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Feb. 13th, 2020



So, we know it's bigger than a breadbox. Do the three of us have safe passage if we want to get up to shit?

Feb. 12th, 2020


kiley - 10:10pm

so we're really just going to leave them out there all night?


Zippy - PM to Scotty - 2:14am

Hello Scott Simms, Jr! I'm Zippy, the Zenith Assistant! It looks like you've successfully located [Shelter]! Good job!

It looks like you are currently incapacitated for an indeterminate amount of time. To help alleviate any excess stress, here are a few facts related to your current situation!

• There are currently [5] active users viewing your feed. Rest assured that no matter how far you are from others you are never truly alone!

• The box you currently reside in is made from indigenous thora birch!

• An air quality change of less than 2% in a sustained environment is all it takes to die from oxygen deprevation!

• There is a statistical likelihood of .045% that [Scott Simms, Sr] would have rUn, AwaY liKe a LiTtLe biTch.

Was this helpful?


PM to Kiley - 9:45


it'd be stupid to ask if you were okay so I won't.

sorry I'm not there to be with you and tobs.


PMs - 9:08pm

[PM to ExB]

You guys following along with this shit? I've got Lennon holed up here for the night so I can't check the feeds. What are we looking at?


Do me a favor. If I come by in person to invite you on a monster hunt, say no.

[PM to Kiley]

Shit, just caught up with what's happening on the network. You holding up? What's the plan?

Feb. 11th, 2020


PM to Tobias - 9:06PM

WTF's going on over there???? Is the stuff on the network true?

Feb. 10th, 2020


PM to Chase -7:54pm

What’s going on? Where are you?

Feb. 9th, 2020


┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ - 7:48pm

im in a fuekinf boc i think rhd tohers ar deead thers sonethins oit here ASTAY IN THE DUCKI G HOISE

[Edit - 8:04pm]
I’m hiding in a box. There are things out here. I think the others might be dead. Don’t leave the house.


PM to Pam

Afternoon! Do owls have butts? Lennon's curious and my PhD in ornirumpology wasn't one of the ten things I brought from the other house.

This is a legitimate question, btw. He's arting one up and needs to know if physically it leans more towards a Kardashian or Gumby. Thanks!

We await with bated breath.


Kiley - 4:08pm

so. why do you really you're here? you, specifically.

I know They asked us this already, but I'm curious now and I want to know what you think without all the bullshit answers we tend to give Them.

So come on. Let's figure it out plz.

ETA: give me your subject #s too if you can.

Feb. 8th, 2020


┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ - 5:50pm

Yo Chase Ivy and I are officially on our way to go see if we can do a rescue. We'll check in here when the terrain's not too tough.

I made this public so you all can see us be heroes >:-P Also so you know not to use all the hot water cuz we're gonna want a hot fucking shower when we get back.

Feb. 6th, 2020


PM to Felix - 2:38PM

Did you get any Sharpies? I got three.

You doing anything? I'm in the mood to do a huge-ass mural on someone's wall.

Feb. 5th, 2020


Oliver - 5:08pm

Whoever those two are out by the perimeter, check in, then start hauling ass back here now.


Anybody know who those two are?


┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ - 12:14pm

Yo just a heads up? I'm for fucking sure in the field behind the lodge but the GPS got me in the fucking woods.

So that's some bullshit.

Be careful yo it's foggy as shit


Felix - 9:43am

Could you guys in the main house and the barn do me a big fave and save your empty tp rolls?

[PM to Chase]

Morning, Kiley's boyfriend! So, you make shit for pets, right? If you were going to make a halter for a bunny, how would you do it?

[PM to Edwin] - 10:01am

What's the best knot to use when you're tying someone to something else?

Feb. 1st, 2020


PM to ExB - 9:31am

Are the video feeds for the krauts really fucking weird for you too?



Are you lot trying to put a giant target over my head? Whackers.

Jan. 31st, 2020


8:13am - Private [Viewable to TPTB]

Tsk. Why you gotta be like that?

Jan. 30th, 2020


MarcoV: 9:44am

Do you guys think they're serious about those facts? [...] I can't remember if they usually do all true shit when they do this, I just remember those videos that they had some of us in, and some of those were fake, but some of those were real, right? What if [...] someone's really sick?


Kiley - 8:45am

For the record I was completely serious about you guys needing my fertile loins.

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