World In Her Hands
.:: .:. .:: .:..: ..:.. .: .:: .::..
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Hey, G! My skee ball arm is getting antsy. I blame baseball season.

You, me, Navy Pier? Or anyone who wants to come! Elephant ears and a game on me.

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I had forgotten how lovely Paris is, regardless of the time of year.

Speakin' of ghosts- oi, Megalomaniac. Couldn't do anything about them, could you?

Tryin' to keep things 'true to character', eh? These rags is downright insulting. Make me look like a real nutter.

Or should I say, a fake nutter. Thanks, fer that.

Ronald Fredrick "Freddie" Weasley [userpic]

So I was told there are people here that know how to tweak these godboxes. Not that I don't like mine, but I was thinking it would be really nifty if mine had a Scottie voiced AI user-interface. Interactive and such - and how cool would it be if when I want to activate the transportation part of the thing by saying "Beam me up, Scottie"? Haha.

Ok, ya, who do I talk to about that?

Lemme guess, G- there's a 'leaving the nest' metaphor in my future, isn't there?

Tobias' Old X-Factor/Torchwood Friends- Kyoko, Jack(s), Mia, Raven, Tree, Tosh, Ianto )

I know what I'm having!

Lucas... we need to pick out a name now.

God aka Gigi Eriksson [Dogma] [userpic]

To all of Mia Jesbar's friends, acquaintances and family )

God aka Gigi Eriksson [Dogma] [userpic]

Tessaboo&Logan )

[[Edited so Logan can see it too]]

Sylar [userpic]

God )

God )

bonnie deville [userpic]

G Mom. )


Gigi )

veronica mars [userpic]

God. )

Gigi )

God, Jesus, whoever will listen )

God )

You know, I'm getting used to this whole having kids around thing. They're adorable.

Sylar [userpic]

God. )

God. (open to Jess, also) )

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