November 2017




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Oct. 31st, 2017


Halloween Treat for the Community

Gift for: The [info]hp_halloween Community

From: [info]shadowycat

Title: Fred, George, and the Smoking Cauldron
Characters: Fred and George Weasley
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not my characters, I’m just playing in someone else’s sandbox.
Summary: Fred and George do a bit of brainstorming to come up with a new product.
Notes: Happy Halloween! :D

Happy Halloween!  )


Halloween Gift for Koshweasley

Gift for: [info]koshweasley

From: [info]nerdzeword

Title: Ritual Cleansing
Characters: Fred, George, Harry, Ron and Luna
Summary: Luna insists on holding a seance during the Halloween feast.

Happy Halloween  )


Halloween Gift for Mctabby

Gift for: [info]mctabby

From: [info]magnetic_pole

Title: Glimpse of a Black Cat

Pairing: Minerva McGonagall, Albus Dumbledore

Rating: G

Summary: Albus told her to wait.

Notes: Thanks to [info]mctabby for several inspiring and creepy prompts, to this community for continuing to scare us, and to the mods for keeping it all fun nevertheless.

The privet hedges lurk—shadowy, mysterious )


Halloween Gift for Nerdzeword

Gift for: [info]nerdzeword

From: [info]koshweasley
Title: W-4
Characters: Luna Lovegood, Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, George Weasley
Rating: G
Disclaimer: The characters in this fiction are not mine. There is no money being made from this work of fiction, and is only for the purpose of entertainment.
Summary: A new Haunted House has popped up in Hogsmeade across from the post office.
Notes: Beta by [info]wolfiekins

Happy Halloween  )


Halloween Treat for Gin Tonic

Gift for: [info]gin_tonic

From: [info]punknovelette

Title: Mischief Managed
Characters:Harry Potter, George Weasley,
Disclaimer: All characters belong to J. K. Rowling. This is a writing exercise, presented here as a work of fanfiction.
Summary: With a Boggart on the loose, it’s up to Harry and George to get it sorted.
Notes: Dear gin_tonic, I enjoyed writing your prompt. I hope you like it. Happy Halloween.

Mischief Managed  )


Halloween Treat for Rivertempest

Gift for: [info]rivertempest

From: [info]gelsey

Title: All Hallow's Summons
Characters: Draco Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: As always, not mine.
Warnings: Calling the dead?
Summary: On the night when the veil is thinnest, Draco calls to a family member.

Happy Halloween  )


Halloween Gift for Snax0

Gift for: [info]snax0

From: [info]hikarievandar

Title: Preservation
Characters: Severus, Lucius, Narcissa
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer:I don’t own Harry Potter and I am making no profit from this story.
Warnings: References to human sacrifice
Summary: The Malfoys will survive. Draco will survive. They will do anything to ensure it.
Notes: Thanks to S for her beta work – any remaining mistakes are my own. Hope you enjoy
your drabble, [info]snax0!

Happy Halloween! )


Halloween Treat for Hannelore

Gift for: [info]_hannelore

From: [info]kellychambliss

Title: Samhain's Child
Characters: Minerva McGonagall, OCs
Rating: G
Summary: Minerva and her grandmother always spend Samhain together.
Notes: Hannelore, you asked for "fond childhood memories of holidays." I hope this suits. It was a pleasure to write for you. My thanks to my always-excellent beta, [info]therealsnape. Happy Halloween, everyone!

Samhain's Child  )


Halloween Gift for Gelsey

Gift for: [info]gelsey

From: [info]pauraque

Title: The Last Year
Character: Luna
Rating: G
Summary: The thestrals look happier than usual.
Notes: Happy Halloween, Gelsey!

The Last Year )


Halloween Treat for lore

Gift for: [info]lore

From: [info]teddyradiator

Title: The Cards Don’t Lie
Characters: Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Severus Snape
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Usual disclaimers apply since I don’t want a lawsuit
Summary: Three Princes in the Great Hall, trying to predict the future.
Notes: [info]lore, I truly hope you enjoy this little moment in time, and I hope I fulfilled your wish list. Thank you to [info]stgulik for beta, advice and encouragement. Also thanks to [info]irishredlass for the original idea.

