cooking skills come in some sort of instant variety. But I know a lot of the cooking falls on you. If you’re willing to show me a few things… like how to butcher the chicken, or some other basics, I was thinking that I could help you more in the kitchen?

    Mar. 16th, 2020


    PM to Tobias - 6:24pm

    so Kiley and I were talki

    I know this is probably kind of weird to ask considering we just told Lennon and haven't really talked about it but we might not get another chance to get stuff like this and Kiley and I were talking and wondering if we should get lu someth you maybe wanted to we should pick up some stuff in case you were interested in maybe doing stu getting together? doing that again. because we are. just in case you were wondering. unless you're not which is totally fine. I know things were weird with Lennon but we're also getting the bigger bed which isn't really so much an incentive because the bed probably doesn't matter if you actually want or don't want to have sex with two other people but it's a thing that's happening so there's that.

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