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[Sep. 10th, 2015|10:37 pm]

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I have been reading quite a bit about these things, and have yet to wrap my mind around the concept. Can someone explain to me what a 'credit card' is, and how muggles use them?
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[Aug. 21st, 2015|10:28 pm]

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How is everyone doing out there? You all look great. I wanted to wake up older, but at least I'm older than my son right now.

[Harry P.]
How are you doing? I heard you were younger. I'd love to see that.
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[Aug. 16th, 2015|02:15 pm]

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I mean...
I get that weird things happen around here because that's just life in the Wizarding World (and YES, before anyone asks, we're all looking into it).

But really? The worst part?

Glasses. I have to wear glasses again.
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[Aug. 10th, 2015|09:18 pm]

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Goddamnit, I just realized my birthday is coming up. I don't want nothin'. No presents, no parties, no surprises! (I'm looking at you Romanoff) I don't want to be reminded that I'm getting older and that the future of loss of sight and aching bones is right around the corner. Pretty soon I'll be as old as Myc and Harry...no offense lads.

When did the thought of birthdays become a bother rather than exciting? Dear lord, I am showing my age.
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[Aug. 9th, 2015|02:25 pm]

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Warded against Clint Barton )
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Happy Birthday, Harry [Jul. 31st, 2015|10:36 pm]

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In honor of your birthday!!!

Your card )

Your Gift )

Happy Birthday, Son. I am absolutely honored to call you that.
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[Jul. 27th, 2015|01:48 pm]

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Every now and again, I spend so much time in my office at work that I sort of forget that I have a home to go back to. And then, when I finally do get back there, my dishes are still waiting in the sink for me.

I think my coffee cup had a new civilization going in it and that's pretty embarrassing for a guy who's going to be thirty five in less than five days.

Which is also kind of weird to think about.

Speaking of birthdays, Neville and I will be kicking back at the Three Broomsticks on Friday evening. Stop by and say hi and have a drink if you've got the chance.
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[Jul. 20th, 2015|10:56 pm]

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Well I've just received an interesting invitation. It seems I've been recommended for something, but I'm not sure what. If that makes sense. I got an invite to an interview on Friday at 3:00pm in the Department of Mysteries. But that's all it says. It's on an official letterhead, it can't be a joke, right?

Private to Harry Potter )
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[Jul. 14th, 2015|02:15 pm]

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Because someone forgot to make the announcement of when work was suppose to begin, I find myself with an extra day of freedom! Too bad I didn't know until too late otherwise I could have met up with the group that went to Disneyland Paris! I hope everyone had a great time though!

Potter, Black, wanna head into work together tomorrow?
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[Jul. 3rd, 2015|10:34 pm]

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American's really love their independence, don't they? I mean, not that I wouldn't be the same way, growing up into it. But people are wearing the CRAZIEST things to celebrate!!

Happy 4th to all my American friends! I love the fireworks!! Disneyland really goes out of its way to celebrate!!

They're so beautiful! )

It's Mickey! )
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[Jun. 12th, 2015|10:30 pm]

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She liiiiiiives!!

Stubby said it, but I really felt like Sleeping Beauty. Who knew someone could be knocked out for that long? Well, I mean I have been hit with a Bludger before, but I was only out for a couple hours, not two days!

Anyway, I just wanted to thank everyone that came by to check in on me and for the cards and gifts. Ashamedly, most of the candies are gone, but I made sure to share with my bunk mate!

Still feeling a little bit under the weather and they want me to stay here over the weekend, so if anyone wants to come by for a visit, it would be greatly appreciated! Candies would be welcome as well. ;)
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[Jun. 10th, 2015|08:58 pm]

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I hope everyone is having a decent week? I know Hogwarts can be a stressful place during the last week before summer.
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[May. 29th, 2015|12:48 pm]

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Because I've been informed that I do technically have to make an official announcement, Scud and I got hitched yesterday.
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[May. 26th, 2015|12:29 am]

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So, er

Hello, everyone.

Before anything else, I'd like to apologize for not having made introductions earlier. I'd like to say I have a good excuse, but I'm not especially sure that I do. Not one that I'd like to get into, anyway. I hope you can all forgive me for being remiss and mostly absent. I guess -- uh. Well. I'm here now. And I'd very much like to ---

I'm here now, anyway.


I'm Harry Potter.
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