World In Her Hands
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No candles, cakes, pranks, and no singing...

Happy Birthday.

I just got a call...a guy I know needs backup on a case in New Jersey.

New Jersey. Fantastic. The armpit of America. Hey, I heard they were looking for a new state slogan. I suggest, "New Jersey: You Can Tell By The Smell"

Dean, dude, you'd better come with, since it'd be like a pilgramage to Mecca for you. We can stop at the shrine in Sayreville then you can sacrifice a head gasket in Asbury Park. Hopefully this will please "the Boss" and you can keep rocking out in his name.

Better round up all the loose change I can find, come to think of it. Toll roads suck ass.

Dad must have fixed this lockbox with the mother of all locks. Still can’t pry it open.

In other news, this Friday the 13th, I’ve a blown out window and have dent in the truck’s passenger side roughly the size of a charging body- body was dead at the time- had no problem moving around with its buddies. Might also have something sharp-and-unsavorys lodged in the grill. Thanks for asking.

Abduction is a crime that won't go unpunished.

Don't like it here. Want some answers now.

Speakin' of ghosts- oi, Megalomaniac. Couldn't do anything about them, could you?

Tryin' to keep things 'true to character', eh? These rags is downright insulting. Make me look like a real nutter.

Or should I say, a fake nutter. Thanks, fer that.

Oh yeah, be a hunter: travel the world, try to clean interesting stains...

Filtered to the Hunters

I... I don’t know if I’m awake or dreaming anymore...
Something went very wrong a few nights ago. I think....

I think it’s spreading.

Hang on, there.

First the Roadhouse, now this?

I swear to God I haven't been drinking, but I think.. I think I'm in Utah now?

This place, it isn't Silent Hill, but it's not my apartment either. I don't have to worry about putting candles down to ward away the ghosts, but something picked me up and took me here. It wasn't that hole in my bathroom, but it was something else.

Where the hell am I?

Okay? Anyone want to explain what that was that just picked me up and threw me to who knows where, and who was responsible for this?

Thankfully, I still have my suit things.

Knew kelpies were shape-shifting sort, an' I knew bad things came in threes, but a black water-horse, a drenched large-eyed dark-haired man, and a big rig? C'mon.

Was able to revive one of the girls- drowned and half-eaten- the other...

Damn thing got away.
Least the monster’s got a face now.

Gas prices an' body-count risin’ and runnin’ outta road here, I’m open to ideas on this one, folks.

Recession or not, who says a dime doesn't go far these days?

Where am I? Step in a phone booth and– looks and smells like balmy New York day outside. Rather wish the truck and equipment wasn't back in Loredo. So this is New York, hm? Don’t suppose finding a gun shop will be a much of a challenge. Too bad when I escaped from the nest, I didn’t grab more gear and creature comforts. After five nights asleep in the (truck) cab, pillow and a blanket’s the Ritz. Just need to find myself a place to lay my head and figure this out that won’t get a bullet put through it.

Smooth, Jo. Smooth.

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