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Mar. 15th, 2020


PM to Chase, Tobias and Kiley - 6:30PM

So I asked for the watercolor paints, colored pencils and some more markers. All the art things! Happy to share with you guys if you need 'em.

Also I had 2 extra points so I asked for 2 of the plywood pieces. Never know when we might need something like that.

Mar. 6th, 2020


PM to Chase - 9:12am

the fishing thing... I know they said we don't have to do it, but I want to - prizes, right?

but... 3 of us? and there's 4. I don't want to leave anyone out. does kiley want to fish??

Feb. 25th, 2020


PMs to Ivy, Tobias, Lennon and Scotty - 1:13pm


sorry about earlier. want to ask about what happened but it was bad wasn't it? not sure if I can but hope you're okay.


sorry about earlier. thanks for hanging out with me


doing okay?


glad you made it back. heard you ended up in a box?

Feb. 19th, 2020


PM to Tobias - 7:24AM

going with the search party, be back after while.

sorry I dipped on you & chase, not in the mood to be snarked at.

Feb. 11th, 2020


PM to Tobias - 9:06PM

WTF's going on over there???? Is the stuff on the network true?

Feb. 5th, 2020


PM to Chase [Day 39]

so I told Lennon about what happened. I think he's okay. just wanted to let you know.

Jan. 17th, 2020


Tobias - 6:12am

I don't know.


something in my genetic makeup is interesting to you.

Nov. 3rd, 2019



1. my laptop set
2. my bedding
3. my voucher for a housemate
4. my laser tag set I got as a reward for the quiz
5. my sketchbook and pencil set
6. the picture of my mom and sister
7. my stun gun
8. my art tablet and stylus
9. my mp3 player and charger
10. my gym bag set w/ clothes and everything

Oct. 28th, 2019


DragonHeart: 4:22PM

sent to Chase, Kiley, Tobias and Marco )

Sep. 6th, 2019


Chase - 11:13am

careful. some of the eggs have punishments in them.

[Private to Tobias]

What's something that you'd really want that's under $50?

Aug. 23rd, 2019


Tobias - 8:45am

mary ann's donuts on the corner of my street.

Jul. 23rd, 2019


MarcoV: 1:08pm

So what was the point of being in our underwear?

Jul. 19th, 2019



quiz )

Jun. 7th, 2019



1. What did you think of this vacation?
no i dont know

2. Do you believe you experienced any abnormalities due to the voodoo?
[...] maybe

3. What kind of vacation would you like to go on next?
home [...] mars does it really matter?
Tags: , ,

May. 24th, 2019


PM to Chase - close to noon

i feel fucked up. really bad. idk what this is but it's weird and awful and sometimes not awful at all and i've jerked off like three times and i don't know what any of this stuff is. are you and kiley ok?

Apr. 24th, 2019


Tobias - PM to Chase and Lennon

are you guys on the first or second floor?? can i come hang out? my room is giving me the creeps.

Apr. 21st, 2019


Cecilia Rynbë - MISC

[PM to Tobias, 5:30pm]

Hey, I wanted to check in with you. How are you doing? Has the medication made any difference? Is there anything you need? [...] Sorry for disappearing. They pick their timing well, I guess.

I think I'm more or less caught up on the network and what happened while I was gone or drugged. Please let me know if there's anything I can do. I feel awful for not being there when [...] things went down.

[PM to Scotty, 5:38pm]

Hi. I wanted to reach out to you and say [...] I'm sorry for your loss, and all associated with it. That you had to find out the way you did, and you have to deal with your loss and grief here. It's a new level of cruelty for them, in my mind.

Is there anything you need?

[Public Post, 6:02pm

So, there's a few things I really wanted to get out there. A house meeting probably would have been better for some of them, but to be honest every time I've tried to schedule one since my last return They've interfered, and so I really feel the need to just get everything out in the open.

First, I understand there are some new people here I didn't get the chance to introduce myself to. So, hi. I'm Cecilia, I'm a registered nurse, specializing in emergency medicine and trauma. Everyone here is always welcome to come to me with any medical concern they may have, and I'll do my best to help you. And it helps me out a lot if people could let me know if they have any pre-existing medical conditions or allergies, just in case of an emergency. I don't know if it's been made clear to everyone, but the people who put us here don't always intervene when it comes to emergencies a need for medical attention. I also have access to prescription medicines at the pharmacy. It's my understanding that newer individuals are getting their daily doses automatically, but if anyone wants to manage their own medication, let me know so I can get it for you.

Now as I said earlier, I've tried several times to schedule a house meeting, only to have it blocked or delayed due to various issues. Each time I've tried so far I've either been drugged to incoherency, or just flat out removed from the house. There were a couple of things I wanted to discuss at these meetings, but I also think it's a good idea to get as many of us as possible together, as frequently as possible, to get to know each other and share concerns and ideas. Maybe we can figure out a regular communal meal or activity to do on a somewhat regular basis, circumstances permitting.

Another thing I wanted to put out for discussion is the security council. This would really be better in person but, as I said, I no longer feel I can justify delaying it. Quite a while ago, They told us to vote for a figure amongst ourselves to be our head of security. We voted for Owen, under the condition that he create a council to serve as opposed to just one individual. Other votes were held for the members of that council, with Oliver, Kate, Pam, and myself being voted in. TPTB said they would support us in whatever measures we attempted to take. They lied.

It is my feeling that everything we have attempted to do was either negated or undermined. I believe they put us in this position specifically for the sake of shifting blame, blurring lines, and creating division among us. I'd like to call for a house vote as to whether or not this council should continue. I am no longer convinced it is beneficial, and am curious to see how others feel about it.

Mar. 6th, 2019


PMs to Lennon and Chase - 10:29am

saw marco wasn't feeling well. woke up pretty congested myself. you two feeling okay? stupid to think it might be the whole house, but you never know in this place.

Jan. 28th, 2019


i<3Fletcher: 10:28am

Hi everybody! So I guess I'm back! I feel like I could sleep for like another day and a half, but like, I think half of that is just because being in a bed is so comfy, even if it still feels wrong not having Fletcher next to me! I do have these funny Fletcher body pillows from Christmas, though!

I was told that there are a bunch of new people here, so I just wanted to post and say hello and good morning to everyone. I'm Pam, and I'm the last person on the Security Council that was missing! Hopefully someone else already told you about that. So, sorry I'm late, I guess? But I'm looking forward to meeting all of you! I've heard basically nothing about you all, or if I did, I forgot it all because yesterday was rooouuuugh! Did you guys hear about us being in a hole in a crypt for a few days? Yikes!

So yeah, hi to everyone who's still here!

[Private to Tobias]
So I got a dare to come help you clean your room. I don't really understand if it's something that I have to do? Or if it's just a think that they're suggesting? But like, either way, I guess I should at least check your room and help you make your bed or something so it counts? So like, let me know when it's okay for me to come over and do that! I'm still like super pooped so I won't stay long!

Jan. 15th, 2019


PM to Chase

i'm in the cemetery. heading to the mausoleum. just an fyi.

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