Happy Halloween  )


Halloween Gift for Magnetic_pole

Gift for: [info]magnetic_pole

From: [info]alisanne

Title: Divining Secrets
Characters: Severus Snape, Remus Lupin
Rating: PG (language)
Disclaimer: Nothing you recognize belongs to me.
Warnings: Language.
Summary: What if Severus is prepared when he first encounters the wolf?
Notes: AU. Not Snupin, but it could be if you squint. I hope you enjoy this, M!
Happy Halloween! <3

Divining Secrets  )


Halloween Treat for Pauraque

Gift for: [info]pauraque

From: [info]shadowycat

Title: Parting the Veil
Character: Minerva McGonagall
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine, I'd have been kinder.
Warnings: None
Summary: Minerva uses the magic of the witching hour to have a chat with one who's dearly missed.
Notes: Many thanks to [info]lore for the beta. Any remaining mistakes are mine alone. I hope you like what I did with your prompt, [info]pauraque. It was a pleasure to write for you! :D

Happy Halloween!  )


Halloween Gift for HikariEvandar

Gift for: [info]hikarievandar

From: [info]snax0

Title: Wait For It
Characters: Regulus Black, Sirius Black.
Rating: G.
Warnings: Ghosts, Horror.
Summary: Regulus wakes to the same noise every night.
Notes: Personally, I see this taking place pre-Hogwarts, but you can think whatever. Thank you to A. for the beta, and [info]hikarievandar for the lovely prompts. Hope you like it!

Happy Halloween! )

Oct. 31st, 2016


Halloween Gift for gelsey

Gift for: [info]gelsey

From: [info]bluemermaid

Title: A Figure in the Shadows
Characters: Minerva, Severus
Rating: G
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Summary: Minerva can only hope that they haven't lost control.

Happy Halloween  )


Halloween Treat for leontinabowie

Gift for: [info]leontinabowie

From: [info]hikarievandar

Title: Leave My Soul
Characters: Voldemort, Harry Potter
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: For the cold will come this night/From far away, far away/Frost will fall, and ice will bite/Oh, leave my soul.
Notes: Thank you so much to my tireless beta for her work – any remaining mistakes are my own. The title and lyrics in the summary are from Samhain Eve by Damh the Bard. Happy Halloween, [info]leontinabowie! I hope you enjoy the fic!

Happy Halloween! )


Halloween Treat for magnetic-pole

Gift for: [info]magnetic_pole

From: [info]articcat621

Title: The Appeal of Halloween
Characters: Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall
Rating: T/PG-13
Disclaimer: Harry Potter is the property of JK Rowling and associates. No copyright infringement intended.
Warnings: Referenced Character Death and Child Abuse.
Summary: Severus just doesn't see the appeal.
Notes: Many thanks to my talented beta, K_lynne317.

Happy Halloween )


Halloween Treat for rzzmg

Gift for: [info]rzzmg

From: [info]vaysh11

Title: Stone Meets Wand
Characters: Hermione, Mrs Granger, Theo, Nott Sr., Draco, Vincent
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters and locations mentioned in this drabble are J. K. Rowling's. They are used with love and respect for her original creations. No copyright infringement is intended.
Warnings: post-war AU, not Epilogue-compliant, mental illness
Summary: Do not meddle in the affairs of Death.
Notes: [info]rzzmg, it was excruciatingly hard to fit a zombie apocalypse into 200 words but I tried my best. :)

Stone Meets Wand )


Halloween Gift for Fiery_flamingo

Gift for: [info]fiery_flamingo

From: [info]stgulik

Title: Pansy’s Bane: A Cautionary Tale
Characters: Pansy Parkinson, Hermione Granger, Padma Patil, others
Rating: PG
Warnings: It’s Halloween, y’all.
Summary: Pansy catches up with a few old friends at a party.
Notes: All my love to [info]teddyradiator for her encouragement and wonderful suggestions. And thank you, Mods, for another great HP Halloween fest!

Happy Halloween  )


Halloween Gift for Mmadfan

Gift for: [info]mmadfan

From: [info]leigh_adams

Title: The Witching Hour
Character: Minerva McGonagall
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Harry Potter is JKR's. No copyright infringement is intended, and no money is being made.
Warnings: None
Summary: Midnight at Hogwarts. Perfect time for flight.
Notes: Thanks to Sam and Kate for the quick beta. Supporting information helpfully supplied by Pottermore. Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! )


Halloween Treat for hannelore

Gift for: [info]hannelore

From: [info]dexstarr

Title: Dead Clever
Character: Luna Lovegood
Rating: G
Disclaimer: HP is not mine.
Summary: It only happens on Hallow's Eve.
Notes: [info]hannelore, wow, I was so happy to write for you! Thanks to [info]pauraque for the beta.

Luna spends the first Hallow's Eve after the war in the Forbidden Forest.  )

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