World In Her Hands
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Impromptu Dance Party!

What, me, too much sugar? Pffft, I say! Pffft!

Sister, I think I found one of your books. Only then it wasn't there, when I went to pick it up. I hope it made its way back to you.

I am desperately out of things to read. Any of my literary-inclined friends out there have suggestions?


I think I'm going to go see a baseball game tomorrow.

I also think I need company. C'mon- somebody? My treat- I'll even get you all the hot-dogs you can eat.

To all of the chocolate rabbits that had to pass on to make this holiday great, we salute you.

To all of my Greek/Eastern Orthodox friends out there, patience! Only one more week. I promise, it's not so bad. I'll even save you some Cadbury. ♥

Cassie Ainsworth [userpic]

Okay, you know what? This would make a fuck of a lot more sense if it'd happened two years ago, since I wasn't exactly mentally stable then, but I'm pretty confident I'm significantly more together now.

So who'd like to explain this to me? Because at the moment I'm thinking this is some kind of really twisted joke.

Current Mood: confused confused
Gilbert [userpic]

Right this isn't quite what I was expecting to be on the other side of my door, there's significantly more people for a start, none of whom have sticks. Funny that.

So the afterlife has the internet, interesting.

I'm not supposed to introduce myself am I? Cos I'm not exactly the sociable type, so I'm not going to.

Current Mood: blah blah

I think I'm gonna be sick.

[ooc: Heroes spoilers VERY likely in comments.]

Hey! I didn't think it was that bad . . . And what does 'flaming' mean?

Hey, G! My skee ball arm is getting antsy. I blame baseball season.

You, me, Navy Pier? Or anyone who wants to come! Elephant ears and a game on me.

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Drinks On Me, Triad Game In Progress

Well I'm waiting to hear back on the bartender job with Shang Tsung so I need the practice. If it's mixed and you need to tell me how to make it, it's on me.

Oh and by the way, Sylar and I have started a game of Triad here.

Do they have rehab for guitar hero? I have work that I should be doing.

Why is a little plastic guitar so addictive? (Delirium, I'm looking at you :P) Someone, help!

Woah. Am I back?

That was silly. I don't think I've ever been stuck in a pocket dimension before.

What'd I miss?

So, I'm back. I need a break. The holidays is always way too stressful on everyone. Lighten up, people, you're missing the point!

Also, ah lichtige Chanukah, my Jewish buddies. Or anyone else looking for a reason to celebrate.

Also-also: New face. Yes, no, maybe so? Maybe man? I really need a heaping plate of change, this holiday season.



That is all.



Have a good day.

Phi/Nicks [Mythology] [userpic]

Well, well, a little premature but hey, that leaves more time for the tail-gating party, huh?

Nice decor, Geej, place has certainly picked up since the last time I was around. Girly bits look good on you, no doubt! Hey! Tattoos and pants on the wimminfolk? Oh I'm digging this place!

So, what's it gonna take to get a trusty guide to the new place? Hmm?

Ooh, chili-chocolate!

So! I'm back. What'd I miss?

Be warned, I'm still a LITTLE off.

Sister Delirium, I stand in my gallery, holding your sigil. Will you speak with me? )

Ani, Teri, Lady G- People Who Know and Care About Di )

It's always so pretty out, when the birds migrate. I think that's my cue.

G? (As in Gaia, sweetie, although I suppose I could talk to you a bit, too?)

Is everything alright? Lots of upheaval, lately.


I have a feeling I'll be very busy, here.

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Padme Naberrie [userpic]

What is this?

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