Apr. 29th, 2008


[GW] Origins 5: Birthday

Origins 5: Birthday

Pair: Solo, Duo, Zechs, Noin, others

Warning: death of a child, violence, massive angst, very crappy birthdays. Un-beta'd.

Note: For Shini02 and her request, as well as gw500's “general.” I noticed Shini's birthday passed a while back, so I guess this is her birthday chapter. Woot! ^^ (Sorry it took me so long to get this chapter out, I've been having some trouble in RL, you know how it is. Dohzers! I really, really appreciate all the comments that have been put into this story, it keeps me going more than you know.)

Another note: I realize the timing is a bit off for Zechs, but I couldn't resist. We'll pretend he's older than he actually is, yes? You can hurt me if you really, really want to.

Previous parts here.

On Solo's ninth birthday, Rose was killed in a drive-by shooting. )

Feb. 25th, 2008


Pagan For Hire 5

Pagan For Hire 5
by cozzybob

Pair: Pagan, Zechs, Noin

Warning: some sappy fluff, angst, graduations, more talking. Still pre-war/series.

Note: Fifth in the growing Pagan For Hire series, written for Pagan month at gw_ozzies.

Summary: Pagan attends Zechs' record-breaking graduation from Victoria.

Homesickness is a terrible thing. )

Feb. 20th, 2008


[GW] The Loneliest Number

The Loneliest Number
by cozzybob

Pair: Zechs and Noin... not necessarily 6+9.

Warning: angst? sap? fluff? mostly gen with a light one-way het reference. post-EW, slight songfic.

Summary: On his 21st birthday, Zechs bluntly asks Noin why she came with him to Mars. The answer surprises him.

Note: For Princess, who inspired this out of the blue in a convo about how Zechs is actually a lot younger than we give him credit for.

for all the years that Noin had known him, she had never heard him laugh before )
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[GW] Scary Chicks

Scary Chicks
by cozzybob

Rated: R

Pair: Sx9

Warning: SCARY Sally and Noin, yuri, mega gory-ness, Quatre in a coma, err...

Note: For GW500's "duct tape."

She pulled the tape away with a sickening rip of the skin. )
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Aug. 13th, 2007


[GW] Losing Gracefully

Losing Gracefully
by cozzybob

Rated: G
Pair: Zechs-and-Noin-ness
Warning: minor series spoilers, post-EW, fluffy sappy angst

Note: Written for the Beat_of_Destiny community on LJ, theme "success" for the character Zechs Merquise. Old crap.

Summary: Noin always lets him win at everything, and Zechs finally musters the courage to ask her why.

Why would anyone accept less than who they are? )
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