Apr. 29th, 2008


[GW] Origins 5: Birthday

Origins 5: Birthday

Pair: Solo, Duo, Zechs, Noin, others

Warning: death of a child, violence, massive angst, very crappy birthdays. Un-beta'd.

Note: For Shini02 and her request, as well as gw500's “general.” I noticed Shini's birthday passed a while back, so I guess this is her birthday chapter. Woot! ^^ (Sorry it took me so long to get this chapter out, I've been having some trouble in RL, you know how it is. Dohzers! I really, really appreciate all the comments that have been put into this story, it keeps me going more than you know.)

Another note: I realize the timing is a bit off for Zechs, but I couldn't resist. We'll pretend he's older than he actually is, yes? You can hurt me if you really, really want to.

Previous parts here.

On Solo's ninth birthday, Rose was killed in a drive-by shooting. )

Apr. 17th, 2008


[GW] Origins 4: Skills

Origins 4: Skills

Pair: Solo, Duo

Warnings: kids with guns, um... the usual.

Note: Timeline-wise, this one goes shortly after the last one (they're now staying with Juan), but you don't need to read any of the others to understand this. As usual, for [info]shini02 and the GW500 “kid” prompt. Yesh, you get two in one day! xD

Summary: Duo masters weaponry.

Origins 1, 2, 3

Duo sat at a chipped table, his tiny legs swinging... )
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[GW] Origins 3: First Blood

Origins 3: First Blood

Pairs: Solo, Duo
Warning: mentions of child prostitution (not Solo or Duo), drug running, violence, swearing, murder/death.
Note: Part 3 in the Origins series. This can be read as a stand alone, but reading the first two won't hurt (hint). Still dedicated to [info]shini02 for her Solo prompt, and this time, the dedication extends to anyone following the series as a whole. The comments inspire the writing which inspires getting through some RL situations at the moment, and that's always good, so thanks. ^^
Summary: At the age of four, Duo makes his first kill.

Origins 1, 2,

Solo had never heard his voice so cold. )
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Apr. 1st, 2008


[GW] Origins 2: Naming The Baby

Origins 2: Naming The Baby

Warning: references to child prostitution (only references), pedophilia within a church (sorry, it had to be done, but it's only implied), some minor swearing.

Dedication: Still dedicated to shini02, in the spirit of the prompt she gave me, as well as gw500's Duo prompt. ^^

Note: All you need to know to understand this is the baby Solo is carrying around is Duo, and they're fresh into the streets... but that's pretty much all implied anyway. Still, it couldn't hurt to read the first part. *points to link* Also, I apologize that Solo doesn't sound very four-year-old like, but hey, he's from L2. *pretends that's a good excuse and moves on*

Origins 1

So you mean, like, I'm alone? )

Mar. 31st, 2008


[GW] Origins


Pair: Solo, Duo, OC's

Warning: death, light angst (sort of), human trafficking (sort of), baby!Duo.

Note: For shini02's prompt a while back, “How about some Solo-fic?” Hee! GW500's Duo prompt really helped me get this one done (I was seriously struggling), so I thank them as well. There may be sequels (ask, and I will serve!).

Summary: My own version of the origin story between Solo and Duo... Solo's mother comes home with a very peculiar package.

How can anyone not have a mama? )
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