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Feb. 13th, 2015


Texts to Clint Barton (MCU)

✉ What does your schedule look like for Sunday?

Aug. 30th, 2014


( texts to regina mills )
✉ I have a proposition for you.

( texts to phil coulson )
✉ So...about that thing we talked about.

( texts to juno macguff )
✉ I think I figured something out for you.

( texts to nick fury )
✉ I think I actually qualify as an adult now.

( texts to grant ward )
✉ Don't start picking out baby stuff just yet.

May. 22nd, 2014


Texts to Regina Mills

✉ I know you and I always haven't been on the best of terms, with Snow being one of my best friends, and everything.
✉ But this isn't about anything that's ever happened in the past.
✉ I was talking to one of our newer residents, and the prospect of a carnival came up.
✉ And I was wondering, if I were to organize such an event, what kind of paperwork you would want me to fill out.
✉ Provided you'd be okay with it, of course. But it could be fun.

May. 12th, 2014


( backdated to sunday )

Mother's Day gifts from Neal and Henry )

Aug. 17th, 2013


Email to Mayor Mills

Mayor Mills, You have (1) unread message )

Aug. 12th, 2013


Regina Mills, You've got Mail! )


To the Manager of Storybrook Savings and Loan )


To: raith.thomas@storybrooke.gov
From: mills.regina@storybrooke.gov
Subject: Re: Business Permit
Attachments: Sales and Use Withholding and Service Provider Tax Registration.pdf, Application for Registration of a Mark (Doing Business As).pdf, General Business License Information.pdf

You have (1) new message(s). )

Aug. 8th, 2013


[PM to Mayor Mills]

I had made a network post the other day, inquiring about this, but it appears that things move fast here, so I thought it might be better to contact you personally. Back home, I was a nurse, but I have no credentials here. I'd really prefer to continue being a nurse, but don't know how I'd go about that here.

[PM to River Song]

I know I should have contacted you sooner and I apologize. This shouldn't have been as strange to adjust to, all things considered, but I'd like to see you. Have you spoken to Amy?

Aug. 2nd, 2013


To: mills.regina@storybrooke.gov
Cc: howlett.james@storybrooke.gov
From: pryde.katherine@storybrooke.gov
Subject: Youth Center
Attachment: youth center outline.doc, budget prospectus.doc, prospective locations.doc

you have mail )

Jul. 24th, 2013


[ (4) Messages ]

Texts to David Nolan
✉ A man named Will Graham recently came through the portals. In his home world, he was recently hospitalized after he murdered a young woman.
✉ You need to arrest him. He'll be at the Rabbit Hole with a woman named Alana Bloom.
✉ She says she's going to try to talk him into turning himself in, but I'm not taking that chance.

Jul. 22nd, 2013


E-mail sent to Regina. )


[ (2) Messages ]

Texts to Emma Swan
✉ Killian Jones and his little friend are carrying out unauthorized construction by the dock, dear.
✉ Go down there and stop them.

Jul. 18th, 2013


[ (9) New Messages ]

Texts to Emma Swan
[8:15 PM] ✉ Are you making sure that no minors are buying liquor?
[8:17 PM] ✉ If you see another bonfire, I want you to arrest them.
[8:18 PM] ✉ By arrest them, I mean arrest them all.
[8:20 PM] ✉ We cannot risk property damage to our town because of a group of portal-jumping hooligans.
[8:26 PM] ✉ Someone named Cordelia Chase wants to open a private investigation agency. I told her I would talk to you about administering an exam for her license.
[8:28 PM] ✉ I count on your good judgment to create an acceptable one.
[8:32 PM] ✉ What are you going to do about your magic, Miss Swan?
[8:34 PM] ✉ I don't want you getting emotional and firing off some bolts of lightning.
[8:38 PM] ✉ God knows you have enough impulse control problems without putting magical power in your hands.
[UNSENT] ✉ If you need a teach

Jul. 11th, 2013


email: Regina Mills | Katherine Pierce

To: mills.regina@storybrooke.gov
From: pierce.katherine@storybrooke.gov
Subject: Position in your office
Attachment: Blood & Food Supply Plans.doc, Community Garden.doc, Magic Coordination.doc, Werewolf Coordination.doc

you have 1 new message )

Jul. 10th, 2013


( Text Messages to Regina Mills ):
✉ Lunch today.
✉ Hope you didn't forget.
✉ Can I still steal you away from work?

( Text Messages to Emma Swan ):
✉ So, Regina mentioned you might have some openings in the sheriff's department.
✉ I've been working as a government agent for the past decade, and I was in the marines before that, so I have plenty of experience.
✉ I work best with a bow.