Feb. 25th, 2008


[Farscape] 1812 Says: Lakka Is For Losers

1812 Says: Lakka Is For Losers
by cozzybob

Pair: John, 1812, lil Pilot, Moya, refs to angsty J/A.

Warning: sap? almost-fluffiness? rampant DRDs being adorable. aww-factor. some minor angst, but that's just a given.

Note: Takes place somewhere during s4, Goddess only knows when.

Summary: 1812 is on a mission to make John happy.

1812 rammed into John's head where he lay stoned out on the terrace... )


[Farscape] My Side

My Side
by cozzybob

Rated: R?

Pair: John, Stark

Warning: psychobabbling, spoilers for s2, s3, and s4 in the portions that involve Stark, or the lack of him. language--ie: our bad words, not theirs.

Note: Takes place between the ending scenes of BT, many refs to the events of JQ and TC with some others here and there. Probably not for the biggest Stark/Zhaan fans. (I love Zhaan because she's a hypocrite, not because she's Protector of Moya...)

Summary: Shortly after the events of Katrazi, a shattered Stark confronts John about a certain game blob and its contents.

you stayed on your side, but you should have gone to my side )


[Farscape] Out Here

Out Here
by cozzybob

Pair: mentions of J/A and S/Z

Warning: death, dying-ness, depression, angst, some adult language. Err. lame?

Note: Sorta jumped on me. Spoilers for everything up to the Infinate Possibilities eps in s3.

Summary: After the disaster at Dam Ba Da, John faces his demons with the help of Stark.

Jack was not his father. )


[Farscape] Clonicide

by cozzybob

Pair: John, John and a little John/Aeryn

Warning: Complete lack of Talyn. And Crais. And things.

Note: flamesword on LJ made me do this, so I blame her. xD This falls shortly after Eat Me. It's my first Farscape fic--after reading this stuff for the last year and a half, I just couldn't take it anymore.

Summary: Crichton attempts to murder his double.

Is it homicide if I kill you? )