World In Her Hands
.:: .:. .:: .:..: ..:.. .: .:: .::..
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Oh god, Mom, it wasn't Jude. It wasn't Jude, it was Peter. In my dream, it's Peter. All the blood, oh god, and Sylar! Sylar's gonna kill him, Mom. Sylar's gonna kill him. We have to stop it! We have to stop him!

[OOC: He thinks that he's locked this post down to just Natalie, but he was too distressed that he hit "post" without double checking the locking feature, hee. So anybody can respond to this.]

Current Mood: distressed distressed

Does it ever get old, my doting parental units? Do you two ever just get tired of playing puppeteer?

Because even if it's not the case here, I'm damn sick and tired of watching myself have my strings pulled. It's sickening how the two of you yank people around and claim it's for the good of the world. Ma, you wanted Peter to blow up the city, and me to allow it to happen. Dad, you want to give everyone powers. That would ruin the world.

How is it neither of you can see the pain and anguish you each put people through? It's a wonder the two of you stopped being in love with yourselves long enough to fall in love with each other and have three children.

This is your idea of needing my help, Noah? You drop me in the middle of Hell's Kitchen?

[[ooc: spoilers for Heroes season 3 possible in comments.]

This is.....interesting

OOC:There will be comments that spoil Season Three in this post

This is . . . unsettling.

[[OOC: Warning you now, quite possibly spoilers for season 3 of Heroes in the comments.]]

Private to Peter (Nathan's)

I've seen the latest episode of the show we're from. Have you?

cℓαιяε вεηηεт will live forever. [userpic]

I must have been exhausted.

Nathan )


Nathan )

cℓαιяε вεηηεт will live forever. [userpic]

Nathan. )

This is inconvenient.

Hm. Cute.

cℓαιяε вεηηεт will live forever. [userpic]

It's kinda nice to be home, even if it's just for a little while.

Nathan Petrelli )

. . . What. The. Hell.

Monty, if this is you playing around, you're SO dead.

Mr. Petrelli )

God )

What is going on here? Arthur? Daniel? Kaito?

Parkman, if this is one of your little tricks, I will have your head.

Um, Nathan? So, what's up with this pager kind of thing? I found it in my pocket, and I have no clue what it's for, or how to use it.

Also? Paris gets kind of boring after a while . . . Particularly when you don't speak French.

cℓαιяε вεηηεт will live forever. [userpic]

Daddy. )

Sam. )

He's gone. Again. All his clothes are gone, all his stuff is gone. He's disappeared. This is the third time I've lost him in this world alone.

God, you're really starting to piss me off, lady. Is it too much to fucking ask to leave my fucking brother here?

Um, Nathan?

Do you know anything about kids? Like, little kids? cause I have one and I really don't know what to do with it. Him. It. Whatever.

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