Feb. 20th, 2008


[GW] Saltwater Stay

Saltwater Stay
by cozzybob

Pair: Mariemaia, Dekim Barton

Warning: angst, death, implied murder (within the family), drabble

Note: This is what happens when I get depressed.

Summary: My mother is dead, and Grandfather Barton is delighted.

My mother is dead, and Grandfather Barton is delighted. )


[GW] A Perfect Fit

A Perfect Fit
by cozzybob

Pair: Wufei, Mariemaia

Warnings: pre-Endless Waltz, ie: minor spoiler for EW. Wufei angst?

Note: For gw500's second anniversary, theme "uniform."

'08: Not my favorite fic, but I do wish there was more Wufei/Mariemaia fic out there. Doh!

with the skin of his arms running off his fingertips, in drips, like blood )