Posts Tagged: 'npc+marlene'

Nov. 26th, 2009



Thanksgiving evening, Ricky and Marlene OTA/MW


With a great grunt like a caveman Ricky threw himself on a couch in the Mocha. His mom's home-raised turkey were the best, ever, getting better every year, and Auntie Gert's home-brewed cider -- heaven!

There had been the right sort of spice in the cookies, too, and that was traditional, too. Good weed was something to be enormously thankful for, too, in the extended Sands family.

Everybodyy had come home this year, and whoever had somebody, brought them. So Ricky had got Marlene -- again! -- to take home as all the rooms were full with siblings and cousins and adopted family members that had all brought their spouses and kids and newest lovers.

Marlene went to the counter to fetch some Karma Chai so as to clear their systems from all the excesses, and then they settled down to do some serious gossiping about all the people they's known for ages and seen today -- oh my gosh, wasn't Galadriel's new Peruvian girlfriend the cutest thing ever? And how like Tebby to have brought the cause of his epic lovesickness along!

Oh, this had been such a party!

Jan. 5th, 2009



Vine Square, mid morning, Brendan OTA

It was odd being back in the City. Since Brendan had left in such a hurry, his blind employer in tow, he had only paid fleeting visits.

Now Bill had recovered, not completely but well enough, Brendan was free to do what he liked where he liked and had returned for a few months to see friends and family and to set up his next job.

Vine Square had improved beyond belief, he thought, as he moved along the shop fronts.

Jan. 3rd, 2009



The lobby, afternoon, Ricky and Marlene OTA/MW

"Nope, Auntie Gert, he won't mind at all! I understand!" Marlene was saying into he phone.

Ricky stood behind her, rolling his eyes.

"We'll just come on over to dinner at eight then? Yes, I can bring a guacamole, I saw he's got avocados in his fridge that need eating."

Ricky rolled his eyes some more.

"Dunno when I'll get a flight; everything's delayed because of that weather, you know, around Christmas. I'm not one of these stinking rich folks here, and I'm not ready to do some airline guy just to get home. They're mostly gay anyway."

Ricky looked around alarmed.

"No, Auntie Gert, you're right! Course you are! See you then -- bu-bye!"

Ricky sighed with relief when she put her phone away.

"Mocha now?" he suggested. At least his cousin was bribeable as a cat.