Dec. 18th, 2008


[GW] The Greatest Loss

The Greatest Loss

Pair: 1x2

Warning: second-person POV, suicidal thoughts, language, death. DARK.

Note: I found this on my puter. read it, scratched my head, said, "Huh," and after much debate, decided to post it. If I remember right, I was going to end this with the first part having been a nightmare, but I never got that far, and I don't feel like writing it in. Hee! If you hate the ending (and you probably will), write a new one for me. No, really. Think of it as... a round robin of sorts! Heh!

EDIT: Actually, now that I think about it, I started this for the challenge at gw_dark ages ago about... post-war badness. Like, the pilots not being able to cope with peace, I think? *ponders* Hm. Anyway...

Summary: Nightmares are just another way of getting to the heart of the matter.

Heero has a rather phallic gun to your head. )
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Sep. 16th, 2008


[GW] Sleep Tight

Sleep Tight

Pair: (dark) 1+2, hints of 3+1.

Warning: Um... messed up. Very. Also, darkish. And... weird. Did I say messed up? Dialog fic. Psycho!Duo.

Note: Somehow inspired by the prompt table. Was tired, couldn't sleep. Sick. Wrote this. My first ever dialog fic, mostly because I was waaaaaaaay too out of it for pretty description and such. Heh!

Summary: Duo hates the cold. Really.

You ever see Star Wars? )
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Jun. 10th, 2008


[GW] Cigarette Porn

Cigarette Porn

Rated: R

Pair: 2x? (but since this is for Link, we can safely assume it's Heero, I guess)

Warning: slash, cigarette smoking, wet Duos, some gritty-ness, umm... language. Un-beta'd. That's about it.

Note: A thank you for Link Worshiper for hosting me on her site! Wooooooooot! We both agree that Duo and cigarettes are made of sex, so here's my homage to that wonderful, sexalicious image. Enjoy, Link! xD

Summary: Duo smokes. It's the ultimate act of voyeurism, really.

Blue ghosts curl from the end of an orange-tipped cigarette as Duo lets it hang between two fingers, staring on forlornly out the mouth of the rain-driven alley. )
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Apr. 29th, 2008


[GW] I Quit (In 12 Parts)

I Quit (In 12 Parts)
by cozzybob

Rating: R

Pair: 1x2

Warning: little dark, intense, swearing, some torture, angst-ness, minor limes (with a happy ending!).

Note: This was originally going to be for fic_to_quit way back when, but that never really happened, so. Hee! I told Su dahlink that I'd write her a Howard piece for her birthday, but I found this sitting on my puter, and I figure she deserves--*gasp*--1x2 from me since I lurve her and we never see each other anymore. ^^ Enjoy, [info]ralphiere! I love you soooo much!

Summary: Heero has been captured, and Duo's determined to get him back by whatever means necessary.

Today you're a Sweeper, and your name is Jack... )
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Feb. 26th, 2008


[GW] (Off The Dollar) Menu

(Off The Dollar) Menu
by cozzybob

Pair: Duo, Heero.

Warning: disturbing images, depression, mental break down, starvation, language, the burial of burgers... gets a little intense. Please take the warnings seriously, I'm not joking this time.

Note: For gw500's "zone." Sort of a venting piece.

Summary: Duo doesn't eat meat.

El, You, En, A, Tee, Eye, See. )
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Feb. 25th, 2008


[GW] Death Takes One

Death Takes One
by cozzybob

Pair: Heero, Sandman's Death, Relena, some extremely subtle 1+2ish-ness

Warning: death by stroke, angst, sapness--hell, it almost made me cry and I freaking wrote it. *is terrible*

Note: The prequel to Death Speaks To Death About Death. Written mostly because everyone liked the other one, and you can't have too much of a good thing. Well, sort of. (Sorta crossover with Sandman's Death. You know, from the comic?)

Summary: Heero dies. Death takes him home.

He had never known a mother like Death. )
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[GW] Death Speaks To Death About Death

Death Speaks To Death About Death
by cozzybob

Pair: Duo, Sandman's Death, refs to unrequited 2+1. Slight 2+3 at the very end...

Warning: Sorta crossover with the Sandman comic. Heero is dead from the start, so obviously there's a bit of death, a cold and bitter Duo, angst, language, and the 5-stages-of-grief-ness. Lack of any real sobbing, if you catch my drift.

Note: Very late. This hit me while at work in the same exact position as Duo here, whacking away at a cast iron tub. Those who follow me will know the wallpaper bit screams truth. It will die. This is my first real death fic, and my first successful crossover, so all crit is warmly welcome.

Summary: Death pays Duo a visit shortly after Heero's sudden departure from the mortal coil, and the two have a face-off.

Oh, but I know who she is. I know it like I know how to breathe. )
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[GW] In A Nutshell

In A Nutshell
by cozzybob

Pair: 1x2x1

Warning: post-war, dark, mutilation, gore, lots of blood, Shinigami!Duo, psychosis-ness. refs to prostitution, pedophilia, child abuse.

Note: This has been on my mind for quite a while so much thanks to gw500 and their "game" challenge for the inspiration. Originally, this was inspired from the infamous Duo-ese "boys don't cry" quote in Gundam Wing... I still don't know if it was misquoted or not, but I've heard a version where he says, "But momma said boys don't cry." It's also been said that he references his mother again in another part (I don't know if it's true, I haven't seen the series in a very long time), but either way, it got me wondering if Duo actually does know who his mother was. It's a thought, right? Forgive me if this is too far-fetched.

Summary: During an interrogation of an ex-ozzie with Heero, Duo unexpectedly reveals the truth of his origins, and the fact that he knows perfectly well where he came from.

I suppose you've already heard that motto about running and hiding and never lying. )
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Feb. 20th, 2008


[GW] Bird Man

Bird Man
by cozzybob

Pair: Heero, Duo. (friendship)

Warning: post-war, winged!Heero cliche', and... err... angst. little bit. almost. because it's Cozz.

Note: This is for all my friends on LJ, especially those of the g-boy variety. Your patience with my severely OZ-obsessed soul is greatly appreciated. Also written for the gw500 challenge, "whitewash," because life sucks and I missed their birthday.

'08: This story is still one of my favorites. It begs a sequel, really.

Summary: Everyone knows that Heero's got wings. He just hid them under his tank top every time the camera panned his way.

I always knew you were an angel, Heero. )
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Jan. 31st, 2008


[GW] Drabble Request #3

Drabble Request #3

Rated: PG

Pair: 1x2x1

Note: Another from the drabble meme. kali_sama requested: Heero/Duo... and I've love it to be angsty but if you could work in a bit of fluff there too, that would be just perfect. (1x2! Who knew? xD)

The rain pounded. )
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